
Latest version: v4.37.1

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New Features:

Revamped Stop Button for Interfaces ๐Ÿ›‘

If your Interface function is a generator, there used to be a separate `Stop` button displayed next
to the `Submit` button.

We've revamed the `Submit` button so that it turns into a `Stop` button during the generation process.
Clicking on the `Stop` button will cancel the generation and turn it back to a `Submit` button.
The `Stop` button will automatically turn back to a `Submit` button at the end of the generation if you don't use it!

By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3124](

Queue now works with reload mode!

You can now call `queue` on your `demo` outside of the `if __name__ == "__main__"` block and
run the script in reload mode with the `gradio` command.

Any changes to the `` file will be reflected in the webpage automatically and the queue will work

By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3089](

Allow serving files from additional directories

demo = gr.Interface(...)

By [maxaudron]( in [PR 3075](

Bug Fixes:

- Fixes URL resolution on Windows by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3108](
- Example caching now works with components without a label attribute (e.g. `Column`) by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3123](
- Ensure the Video component correctly resets the UI state when a new video source is loaded and reduce choppiness of UI by [pngwn]( in [PR 3117](
- Fixes loading private Spaces by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3068](
- Added a warning when attempting to launch an `Interface` via the `%%blocks` jupyter notebook magic command by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3126](
- Fixes bug where interactive output image cannot be set when in edit mode by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3135](
- A share link will automatically be created when running on Sagemaker notebooks so that the front-end is properly displayed by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3137](
- Fixes a few dropdown component issues; hide checkmark next to options as expected, and keyboard hover is visible by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3145]
- Fixed bug where example pagination buttons were not visible in dark mode or displayed under the examples table. By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3144](
- Fixed bug where the font color of axis labels and titles for native plots did not respond to dark mode preferences. By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3146](

Documentation Changes:

- Added a guide on the 4 kinds of Gradio Interfaces by [yvrjsharma]( and [abidlabs]( in [PR 3003](
- Explained that the parameters in `launch` will not be respected when using reload mode, e.g. `gradio` command by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3089](
- Added a demo to show how to set up variable numbers of outputs in Gradio by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3127](
- Updated docs to reflect that the `equal_height` parameter should be passed to the `.style()` method of `gr.Row()` by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3125](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Changed URL of final image for `fake_diffusion` demos by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3120](

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

iOS image rotation fixed ๐Ÿ”„

Previously photos uploaded via iOS would be rotated after processing. This has been fixed by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3089](





Run on Kaggle kernels ๐Ÿงช

A share link will automatically be created when running on Kaggle kernels (notebooks) so that the front-end is properly displayed.


By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3101](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix bug where examples were not rendered correctly for demos created with Blocks api that had multiple input compinents by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3090](
- Fix change event listener for JSON, HighlightedText, Chatbot by [aliabid94]( in [PR 3095](
- Fixes bug where video and file change event not working [tomchang25]( in [PR 3098](
- Fixes bug where static_video play and pause event not working [tomchang25]( in [PR 3098](
- Fixed `` by by [aliabd]( in [PR 3107](

Documentation Changes:

- Update chatbot guide to include blocks demo and markdown support section by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3023](

* Fix a broken link in the Quick Start guide, by [cakiki]( in [PR 3109](
* Better docs navigation on mobile by [aliabd]( in [PR 3112](
* Add a guide on using Gradio with [Comet](, by [DN6]( in [PR 3058](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Set minimum `markdown-it-py` version to `2.0.0` so that the dollar math plugin is compatible by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3102](

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

Extended support for Interface.load! ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

You can now load `image-to-text` and `conversational` pipelines from the hub!

Image-to-text Demo

io = gr.Interface.load("models/nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning",

<img width="1087" alt="image" src="">

conversational Demo

chatbot = gr.Interface.load("models/microsoft/DialoGPT-medium",


By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3011](

Download Button added to Model3D Output Component ๐Ÿ“ฅ

No need for an additional file output component to enable model3d file downloads anymore. We now added a download button to the model3d component itself.

<img width="739" alt="Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 3 52 45 PM" src="">

By [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3014](

Fixing Auth on Spaces ๐Ÿ”‘

Authentication on spaces works now! Third party cookies must be enabled on your browser to be able
to log in. Some browsers disable third party cookies by default (Safari, Chrome Incognito).


Bug Fixes:

- Fixes bug where interpretation event was not configured correctly by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2993](
- Fix relative import bug in reload mode by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2992](
- Fixes bug where png files were not being recognized when uploading images by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3002](
- Fixes bug where external Spaces could not be loaded and used as functions if they returned files by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3004](
- Fix bug where file serialization output was not JSON serializable by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2999](
- Fixes bug where png files were not being recognized when uploading images by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3002](
- Fixes bug where temporary uploaded files were not being added to temp sets by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3005](
- Fixes issue where markdown support in chatbot breaks older demos [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3006](
- Fixes the `/file/` route that was broken in a recent change in [PR 3010](
- Fix bug where the Image component could not serialize image urls by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2957](
- Fix forwarding for guides after SEO renaming by [aliabd]( in [PR 3017](
- Switch all pages on the website to use latest stable gradio by [aliabd]( in [PR 3016](
- Fix bug related to deprecated parameters in `huggingface_hub` for the HuggingFaceDatasetSaver in [PR 3025](
- Added better support for symlinks in the way absolute paths are resolved by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3037](
- Fix several minor frontend bugs (loading animation, examples as gallery) frontend [aliabid94]( in [PR 2961](
- Fixes bug that the chatbot sample code does not work with certain input value by [petrov826]( in [PR 3039](
- Fix shadows for form element and ensure focus styles more visible in dark mode [pngwn]( in [PR 3042](
- Fixed bug where the Checkbox and Dropdown change events were not triggered in response to other component changes by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3045](
- Fix bug where the queue was not properly restarted after launching a `closed` app by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3022](
- Adding missing embedded components on docs by [aliabd]( in [PR 3027](
- Fixes bug where app would crash if the `file_types` parameter of `gr.File` or `gr.UploadButton` was not a list by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3048](
- Ensure CSS mounts correctly regardless of how many Gradio instances are on the page [pngwn]( in [PR 3059](
- Fix bug where input component was not hidden in the frontend for `UploadButton` by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3053](
- Fixes issue where after clicking submit or undo, the sketch output wouldn't clear. [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 3047](
- Ensure spaces embedded via the web component always use the correct URLs for server requests and change ports for testing to avoid strange collisions when users are working with embedded apps locally by [pngwn]( in [PR 3065](
- Preserve selected image of Gallery through updated by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 3061](
- Fix bug where auth was not respected on HF spaces by [freddyaboulton]( and [aliabid94]( in [PR 3049](
- Fixes bug where tabs selected attribute not working if manually change tab by [tomchang25]( in [3055](
- Change chatbot to show dots on progress, and fix bug where chatbot would not stick to bottom in the case of images by [aliabid94]( in [PR 3067](

Documentation Changes:

- SEO improvements to guides by[aliabd]( in [PR 2915](
- Use `gr.LinePlot` for the `blocks_kinematics` demo by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2998](
- Updated the `interface_series_load` to include some inline markdown code by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3051](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

- Adds a GitHub action to test if any large files (> 5MB) are present by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3013](

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Rewrote frontend using CSS variables for themes by [pngwn]( in [PR 2840](
- Moved telemetry requests to run on background threads by [abidlabs]( in [PR 3054](

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

No changes to highlight.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed file upload fails for files with zero size by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 2923](
- Fixed bug where `mount_gradio_app` would not launch if the queue was enabled in a gradio app by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2939](
- Fix custom long CSS handling in Blocks by [anton-l]( in [PR 2953](
- Recovers the dropdown change event by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2954](
- Fix audio file output by [aliabid94]( in [PR 2961](
- Fixed bug where file extensions of really long files were not kept after download by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2929](
- Fix bug where outputs for examples where not being returned by the backend by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2955](
- Fix bug in `blocks_plug` demo that prevented switching tabs programmatically with python [TashaSkyUp]( in [PR 2971](

Documentation Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

No changes to highlight.

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

No changes to highlight.

Bug Fixes:

- Fix audio file output by [aliabid94]( in [PR 2950](

Documentation Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

No changes to highlight.

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

Send custom progress updates by adding a `gr.Progress` argument after the input arguments to any function. Example:

def reverse(word, progress=gr.Progress()):
progress(0, desc="Starting")
new_string = ""
for letter in progress.tqdm(word, desc="Reversing"):
new_string = letter + new_string
return new_string

demo = gr.Interface(reverse, gr.Text(), gr.Text())

Progress indicator bar by [aliabid94]( in [PR 2750](

- Added `title` argument to `TabbedInterface` by MohamedAliRashad in [2888](
- Add support for specifying file extensions for `gr.File` and `gr.UploadButton`, using `file_types` parameter (e.g `gr.File(file_count="multiple", file_types=["text", ".json", ".csv"])`) by dawoodkhan82 in [2901](
- Added `multiselect` option to `Dropdown` by dawoodkhan82 in [2871](

With `multiselect` set to `true` a user can now select multiple options from the `gr.Dropdown` component.

gr.Dropdown(["angola", "pakistan", "canada"], multiselect=True, value=["angola"])

<img width="610" alt="Screenshot 2023-01-03 at 4 14 36 PM" src="">

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug where an error opening an audio file led to a crash by [FelixDombek]( in [PR 2898](
- Fixed bug where setting `default_enabled=False` made it so that the entire queue did not start by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2876](
- Fixed bug where csv preview for DataFrame examples would show filename instead of file contents by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2877](
- Fixed bug where an error raised after yielding iterative output would not be displayed in the browser by
[JaySmithWpg]( in [PR 2889](
- Fixed bug in `blocks_style` demo that was preventing it from launching by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2890](
- Fixed bug where files could not be downloaded by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2926](
- Fixed bug where cached examples were not displaying properly by [a-rogalska]( in [PR 2974](

Documentation Changes:

- Added a Guide on using Google Sheets to create a real-time dashboard with Gradio's `DataFrame` and `LinePlot` component, by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2816](
- Add a components - events matrix on the docs by [aliabd]( in [PR 2921](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

- Deployed PRs from forks to spaces by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2895](

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- The `default_enabled` parameter of the `Blocks.queue` method has no effect by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2876](
- Added typing to several Python files in codebase by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2887](
- Excluding untracked files from demo notebook check action by [aliabd]( in [PR 2897](
- Optimize images and gifs by [aliabd]( in [PR 2922](
- Updated typing by [1nF0rmed]( in [PR 2904](

Contributors Shoutout:

- JaySmithWpg for making their first contribution to gradio!
- MohamedAliRashad for making their first contribution to gradio!

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