
Latest version: v0.3.10

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dcc3598 Add CHANGELOG
170841c Support poly and scalar field element arithmetic
65db10c Allow polynomial creation from single integers
5e263a1 Only allow polynomial equality comparison with other polynomials
41e0a35 Support poly and single field element arithmetic
bb8bf7f Reorganize API reference
4c44bb0 Create base classes Array, Meta, Ufunc, and Func for use by other algebraic structures
8029a5e Move Galois field modules into field/ folder
a0407d7 Add naive algorithm for discrete logarithms
67864fb Add Oakley groups
368d0a4 Rename primality test functions
5358495 Add Mersenne prime functions to API reference
73b3fb5 Add alias of `pow` for modular exponentiation
588af9f Organize API reference into sections
6b02e94 Speed-up GF(p^m) arithmetic by working with vectors in GF(p)
656671f Minor README updates
32adea6 Disable reduction ufunc methods on "power" and "log"
878444e Verify ufunc method for unary operators
cfb58d1 Add np.positive ufunc support
ec683c0 Use XOR ufuncs on object arrays for GF(2^m)
5bb3721 Remove "negative" ufunc for characteristic-2 fields
6d36014 Use explicit calculation when faster than lookup tables for GF(2^m)
275848d Use explicit calculation when faster than lookup tables for GF(p)
f69ad89 Fix newline in release notes
ea6e6a8 Reorganize functions that compile ufuncs
f3bf3fe Update performance examples in docs
e89b839 Add linear algebra performance to docs
2aca943 Add JIT-compiled matmul function for massive speed-up
bea1d6e Use native np.convolve for extremely large prime fields
03791e5 Avoid strange bug with LAPACK linear algebra
00c873f Clean up input checking for a few functions
9375606 Suppress verbose mode in pytest
f11dba2 Add np.convolve() support and speed-up for prime fields
0cfa1fe Speed-up poly arithmetic with JIT-compiled functions
88812d7 Add performance analysis script for poly implementations
a0be93c Speed up poly eval constant unit test
663eac1 Fix bug where BinaryPoly fast arithmetic wasn't getting invoked
c137488 Better instantiate dictionaries
a3581c7 Remove unnecessary test fixture that wastes time
740fa46 Speed up slow logarithm test
738503d Make separate test file for modular arithmetic functions
a4d5d7e Rename poly_exp_mod() to poly_pow()
c2cf712 Run GF arithmetic unit tests over random dtype, not all dtypes


30c110d Fix bug in multiply.outer unit test
9e10d56 Update pypi metadata
c43123c Remove explicit scalar_multiply ufunc
179972c Make prime factorization more robust
1567312 Use native numpy bitwise_xor for add/subtract in GF(2^m)
5a514c5 Remove unnecessary view of inputs to ndarray
e02c69f Move exception raising into numba ufuncs for speed-up
517eeee Reduce exponents mod p-1 in GF(p) for a speed-up
142396d Make crt() support arbitrarily-large integers
013d83a Rename chinese_remainder_theorem() to crt()
859115b Make multiplicative inverse in prime fields faster
7f6cfff Greatly speed up is_primitive() by only checking prime factors of p^n - 1
e7a74bb Minor documentation updates
bcc5d76 Add abstract class section in API reference
d836910 Add list of contributors in release
b0404d3 Add future roadmap to README
6982345 Make linear algebra more efficient in prime fields
42481e3 Further numba optimzations for GF(2)
5b2ca0d Additional poly_gcd() bug fix
e7a8688 Unit test added for modified poly_gcd() and fixed linting errors
5f5fb4a Return weighted coefficient polynomials from galois.poly_gcd()
ba659b2 Standardized output datatype of galois.poly_gcd() to only return galois.DensePoly objects
73c2598 Add unit tests for numpy functions on Galois field arrays
ae7af2b Fix bug in poly copy method
f381cfc Fix bug in calculating degree of a binary polynomial
0d88ad4 Add GF(p^m) fields
7645b75 Ensure exponents are not field elements
bb5d9d0 Rename test data folder
5f5abc4 Disable more unsupported numpy functions
a29b6be Add Galois quote to doc homepage
5461c17 Rename Eye() to Identity()
0f63f30 Support np.outer()
56e628d Support np.inner()
0a76b53 Support
dfe4160 Add methods to convert between Galois field vector spaces
2587f29 Remove convolution for multiplying GF(2) polys in place of BinaryPoly
0f3a970 Set the module of public functions/classes to the their public signature
bd5fcc4 Rename multiple_add to scalar_multiply
059db9c Rename ground_field to prime_subfield
7a7b9c1 Add unit tests for GF(2^8) with non-primitive polynomial
7ef9ea0 Replace np.all with np.array_equal
23dc9e7 Fix bug in log of Galois field arrays with objects
66d3132 Add check if an integer is B-smooth
9c0cfd2 Add Vandermonde matrix GFArray constructor
28b460e Add function to generate random prime of given bit length
f1dd0ec Add power representation display mode to README
12689db Add BinaryPoly implementation for speed-ups of poly arithmetic in GF(2)
5706f32 Ensure matrices are invertible so linalg docs build
81af4b7 Rearrange polynomial inheritance
fc8f062 Remove some modulo operations for speed ups in prime fields
153b051 Add power representation display mode
6f8e77b Fix bug where log was returning field elements not integers
2cac803 Speed up GF(2^m) lookup table construction
ef14e17 Multiply polys over GF(2) using FFT-based convolution
d4dd3e0 Fix bug in multiplication over GF(2^m) with alpha != 2
98d8c44 Make GCD more compact


cd80d90 Remove erroneous print statement
53b0d6c Update basic usage documentation
5546f81 Rename target() to compile()
3898bc1 Add linear algebra routines
7f267a9 Add matmul ufunc
eacc4d8 Add performance speed tests
11870d3 Clean up some docstrings
b88030a Hide class inheritance from docs
c516d79 Update performance section in README
98bd78e Rework GFArray ufuncs for better performance
8555567 Rework method of retargeting Galois field arrays
12375f9 Add polynomial monic check function
7e6c383 Add identity matrix constructor
1bf7a97 Add reciprocal ufunc
96c418c Allow polynomial string inputs for Galois field arrays
d78997d Cleanup build lookup table process
0e244da Add LCM function for arbitrarily-large integers
d070b36 Use metaclasses to refactor Galois field arrays
0ab8b79 Move math routines in _math module
06a26f7 Make alpha the default polynomial indeterminate
e201c05 Add class property that displays all GF properties in one formatted string
4e1ff40 Rename some GF array modules
462db39 Remove factors()
22d0842 Protect GFArray class attributes
2704ffa Have SparsePoly arithmetic return either dense or sparse polys
b6a0668 Cleanup documentation and various docstrings
0da73b8 Run tests against wheels not source code


884f2a8 Fix packaging of database and version.txt file
a4b4601 Add multiplicities kwarg to Roots constructor
292599d Speed up Rabin's irreducibility test
075a420 Support integer square root of python long integers
c4cd323 Add Mersenne primes
9569cd3 Add polynomial irreducibility test
4020938 Fix math typos
0d0e4c9 Fix bug in poly_gcd() of 1
3ac0489 Add poly_exp_mod() function
a4f36ca Refactor unit testing of GFArray construction
8e29fca Update Poly docstrings
9d45faa Add docs build github workflow
9f2c495 Refactor Poly into DensePoly and SparsePoly
3d06e78 Ensure object GFArrays are written to with ints
436f4d3 Update test vectors for better power and divmod coverage
0cc102e Make field kwargs consistent
fa63608 Add ability to set Poly.field
2aaee4f Improve poly coeffs property getters/setters
082e28e Fix bug in prime factorization of 1
5f3edf3 Cleanup conway_poly() function
61db57b Use square and multiply algorithm for poly exponentiation
11c3941 Cleanup poly arithmetic methods
cd77684 Make polynomials hashable
77551db Add polynomial GCD function
3086b10 Move autosummary build folder
8930f74 Remove GCD function and just keep extended GCD
317d154 Rearrange algorithms for modular arithmetic
c9b0e24 Rename gcd() functions
16a8674 Rename GF_factory() to GF()
c589f8b Add versioning info to README
8d2deb7 Make GF array class string mimic np.ndarray
a42fdc7 Use single argument order for GF_factory()
d21a8b8 Fix singleton use with Conway poly database
905e39c Add ability to compute the multiplicity of polynomial roots
aca6b0a Add method to calculate the formal derivative of a polynomial
0a05299 Clarify polynomial docstrings
0f37c4b Use GF(2^8) for polynomial examples
931e7f9 Add random polynomial constructor
1682497 Add method to compute the roots of a polynomial
e9b66a3 Add prime sieve and remove static lookup table
d54a6a3 Test for exceptions in package functions
4b5ef0a Cleanup exception messages
25e6a6a Add totatives() function
79aefd8 Add is_primitive_root() function
b123272 Generalize finding primitive roots
1f7d70b Remove modular_exp() in favor of native pow()
7f68ea7 Add image of Evariste Galois to docs homepage
de77b48 Rename API reference page
fc18310 Add development guide
7bbfb81 Use `python3 -m pip` instead of `pip3`
282c006 Add explicit requirements files for linting, testing, and docs
2bdde9b Add more detail to README
73eee12 Increase code coverage on primitive_root()
6813b91 Increase code coverage on galois.Poly
d3c56fa Increase code coverage on conway_poly()
73e6035 Increase code coverage on GF_factory()
2f2903c Increase code coverage in
760d6e3 Add optional numpy keywords to array creation


d18b7e3 Make display() method a context manager
a6051d0 Add more examples to documentation
4ee9d77 Hide GF2m and GFp abstract classes from documentation
2c04b2f Rename Poly.NonZero() to Poly.Degrees()
4a8e16a Rename poly "decimal" representation to "integer" representation
2585cf0 Add constructors to galois.Poly
7c9fc67 Additional workaround for strange equality inconsistency in 37
eb10b1e Workaround for strange equality inconsistency in 37
c7a94f5 Instruct pytest-cov to not cover JIT-ed functions
276f923 Place examples in sphinx admonition
3012094 Add Range() method to GF fields
25b7d7d Add fields/ and polys/ test folders
477ee1c Update package's pypi keywords


ba585f2 Refactor sphinx documentation
3d1f7cf Organize the unit tests
db74ffe Add support for arbitrarily-large fields using dtype=object ndarrays
5b0e4d3 Suppress superfluous overflow warning
ded4d55 Greatly improve algorithm for finding a primitive root mod prime n
3d43a81 Add efficient primality tests
3c1682c Change pygments style for sphinx docs
ff79062 Rename GFBase to GF
1898d4e Add tutorial on field element display modes
fa6f254 Add ability to display field elements as integers or polynomials

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