
Latest version: v4.37.1

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New Features:

Introducing a new `gr.ChatInterface` abstraction, which allows Gradio users to build fully functioning Chat interfaces very easily. The only required parameter is a chat function `fn`, which accepts a (string) user input `message` and a (list of lists) chat `history` and returns a (string) response. Here's a toy example:

import gradio as gr

def echo(message, history):
return message

demo = gr.ChatInterface(fn=echo, examples=["hello", "hola", "merhaba"], title="Echo Bot")

Which produces:

<img width="1291" alt="image" src="">

And a corresponding easy-to-use API at `/chat`:

<img width="1164" alt="image" src="">

The `gr.ChatInterface` abstraction works nicely with various LLM libraries, such as `langchain`. See the [dedicated guide]( for more examples using `gr.ChatInterface`. Collective team effort in [PR 4869](

- Chatbot messages now show hyperlinks to download files uploaded to `gr.Chatbot()` by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 4848](
- Cached examples now work with generators and async generators by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4927](
- Add RTL support to `gr.Markdown`, `gr.Chatbot`, `gr.Textbox` (via the `rtl` boolean parameter) and text-alignment to `gr.Textbox`(via the string `text_align` parameter) by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4933](

Examples of usage:

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Textbox(interactive=True, text_align="right")

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("سلام", rtl=True)

- The `get_api_info` method of `Blocks` now supports layout output components [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4871](

- Added the support for the new command `gradio environment`to make it easier for people to file bug reports if we shipped an easy command to list the OS, gradio version, and versions of gradio/gradio-client dependencies. bu [varshneydevansh]( in [PR 4915](

Bug Fixes:

- The `.change()` event is fixed in `Video` and `Image` so that it only fires once by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4793](
- The `.change()` event is fixed in `Audio` so that fires when the component value is programmatically updated by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4793](

* Add missing `display: flex` property to `Row` so that flex styling is applied to children by [hannahblair] in [PR 4896](
* Fixed bug where `gr.Video` could not preprocess urls by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4904](
* Fixed copy button rendering in API page on Safari by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4924](
* Fixed `gr.Group` and `container=False`. `container` parameter only available for `Textbox`, `Number`, and `Dropdown`, the only elements where it makes sense. By [aliabid94]( in [PR 4916](
* Fixed broken image link in auto-generated `` from `ThemeClass.push_to_hub` by [deepkyu]( in [PR 4944](

Other Changes:

- Warning on mobile that if a user leaves the tab, websocket connection may break. On broken connection, tries to rejoin queue and displays error conveying connection broke. By [aliabid94]( in [PR 4742](
- Remove blocking network calls made before the local URL gets printed - these slow down the display of the local URL, especially when no internet is available. [aliabid94]( in [PR 4905](
- Pinned dependencies to major versions to reduce the likelihood of a broken `gradio` due to changes in downstream dependencies by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4885](
- Queue `max_size` defaults to parent Blocks `max_thread` when running on Spaces with ZeroGPU hardware. By [cbensimon]( in [PR 4937](

Breaking Changes:

Motivated by the release of `pydantic==2.0`, which included breaking changes that broke a large number of Gradio apps, we've pinned many gradio dependencies. Note that pinned dependencies can cause downstream conflicts, so this may be a breaking change. That being said, we've kept the pins pretty loose, and we're expecting change to be better for the long-term stability of Gradio apps.


Not secure
New Features:

- Hotfix to support pydantic v1 and v2 by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4835](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix bug where `gr.File` change event was not triggered when the value was changed by another event by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4811](

Other Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

- The `gr.Video`, `gr.Audio`, `gr.Image`, `gr.Chatbot`, and `gr.Gallery` components now include a share icon when deployed on Spaces. This behavior can be modified by setting the `show_share_button` parameter in the component classes. by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4651](
- Allow the web component `space`, `src`, and `host` attributes to be updated dynamically by [pngwn]( in [PR 4461](
- Suggestion for Spaces Duplication built into Gradio, by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4458](
- The `api_name` parameter now accepts `False` as a value, which means it does not show up in named or unnamed endpoints. By [abidlabs]( in [PR 4683](
- Added support for `pathlib.Path` in `gr.Video`, `gr.Gallery`, and `gr.Chatbot` by [sunilkumardash9]( in [PR 4581](

Bug Fixes:

- Updated components with `info` attribute to update when `update()` is called on them. by [jebarpg]( in [PR 4715](
- Ensure the `Image` components undo button works mode is `mask` or `color-sketch` by [amyorz]( in [PR 4692](
- Load the iframe resizer external asset asynchronously, by [akx]( in [PR 4336](
- Restored missing imports in `gr.components` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4566](
- Fix bug where `select` event was not triggered in `gr.Gallery` if `height` was set to be large with `allow_preview=False` by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4551](
- Fix bug where setting `visible=False` in `gr.Group` event did not work by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4567](
- Fix `make_waveform` to work with paths that contain spaces [akx]( in [PR 4570]( & [PR 4578](
- Send captured data in `stop_recording` event for `gr.Audio` and `gr.Video` components by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4554](
- Fix bug in `gr.Gallery` where `height` and `object_fit` parameters where being ignored by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4576](
- Fixes an HTML sanitization issue in DOMPurify where links in markdown were not opening in a new window by [hannahblair] in [PR 4577](
- Fixed Dropdown height rendering in Columns by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4584](
- Fixed bug where `AnnotatedImage` css styling was causing the annotation masks to not be displayed correctly by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4628](
- Ensure that Gradio does not silently fail when running on a port that is occupied by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4624](
- Fix double upload bug that caused lag in file uploads by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4661](
- `Progress` component now appears even when no `iterable` is specified in `tqdm` constructor by [itrushkin]( in [PR 4475](
- Deprecation warnings now point at the user code using those deprecated features, instead of Gradio internals, by ( in [PR 4694](
- Adapt column widths in gr.Examples based on content by [pngwn]( & [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 4700](
- The `plot` parameter deprecation warnings should now only be emitted for `Image` components by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4709](
- Removed uncessessary `type` deprecation warning by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4709](
- Ensure Audio autoplays works when `autoplay=True` and the video source is dynamically updated [pngwn]( in [PR 4705](
- When an error modal is shown in spaces, ensure we scroll to the top so it can be seen by [pngwn]( in [PR 4712](
- Update depedencies by [pngwn]( in [PR 4675](
- Fixes `gr.Dropdown` being cutoff at the bottom by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4691](
- Scroll top when clicking "View API" in spaces by [pngwn]( in [PR 4714](
- Fix bug where `show_label` was hiding the entire component for `gr.Label` by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4713](
- Don't crash when uploaded image has broken EXIF data, by [akx]( in [PR 4764](
- Place toast messages at the top of the screen by [pngwn]( in [PR 4796](
- Fix regressed styling of Login page when auth is enabled by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4797](
- Prevent broken scrolling to output on Spaces by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4822](

Other Changes:

- Add `.git-blame-ignore-revs` by [akx]( in [PR 4586](
- Update frontend dependencies in [PR 4601](
- Use `typing.Literal` where possible in gradio library and client by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4608](
- Remove unnecessary mock json files for frontend E2E tests by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 4625](
- Update dependencies by [pngwn]( in [PR 4643](
- The theme builder now launches successfully, and the API docs are cleaned up. By [abidlabs]( in [PR 4683](
- Remove `cleared_value` from some components as its no longer used internally by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4685](
- Better errors when you define two Blocks and reference components in one Blocks from the events in the other Blocks [abidlabs]( in [PR 4738](
- Better message when share link is not created by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4773](
- Improve accessibility around selected images in gr.Gallery component by [hannahblair]( in [PR 4790](

Breaking Changes:

[PR 4683]( removes the explict named endpoint "load_examples" from gr.Interface that was introduced in [PR 4456](


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New Features:

No changes to highlight.

Bug Fixes:

- Fix chatbot streaming by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4537](
- Fix chatbot height and scrolling by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4540](

Other Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

No changes to highlight.

Bug Fixes:

- Fix chatbot streaming by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4537](
- Fix error modal position and text size by [pngwn]( in [PR 4538](

Other Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

- A `gr.ClearButton` which allows users to easily clear the values of components by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4456](

Example usage:

import gradio as gr

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
chatbot = gr.Chatbot([("Hello", "How are you?")])
with gr.Row():
textbox = gr.Textbox(scale=3, interactive=True)
gr.ClearButton([textbox, chatbot], scale=1)


- Min and max value for gr.Number by [artegoser]( and [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3991](
- Add `start_recording` and `stop_recording` events to `Video` and `Audio` components by [pngwn]( in [PR 4422](
- Allow any function to generate an error message and allow multiple messages to appear at a time. Other error modal improvements such as auto dismiss after a time limit and a new layout on mobile [pngwn]( in [PR 4459](
- Add `autoplay` kwarg to `Video` and `Audio` components by [pngwn]( in [PR 4453](
- Add `allow_preview` parameter to `Gallery` to control whether a detailed preview is displayed on click by
[freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4470](
- Add `latex_delimiters` parameter to `Chatbot` to control the delimiters used for LaTeX and to disable LaTeX in the `Chatbot` by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 4516](
- Can now issue `gr.Warning` and `gr.Info` modals. Simply put the code `gr.Warning("Your warning message")` or `gr.Info("Your info message")` as a standalone line in your function. By [aliabid94]( in [PR 4518](


def start_process(name):
gr.Info("Starting process")
if name is None:
gr.Warning("Name is empty")
if success == False:
raise gr.Error("Process failed")

Bug Fixes:

- Add support for PAUSED state in the JS client by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4438](
- Ensure Tabs only occupy the space required by [pngwn]( in [PR 4419](
- Ensure components have the correct empty sizes to prevent empty containers from collapsing by [pngwn]( in [PR 4447](
- Frontend code no longer crashes when there is a relative URL in an `<a>` element, by [akx]( in [PR 4449](
- Fix bug where setting `format='mp4'` on a video component would cause the function to error out if the uploaded video was not playable by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4467](
- Fix `_js` parameter to work even without backend function, by [aliabid94]( in [PR 4486](
- Fix new line issue with `gr.Chatbot()` by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 4491](
- Fixes issue with Clear button not working for `Label` component by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4456](
- Restores the ability to pass in a tuple (sample rate, audio array) to gr.Audio() by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4525](
- Ensure code is correctly formatted and copy button is always present in Chatbot by [pngwn]( in [PR 4527](
- `show_label` will not automatically be set to `True` in `gr.BarPlot.update` by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4531](
- `gr.BarPlot` group text now respects darkmode by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4531](
- Fix dispatched errors from within components [aliabid94]( in [PR 4786](

Other Changes:

- Change styling of status and toast error components by [hannahblair]( in [PR 4454](
- Clean up unnecessary `new Promise()`s by [akx]( in [PR 4442](
- Minor UI cleanup for Examples and Dataframe components [aliabid94]( in [PR 4455](
- Minor UI cleanup for Examples and Dataframe components [aliabid94]( in [PR 4455](
- Add Catalan translation [jordimas]( in [PR 4483](
- The API endpoint that loads examples upon click has been given an explicit name ("/load_examples") by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4456](
- Allows configuration of FastAPI app when calling `mount_gradio_app`, by [charlesfrye]( in [PR4519](

Breaking Changes:

- The behavior of the `Clear` button has been changed for `Slider`, `CheckboxGroup`, `Radio`, `Dropdown` components by [abidlabs]( in [PR 4456]( The Clear button now sets the value of these components to be empty as opposed to the original default set by the developer. This is to make them in line with the rest of the Gradio components.
- Python 3.7 end of life is June 27 2023. Gradio will no longer support python 3.7 by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 4484](
- Removed `$` as a default LaTeX delimiter for the `Chatbot` by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 4516]( The specific LaTeX delimeters can be set using the new `latex_delimiters` parameter in `Chatbot`.

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