
Latest version: v3.7.0

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Fixed bug for multi-freq json analysis instructions when there are no Beidou data.
Even if there were no Beidou data in the RINEX file, gnssir will fail.


New pypi with a successful automated build


New pypi build, working on automating build.


Uploaded this version to pypi on December 26, 2022


Fixed bug in -dec option in gnssir. Previously failed if the data were not multi-GNSS.


New Feature:

New command line tool - quickplt. It will plot plain text files,
presumably time series on x-axis - will convert to datetime, reverse sign
of the y-values etc.



* Subdaily writes out evenly sampled results if requested. This is from
a spline fit - to the reflector height observations and thus is dependent
on the assumption that the water level is smooth.


* Fixed a bug for delTmax in quickLook that had been changed to 45 minutes -
returned it to 75 minutes to accommondate snow/soil moisture applications.
I had fixed it in make_json_input, but not in quickLook.

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