
Latest version: v3.7.0

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* Added azlist to make_json_input command line. This means you can control
the azimuth regions without editing the json file. Thre regions are entered in
pairs, i.e. 0 90 180 270 would be the northeast and southwest regions.

* Added frlist to make_json_input command line. This allows simpler access to
the multi-constellation frequencies, i.e. 1,2,101,102 would be the original
GPS and Glonass frequencies.


* I had tried out making delTmax input for gnssir to 45 minutes, but that is way too short for soil moisture.
I put it back to 75 minutes. For sea level studies where you expect tidal ranges to be significant over
an arc, you should be careful with this parameter.



* Fixed output in subdaily. The file with the IF correction was wrong.



* The Files directory was getting too cluttered. I now create and use
a subdirectory for results. The subdirectory is the same as the 4 character
station name unless subdir is chosen on the command line. This has been
linked for vwc, daily_avg, subdaily and the plots for quickLook

* added IF bias correction to subdaily


* csv outputs are currently not working in subdaily.





* Rewrote the spline fit used in subdaily. It no longer cuts off data at the
beginning and end of the data series.

* Output files are written with the are interfrequency bias corrected relative to L1.
This output is written to a new column.

* Improved the document header for the RHdot correction

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