
Latest version: v2.36.0

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* Completely remove the deprecated ``add_ons`` field from the Departure resource
* Add missing fields to various Dossier resources

* AccommodationDossier: ``flags``, ``is_prepaid``, ``service_time``, ``show_on_reservation_sheet``
* ActivityDossier: ``is_prepaid``, ``service_time``, ``show_on_reservation_sheet``
* CountryDossier: ``flags``
* PlaceDossier: ``flags``
* TransportDossier: ``flags``

* Add ``valid_during_ranges`` list field to the Itinerary resource. This field is
a list field of the newly added ``ValidDuringRange`` model (described below)
* Add ``ValidDuringRange`` model. It consists of two date fields, ``start_date``,
and ``end_date``. It also provides a number of convenience methods to determine
if the date range provided is valid, or relative to some date.

* ``is_expired``: Is it expired relative to ````
* ``is_valid_today``: Is it valid relative to ````
* ``is_valid_during_range``: Is it valid for some give start/end date range
* ``is_valid_on_or_after_date``: Is it valid on or after some date
* ``is_valid_on_or_before_date``: Is it valid on or before some date
* ``is_valid_on_date``: Is it valid on some date
* ``is_valid_sometime``: Is it valid at all



* Add ``country`` reference to ``Nationality`` resource.
* Moved ``resources/bookings/`` to ``resources/geo/*``.



* Check for presence of ``id`` field directly in the Resource ``__dict__`` in
order to prevent a chicken/egg situation when attempting to ``save``. This is
needed due to the change introduced in 2.14.4, where we explicitly raise an
AttributeError when trying to access the ``id`` attribute.
* Added ``service_code`` field for Activty & Accommodation Dossier resources.



* deleted



* Raise an ``AttributeError`` when trying to access ``id`` on
* Don't send duplicate params when paginating through list results.
* Implement ``first()`` method for ``Query``.



* Expose Linked Bookings via the API.

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