
Latest version: v2.36.0

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* Added new resource, ``AgencyChain``



The global reference to the last instantiated ``Client`` has been removed. It
is now mandatory to pass in a Client instance when instantiating a ``Model`` or

In practice, this should not introduce too many changes in codebases that are
using ``gapipy``, since most resource interacation happens through a ``Client``
instance (e.g. ````, or ``api.customers.create({...})``),
instead of being instantiated independently. The one possible exception is unit
testing: in that case, ```` can be useful.

The global variable was causing issues with connection pooling when multiple
client with different configurations were used at the same time.



* Added new resource, ``DossierFeature``



* Adopted `Semantic Versioning`_ for this project.

.. warning:: BREAKING!

* Refactored how the cache key is set. This is a breaking change for any
modules that implemented their own cache interface. The cache modules are
no longer responsible for defining the cache value, but simply storing
whatever it is given into cache. The ``Query`` object now introduces a
``query_key`` method which generates the cache key sent to the cache

.. _`Semantic Versioning`:



* Added better error handling to ````. An AttributeError raised when
instantiating a resource won't be shadowed by the except block anymore.



* Fixed a regression bug when initializing DepartureServiceRoom model.

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