
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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CHANGED: major redesign of environ handling not to affect the running CID instance
CHANGED: major change to CID-in-virtualenv situation (proxy call to outside CID)
FIXED: SDKMAN tool handling issues due to its changes
FIXED: to use rcpupdate=false for SDKMAN setup
FIXED: to use webpack-cli due to changes in webpack
FIXED: Maven Central to use HTTPS
NEW: FTN16 v1.3 .spaRoutes support


FIXED: devserve to properly enforce "dev" env type
NEW: puppet tool can act as RMS for Forge upload


FIXED: to support new bundler vendor folder layout


FIXED: to work with system nginx at Ubuntu


FIXED: to obey prepare overrides in ci_build


FIXED: SDKMAN_DIR to be set in environment setup

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