
Latest version: v2.36.0

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* This release adds a behaviour change to the ``.all()`` method on resource
Query objects. Prior to this release, the base Resource Query object would
retain any previously added ``filter`` values, and be used in subsequent
calls. Now the underlying filters are reset after a ``<resource>.all()`` call
is made.

See `Issue 76`_ and `PR 77`_ for details and the resulting fix.

* Adds missing fields to the Agency and Flight Service resources (PR/78)

.. _`Issue 76`:
.. _`PR 77`:



* Add ``agency`` field to ``Booking`` resource.



* Add test fix for Accommodation. It is a listable resource as of ``2.7.4``
* Add regression test for departures.addon.product model
* Ensure Addon's are instantiated to the correct underlying model.
* Prior to this release, all Addon.product resources were instantiated as



* Add ``videos``, ``images``, and ``categories`` to ``Activity``, ``Transport``,
``Place``, and ``Accommodation Dossier`` resources.
* Add ``flags`` to Itinerary resource
* Add list view of ``Accommodations`` resource



* Add ``type`` field to ``AgencyDocument`` model
* Add ``structured_itinerary`` model collection field to ``Departure`` resource



* Fix flight_status Reference value in FlightService resource

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