
Latest version: v4.37.1

Safety actively analyzes 641049 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

- [7495]( [`ddd4d3e`]( - Enable Ruff S101. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7443]( [`b7a97f2`]( - Update `httpx` to `httpx>=0.24.1` in `requirements.txt`. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7465]( [`16fbe9c`]( - Prevent components from working with non-uploaded files. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7503]( [`84802ee`]( - Tighten CORS rules. Thanks [abidlabs](!


- [7466]( [`98a2719`]( - Fix z-index layer of orange generating border. Thanks [daviirodrig](!
- [7507]( [`9c36572`]( - Quick fix: File height overflow. Thanks [dawoodkhan82](!
- [7495]( [`ddd4d3e`]( - ensure Dataframe headers are aligned with content when scrolling. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7470]( [`ba3ec13`]( - Tab select fix. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7505]( [`b186767`]( - Fix `Gallery` preview overlay and backdrop. Thanks [MMP0](!
- [7511]( [`33f68cb`]( - Fix Canvas3D/Canvas3DGS async imports. Thanks [whitphx](!


Not secure

- [7453]( [`ba747ad`]( - Make fix in #7444 (Block /file= filepaths that could expose credentials on Windows) more general. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7416]( [`c88290d`]( - WIP: Optimize /file route. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7440]( [`e329f1f`]( - Prevent timing attacks to guess Gradio passwords. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7425]( [`3e4e680`]( - Fixes to the `.key_up()` method to make it usable for a dynamic dropdown autocomplete. Thanks [abidlabs](!


- [7444]( [`4faf8a7`]( - Block `/file=` filepaths that could expose credentials on Windows. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7441]( [`f52cab6`]( - Dispatch change event for file explorer. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7327]( [`fb1f6be`]( - Run pre/post processing in threadpool. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7431]( [`6b8a7e5`]( - Ensure `gr.Dropdown` can have an empty initial value. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [6991]( [`f191786`]( - Improve responsiveness of `gr.Audio()` controls. Thanks [hannahblair](!


Not secure

- [7406]( [`3e886d8`]( - Model3D Gaussian Splatting. Thanks [dylanebert](!


- [7402]( [`fa8225d`]( - Use updated component in `postprocess()`. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7361]( [`17fb116`]( - Fixes gr.Markdown() does not render spaces around links correctly. Thanks [dawoodkhan82](!
- [7337]( [`65437ce`]( - Improve File Explorer performance. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7410]( [`c2dfc59`]( - remove static while pending behaviour. Thanks [pngwn](!
- [7389]( [`b5c74ff`]( - Fix HTTPX package crash for some values of "article" parameter in the interface. Thanks [YuryYakhno](!
- [7415]( [`4ab399f`]( - Allow config to include non-pickle-able values. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7404]( [`065c5b1`]( - Add `.key_up` event listener to `gr.Dropdown()`. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7417]( [`314ccfa`]( - Fix File Explorer interactivity. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7401]( [`dff4109`]( - Retain dropdown value if choices have been changed. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7411]( [`32b317f`]( - Set `root` correctly for Gradio apps that are deployed behind reverse proxies. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7395]( [`46b4568`]( - Allow applying `media`, `keyframes` and `import` in custom CSS. Thanks [hannahblair](!


Not secure

- [7299]( [`f35f615`]( - Added remove button for every file in file preview, to remove individual file in gr.File(). Thanks [shubhamofbce](!
- [7183]( [`49d9c48`]( - [WIP] Refactor file normalization to be in the backend and remove it from the frontend of each component. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7333]( [`7e9b206`]( - Stop using deprecated pydantic config class and filter gradio warnings from tests. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7377]( [`6dfd40f`]( - Make set_documentation_group a no-op. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7328]( [`c1a7ea7`]( - Add SQL Support for gr.Code. Thanks [aersam](!
- [7369]( [`7b10d97`]( - Remove the `gradio/wasm` dependency from `gradio/gallery` that is not used. Thanks [whitphx](!
- [7334]( [`b95d0d0`]( - Allow setting custom headers in Python Client. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7365]( [`1e68561`]( - Update Pydantic patch for Lite that emulates PydanticV2 API using V1. Thanks [whitphx](!
- [6890]( [`cccab27`]( - E2E tests for Lite. Thanks [whitphx](!


- [7354]( [`a7fa47a`]( - ensure Dataframes in background tabs are visible when the tab is selected. Thanks [pngwn](!
- [7355]( [`2244059`]( - Ensure CSS `.dark` rule selectors are applied. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7375]( [`4dc9ffb`]( - Store `gr.Accordion`'s `open` value. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7374]( [`7f19ba2`]( - Stop caching root url. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7350]( [`7302a6e`]( - Fix `gr.load` for file-based Spaces. Thanks [abidlabs](!


Not secure

- [7129]( [`ccdaec4`]( - Add a `simpleimage` template for custom components. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7313]( [`edfd05d`]( - Expand chatinterface to full window height. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7292]( [`aa97a5e`]( - Improvements to API Docs. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7205]( [`e418edd`]( - Fix SimpleImage package json. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7222]( [`5181957`]( - Add mobile Chromatic tests. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7298]( [`e5344ba`]( - chore(deps): update dependency marked to v12. Thanks [renovate](!
- [7206]( [`572e360`]( - Upload tweak. Thanks [pngwn](!
- [7062]( [`0fddd0f`]( - Determine documentation group automatically. Thanks [akx](!
- [7102]( [`68a54a7`]( - Improve chatbot streaming performance with diffs. Thanks [aliabid94](!/n Note that this PR changes the API format for generator functions, which would be a breaking change for any clients reading the EventStream directly
- [7208]( [`efacc7d`]( - Ensure `open` reactivity in Accordion. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7228]( [`2e6672c`]( - Allow start/pause of streaming image input. Only access the webcam while it's needed. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7236]( [`dec6a71`]( - Fix PIL imports. Thanks [akx](!
- [7274]( [`fdd1521`]( - chore: Change time format (thanks jjshoots for the independent contribution). Thanks [arian81](!
- [7116]( [`3c8c4ac`]( - Document the `gr.ParamViewer` component, and fix component preprocessing/postprocessing docstrings. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7157]( [`46919c5`]( - Defer importing matplotlib. Thanks [akx](!
- [7332]( [`8bb0ce2`]( - Hotfix for: `stt_or_tts` demo. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7309]( [`200e251`]( - Add `gr.Image` interaction test + `gr.ImageEditor` interaction test improvement. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7319]( [`87d5105`]( - Handle httpx.InvalidURL when setting non-URL article strings. Thanks [nopperl](!
- [7154]( [`aab2a75`]( - Allow selecting texts in dataframe cells. Thanks [shubhamofbce](!
- [7061]( [`05d8a3c`]( - Update ruff to 0.1.13, enable more rules, fix issues. Thanks [akx](!
- [7315]( [`b3a9c83`]( - Lite: Wasm-compatible Model3D. Thanks [whitphx](!
- [7059]( [`7ea8336`]( - Remove flag_dir from read_from_flag(). Thanks [akx](!
- [7229]( [`6a7e98b`]( - Fix hyphen-bug in gradio cc publish. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7225]( [`60078df`]( - Fix test requirements to be compatible with python 3.11. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7256]( [`09257ef`]( - Fix ci cache. Thanks [pngwn](!
- [7240]( [`1893756`]( - Small cleanups of `Code` component. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7295]( [`aea14c4`]( - Refactor Inference API and rename it to Serverless Inference Endpoints. Thanks [abidlabs](!


- [7117]( [`24157a3`]( - add background color based on the OS mode. Thanks [aileenvl](!
- [7192]( [`8dd6f4b`]( - Handle the case where examples is `null` for all components. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7283]( [`757dba6`]( - Add `show_label` check to `gr.Dataframe`. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7190]( [`2d51a9d`]( - Add missing parameters and docstrings for `gr.TabbedInterface`. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7178]( [`9f23b0b`]( - Optimize client view_api method. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7158]( [`ded5256`]( - Fix audio recording events not dispatching. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7325]( [`733ca26`]( - Ensure examples Images displays as expected. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7276]( [`a3aa22f`]( - Adjust Value to Fix .Label Display. Thanks [codydh](!
- [7286]( [`0d36ac0`]( - Fixes issue with datatype setting in gr.Dataframe. Setting no longer dependent on col_count. Thanks [cswamy](!
- [7290]( [`db27df3`]( - Escape triple quotes when creating `` for custom components. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7141]( [`c3e61e4`]( - Few File component drag and drop. Thanks [dawoodkhan82](!
- [7221]( [`cae05c0`]( - Fix single file upload display. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7207]( [`e3217b4`]( - Amend audio waveform colour. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7322]( [`b25e95e`]( - Fix `processing_utils.save_url_to_cache()` to follow redirects when accessing the URL. Thanks [whitphx](!
- [7294]( [`d7095c4`]( - Number example fix. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7219]( [`faead14`]( - Show label in interactive image editor. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7220]( [`3b8dfc6`]( - Add `visible` check to Tab. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7257]( [`daaaf95`]( - Fixes issues related to `gr.Dataframe` receiving an empty dataframe. Thanks [cswamy](!


Not secure

- [7124]( [`21a16c6`]( - add params to `gr.Interface` and `gr.ChatInterface`. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7139]( [`6abad53`]( - Added polars dataframe support with demo. Thanks [cswamy](!
- [7084]( [`94aa271`]( - Improve rapid generation performance via UI throttling. Thanks [aliabid94](!
- [7104]( [`bc2cdc1`]( - Allow download button for interactive Audio and Video components. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7109]( [`125a832`]( - generate docs when running `gradio cc build`. Thanks [pngwn](!
- [7148]( [`c60ad4d`]( - Use Gallery as input component. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7049]( [`1718c4a`]( - add STL 3D model support. Thanks [Mon-ius](!
- [7159]( [`6ee22dc`]( - Ensure `gradio cc publish` uploads the documentation space, if it exists. Thanks [pngwn](!
- [7034]( [`82fe73d`]( - Redirect with query params after oauth. Thanks [Wauplin](!
- [7063]( [`2cdcf4a`]( - Single oauth button. Thanks [Wauplin](!


- [7126]( [`5727b92`]( - Allow buttons to take null value. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7112]( [`217bfe3`]( - Support audio data in `np.int8` format in the `gr.Audio` component. Thanks [Ram-Pasupula](!
- [7029]( [`ac73555`]( - Run before_fn and after_fn for each generator iteration. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7131]( [`7d53aa1`]( - Miscellaneous doc fixes. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7138]( [`ca8753b`]( - Fixes: Chatbot crashes when given empty url following http:// or https://. Thanks [dawoodkhan82](!
- [7115]( [`cb90b3d`]( - Programmatically determine max wheel version to push to spaces. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7107]( [`80f8fbf`]( - Add logic to handle non-interactive or hidden tabs. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7142]( [`b961652`]( - Remove kwargs from template components. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7125]( [`45f725f`]( - un-disable output components after exception is raised. Thanks [abidlabs](!
- [7081]( [`44c53d9`]( - Fix dropdown refocusing due to `<label />` element. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7130]( [`e7ab406`]( - Fix ParamViewer css. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7113]( [`28e8a8a`]( - Reduce CPU usage of dev mode. Thanks [freddyaboulton](!
- [7082]( [`c35fac0`]( - Ensure device selection works in Audio when streaming. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7045]( [`13cb6af`]( - Ensure microphone devices list updates. Thanks [hannahblair](!
- [7150]( [`be56c76`]( - Lite: Add the `home_dir` to `sys.path`. Thanks [whitphx](!
- [7133]( [`8c355a4`]( - Add ruff mock for Lite. Thanks [whitphx](!
- [6826]( [`e8b2d8b`]( - Add sample rate config option to `gr.Audio()`. Thanks [tsukumijima](!

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