
Latest version: v0.4.2

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c2e3def Update feature list
98b9f3f Make `GF()` docstring more readable with a tab set
a401abf Document poly arithmetic only on the Basic Usage page
3edc4e9 Remove `galois.pow()`, instead use built-in `pow()`
7f8ce52 Define `Poly.__index__()` to support `bin()`, `oct()`, and `hex()`
6816adc Remove unnecessary `__ne__()` definition
45db3a5 Rename `Poly.Integer` to `Poly.Int`
d05ce1b Replace `Poly.integer` with `int(poly)`
4a3ff9d Rename `Poly.String()` to `Poly.Str()`
47eb6f5 Replace `Poly.string` with `str(poly)`
af3e6ee Remove unused section in API reference
7c2b1f0 Do not fail CI if codecov fails to upload
d3be8ab Complete overhaul of LFSRs and fix bug when `p > 2`
f691bb5 Memoize slow polynomial search functions
2bd30ef Differentiate `str()` and `repr()` for FieldArray
1b102d1 Remove unnecessary tabs in docstring
5b5c65c Replace `` with `FieldClass.__str__()`
3ec09d3 Separate `LFSR` into `FLFSR` and `GLFSR`
1a2a8e7 Build the docs with Python 3.8 on Read the Docs
b373d45 Fix properties formatting for prime fields in power display mode
3881ea0 Fix typos in finite field tutorials
1aceed0 Display type hints in API documentation
5efd39c Add tabbed sections with different reprs in basic usage
1dd41e1 Add tabbed sections with different reprs for tutorials
c63fecf Modify the CSS rules for `tab-set` from `sphinx-design`
1018fd5 Add `sphinx-design` dependency for tabbed sections
b77e999 Switch light/night mode icons
337ef93 Update BibTeX citation
88487c1 Remove unnecessary doc dependencies
005c493 Revert autosummary table fix since already fixed in upstream
5799874 Separate `Poly` class and init docstrings
5553d0f Revert use of box drawing glyphs for monospace consistency with more fonts
aaebb3d Remove NumPy reference and use Basic Usage articles instead
2f24414 Remove old basic usage file
7e19eab Fix autosummary strange line wrapping
f28176d Add more detail in the field element representation docs
603c03d Update Getting Started guide with new array `repr()`
fd9a57c Make `repr()` more efficient for large arrays
3c4c2d4 Make "poly" display mode use fixed widths
7ffd551 Make "poly" display mode more efficient for prime fields
3a0c668 Use fixed widths in "power" display mode for all array sizes
b506f1b Make `__repr__()` more efficient
6872b7a Initial docs port to `sphinx-immaterial`


48dc549 Fix irreducible and primitive polynomial degree criteria
4083e89 Add `()` to functions/methods in README
cf97f21 Add unit tests for `null_space()`
71dd31c Add `FieldArray.null_space()` method
2669826 Add unit tests for `left_null_space()`
0a103f6 Add `FieldArray.left_null_space()` method
839d621 Add unit tests for `column_space()`
3c8ced9 Add `FieldArray.column_space()` method
bfbeb31 Add unit tests for `row_space()`
7c595cc Add `FieldArray.row_space()` method
134eb7d Fix code coverage exclusion of typing overloads
5d0f353 Update codecov GitHub action version
3aa7d1b Ensure pure-Python ufuncs are performing integer arithmetic
8993630 Add more `is_powersmooth()` unit tests
9b356cb Add more `is_smooth()` unit tests
9003ed4 Rearrange prime generation and factoring code
0748408 Add more `is_monic()` unit tests
e61ba58 Accept non-monic polynomials to `is_square_free()`
322a962 Add more unit tests for testing square-free integers
0932530 Add `is_perfect_power()` unit tests
9e5fe69 Make `perfect_power()` and `is_perfect_power()` more consistent with Sage
a70d95b Add more `is_prime_power()` unit tests
2153cef Allow negative integers to `is_prime_power()`
a8fb8ef Allow negative integers to `is_composite()`
d77bb3e Add more `is_prime()` unit tests
4c16712 Allow negative integers to `is_prime()`
a55e277 Add more `next_prime()` unit tests
01a4737 Add more `prev_prime()` unit tests
7eea08a Raise `ValueError` instead of returning `None` for invalid previous prime
8b9f23c Add more `kth_prime()` unit tests
0f0d686 Add more `primes()` unit tests
19398cc Add more `is_cyclic()` unit tests
d9dfa2d Add more `carmichael_lambda()` unit tests
93d486f Add more `euler_phi()` unit tests
f8a9f24 Add unit tests for polynomial CRT
ff04822 Raise `ValueError` on polynomial CRT if remainder degrees not less than moduli degrees
91f4651 Make CRT support non-coprime moduli
005d77c Resolve pytest warnings
d68f537 Add unit tests for integer logarithms
d77b1ee Add more unit tests for integer roots
f29b0e8 Add more unit tests for integer square root
f477eae Add more unit tests for integer modular exponentiation
f61bae2 Add unit tests for integer `prod()`
12f3ca3 Add more unit tests for integer LCM
e90d43e Add more unit tests for integer extended GCD
2d4f210 Remove old poly evaluation at matrices unit tests
1166dbe Add more primitive polynomial unit tests
d3ad835 Add more irreducible polynomial unit tests
d34b654 Add more unit tests for polynomial modular exponentiation
5344660 Add unit tests for `` with polynomials
a5d9dd2 Add unit tests for polynomial LCM
15b4c7f Add more polynomial GCD unit tests
f1452f6 Clean up test vector generation script
0140a45 Add more `Poly.derivative()` unit tests
5780e1e Add more `Poly.roots()` unit tests
8355743 Add unit tests for polynomial reversals
09f984b Add unit tests for poly evaluation at square matrices
e78d46f Increase linear algebra code coverage
53d6b0e Support non-square matrices for LU and PLU decomposition
fccdf0d Instruct code coverage to ignore typing overloads
f27480c Add more `np.linalg.solve()` unit tests
edd2e0f Add more matrix determinant unit tests
f1561b4 Add unit tests for matrix inverses
991feb7 Refactor `lup_decompose()` into `plu_decompose()`
f4a2cc7 Add more `lu_decompose()` unit tests
84eaaf6 Add unit tests for `row_reduce()`
a8ac0e6 Add more matrix multiplication unit tests
6f64f2d Add more `field_norm()` unit tests
95d80ef Add more `field_trace()` unit tests
51c4362 Add more `minimal_poly()` unit tests for 0-D scalars
4879587 Add more `characteristic_poly()` unit tests for matrices
8147946 Add more `characteristic_poly()` unit tests for 0-D scalars
b6abfc2 Add more `multiplicative_order()` unit tests
a00e496 Add more `additive_order()` unit tests
5a002d4 Rename field fixtures for unit tests
767588c Move unit test LUT folders
bf6d120 Make each unit test LUT reproducible with unique seed
a5e6386 Resolve `NumbaIRAssumptionWarning`
70dc6e2 Support polynomial scalar multiplication
0a37672 Add unit tests for Galois field class properties
2eea839 Add back erroneously-deleted `multiplicative_inverse.pkl` generation
9904f57 Use poly comparison with 0 and 1 throughout library
51135fd Support `Poly` equals comparison with scalars
21b2487 Change `np.sqrt()` error to `ArithmeticError`
82b938e Add unit tests for `np.sqrt()`
eaad6da Support `np.sqrt()` on Galois field arrays
a41cd7c Fix other type hints for `shape`
14a1547 Add unit tests for quadratic residues
c26143c Add `FieldClass.quadratic_non_residues`
ef7f9b7 Add `FieldClass.quadratic_residues`
8c00cb2 Add `FieldArray.is_quadratic_residue()`
3c49aa7 Fix `shape` type hint
ce0ad6b Speed up `FieldArray.multiplicative_order()` when LUTs are available
89ad6a5 Support `prev_prime(n)` for arbitrarily-large `n`
a1fc17d Support `next_prime(n)` for arbitrarily-large `n`
50eb7e8 Fix bug in field trace/norm tests
1ee3f8e Add unit tests for `FieldArray.additive_order()`
5cf3082 Add `FieldArray.additive_order()`
8d989dd Add unit tests for `FieldArray.multiplicative_order()`
8a247a9 Add `FieldArray.multiplicative_order()`
04539f7 Fix type hint for NumPy integer types
54e99b7 Move `galois.minimal_poly()` to `FieldArray.minimal_poly()`
db133a6 Add unit tests for characteristic poly of finite field elements
f2e5492 Add ability to compute characteristic polynomial of a finite field element
b57d6e9 Add ability to evaluate polynomials at square matrices
0bd8b61 Add `__len__` special method to docs
5cc3560 Add `__call__` special method to docs
29aa072 Add missing dependency to min-requirements.txt
f3d9984 Add unit tests for `lagrange_poly()`
1b63538 Add `lagrange_poly` function
f78cb64 Add non constant-time disclaimer to README


6812dc4 Remove unneeded variable
a3bb6fc Remove unnecessary pytest markers


1d144e2 Minor documentation tweaks
e1b499c Fix typo in docs build instructions
e4618a9 Add seed kwarg to Poly.Random()
ffe78b4 Add unit tests Random constructor with seed
6b00496 Use new numpy.random.default_rng()


803c872 Clarify warnings in `FieldClass` and `FieldArray` docstrings
eff2ce7 Fix `FieldClass` and `FieldArray` class docstrings
743a265 Fix LFSR class docstrings
32f0b1f Fix Reed Solomon creation and docstring placement
1f6e582 Fix BCH creation and docstring placement
ded3e3a Update Twitter badge style in README
354f221 Fix display of logo on PyPI's website


c14f2ca Pin Numba less than 0.54 until warnings resolved
9efc6e5 Clean-up Galois field array JIT functions
60f83fd Add CITATION file
e57e2d3 Add extra PyPI project URLs
e3c8ff2 Add Twitter badge
16645b5 Remove known mirrors from PyPI downloads badge
7571004 Link `galois` object to API reference in docs
902e6e6 Greatly clean-up Galois field arithmetic functions/classes
5e5c6a8 Fix linter warning
0722d5e Add v2 of logo with smaller Rubik's cube
8d810da Ignore abstract methods in code coverage
575354e Remove lint badge from README
1a459a7 Make `is_square_free()` work on polynomials
b286baa Add polymorphic functions for ints and polys
41d6784 Add `<meta>` HTML tag to README
e486eaa Reset display mode to integer representation in docs
dcabb11 Increase code coverage for poly constructors
efcb9a9 Make `poly_factors()` work over extension fields
ffea5b7 Fix bug in p-th root of polynomial
7688cc2 Support primitive polynomials over extension fields
4f7cbd1 Support irreducible polynomials over extension fields
c5f7056 Fix `poly_factors()` for prime fields
53f3b37 Fix bug in equal-degree factorization
eb4ed74 Make unit tests require successful lint stage
510864b Restructure fields and polys subpackages
defea3d Restructure code and clean-up circular dependencies
bf0b27a Fix `field` docstring in `Poly.Degrees()`
cee6904 Add polynomial equal-degree factorization
c84e09a Add polynomial distinct-degree factorization
5d7ab83 Add polynomial square-free factorization
3ce5fd9 Fix display of logo on PyPI's website

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