
Latest version: v2.36.0

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* Fixed: Due to inconsistencies in the G API with regards to nested resources,
the ``fetch`` function was modified to use the raw data from the API, rather
than a specific set of allowed fields.



* Fixed: Iterating over ``products`` within the ``promotions`` object now works
as expected. Previously, accessing the ``products`` attribute would result in
a Query object with incorrect parameters.



* Support free to amount price range formatting (e.g. Free-10CAD)



* Added ``duration_min`` & ``duration_max`` to ``ActivityDossier`` model



* Added ``OptionalActivity`` model
* All Dossiers with ``details``:
* Now represented as list of ``DossierDetail`` models
* Added convenience methods for retrieving specific details
* ``ItineraryComponent`` and ``ActivityDossier`` use new ``Duration`` model
for their ``duration`` field/property
* Added ``duration_label`` and ``location_label`` to ``ItineraryComponent``
* Added ``duration_label``, ``price_per_person_label``, and
``price_per_group_label`` to ``ActivityDossier``



* Added ``name`` field to the Itinerary resource.

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