
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
* Changed "tool exec" to execute interactively instead of CID (not as child)
* Added GVM and Golang support
* Added Rust, rustup and Cargo tool support
* Fixed invalid handling of "tools" in futoin.json. Now, it expects a map
of tool=>version pairs as described in FTN16
* Fixed bug when path was not properly prepended, affects java, jdk, php
* Added --debug switch for builds
* Improved CLI docopt definition


Not secure
* Fixed gemInstallArgs issue when exported in env


Not secure
* Fixed SDKMAN tools (gradle, maven) uninstall & accidental install on "test"
* Added support for SDKMAN tool {name}Ver environment variables
* Added Ant support
* Added Scala and SBT support
* Changed CMake to build in dedicated folder and not to depend on make
* Harmonized BuildTools to cleanup in onPrepare
* Updated BuildTools tests
* Changed default tool order to 0
* Added "cid tool list" and "cid tool describe" commands
* Updated README with better description of commands
* Added basic documentation of supported tools


Not secure
* Added "cid tool (prepare|build|check|package|migrate) <tool_name>"
* Added new TestTool and MigrationTool bases
* Split onCheck/onPrepare/onBuild/onPackage/onMigrate between
BuildTool, TestTool and MigrationTool bases
* Added related constraints for base checks
* Fixed not to try execution of user-supplied overrides for "cid tool *"
* Added missing pacman/emerge info in readme
* Added _loadJSONConfig() internal API & minor refactoring
* Fixed to ignore failure of missing config load (e.g. npm as dep of bower)
* Implemented BuilTool unit tests and fixed: Bundler, CMake,
Grunt (CLI install), Gulp
* Added SDKMAN, zip and unzip tools
* Added experimental Java JRE & JDK support
* Added Gradle & Maven support


Not secure
* Added experimental Gentoo Linux support
* Added ArchLinux support
* Fixed Git checkout logic to avoid loose of not pushed changes
* Changed VCS tools not to have side-effects on CWD and always obey wcDir


Not secure
* Fixed system gem to properly use --no-document vs --no-rdoc --no-ri
depending on version (fixes Ubuntu Trusty)
* Fixed system gems to installed into GEM_HOME with --no-format-executable
(fixes OpenSUSE)
* Added make and cmake support
* Fixed "post deps" algorithm to properly unwind full tree again
* Added cidTool & added cid as post dep for virtualenv to resolve
issues with calling cid with virtualenv enabled
* Updated unit tests to properly pip-install cid from sources before testing

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