dc49c7c9 Use built-in Material for Mkdocs linked content tabs instead of `sphinx-design` tabs
d06d385e Upgrade to latest version of `sphinx-immaterial`
9e259559 Remove `pytest-benchmark` from `[dev]` dependencies until fixed
4fbc26fc Add more debug for docs build on package release
954742d5 Upgrade `actions/download-artifact` to v3
10aefa17 Upgrade `actions/upload-artifact` to v3
e3dc09a5 Upgrade `codecov/codecov-action` to v3
4f4b4c39 Upgrade `tj-action/glob` action to v15
6fe28de2 Upgrade GitHub Actions `set-output` command
29f2ff5d Upgrade `setup-python` action to v4
e3af9944 Fix NumPy `set_printoptions()` demo
bc72d182 Fix display of union "short" type annotations in Sphinx
bee9b753 Use PEP 585 type annotations in documentation
bbc06f1d Add `SPHINX_BUILD` flag back
5991ae29 Use `Self` type hint throughout library
2a4d9456 Require `typing_extensions` 4.0.0 or greater for `Self`
46ef7beb Minor modification to `ValueError` messages
8677e90d Fix potentially unbound variable
78ec48cc Fix dangerous default value of empty dict
f7b5c8ec Convert `List[a, b]` to `list[a, b]`
3aefcea2 Convert `Tuple[a, b]` to `tuple[a, b]`
0a4ec798 Convert `Optional[a]` to `a | None`
a9a765ef Convert `Union[a, b]` to `a | b`
79655f22 Move view without verification to `Array` to fix type hinting
0eacac36 Run unit tests for code coverage on `master`
05f8c5e4 Run package build CI on `master`
76a98221 Run linting CI on `master`
72ee31da Use v3 of the `checkout` GitHub action
5e50c810 Add workflow dispatch to build versioned docs on demand