4270191 Use LaTeX math in old release notes
9e6fdaf Allow `$...$` math notation in `.md` documents
b0ff7fd Update Sphinx Immaterial to remove rubrics from left TOC
97eb7a2 Add `FieldArray` class and instance pickling unit tests
3fc1cbb Support pickling `FieldArray` subclasses and instances
d94c3b6 Rename `FieldArray.quadratic_non_residues` to `FieldArray.non_squares`
ea714b3 Rename `FieldArray.quadratic_residues` to `FieldArray.squares`
2c33d99 Rename `FieldArray.is_quadratic_residue()` to `FieldArray.is_square()`
ce1e4cf Revert minor README edit
80f1e79 Minor README edit (to test `--ff-only` merge)
5540337 Fix error in `--ff-only` merge action
61b03be Add fast-forward merge GitHub action for PRs
7781e01 Add support for Numba 0.56.x
a291a0e Move lookup table construction to `_lookup.py`
7f28770 Add Pohlig-Hellman discrete logarithm
b5d452c Rename variables to be consistent with textbook algorithm
106dc72 Add CRT helper JIT function
198b1b3 Add unit test for Pollard-rho logarithm
1957c25 Add Pollard-rho discrete logarithm for some `GF(2^m)` fields
7dbe38f Ensure lookup tables were created before compiling lookup ufuncs
ed5b9e4 Add unit test for arbitrary logarithm
e12d3a4 Add arbitrary logarithm in `FieldArray.log`
036d3eb Raise an arithmetic error is log base non-primitive element
b3fb252 Reorganize default ufunc dispatcher definitions
182a493 Update benchmark stats
7b26bc6 Add square-and-multiply helper ufunc
7878c7a Use Itoh-Tsujii inversion algorithm for reciprocal in extension fields