
Latest version: v5.9.1

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Not secure
New Features:

Add Waveform Visual Support to Audio

Adds a `gr.make_waveform()` function that creates a waveform video by combining an audio and an optional background image by [dawoodkhan82]( and [aliabid94]( in [PR 2706]( Helpful for making audio outputs much more shareable.

![waveform screenrecording](

Allows Every Component to Accept an `every` Parameter

When a component's initial value is a function, the `every` parameter re-runs the function every `every` seconds. By [abidlabs]( in [PR 2806]( Here's a code example:

import gradio as gr

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
df = gr.DataFrame(run_query, every=60*60)


Bug Fixes:

- Fixed issue where too many temporary files were created, all with randomly generated
filepaths. Now fewer temporary files are created and are assigned a path that is a
hash based on the file contents by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2758](

Documentation Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

No changes to highlight.

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

No changes to highlight.

Bug Fixes:

\*No changes to highlight.


Documentation Changes:

- Improves documentation of several queuing-related parameters by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2825](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

- Remove h11 pinning by [ecederstrand]( in [PR 2820](

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

No changes to highlight.

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

New Shareable Links

Replaces tunneling logic based on ssh port-forwarding to that based on `frp` by [XciD]( and [Wauplin]( in [PR 2509](

You don't need to do anything differently, but when you set `share=True` in `launch()`,
you'll get this message and a public link that look a little bit different:

Setting up a public link... we have recently upgraded the way public links are generated. If you encounter any problems, please downgrade to gradio version 3.13.0
Running on public URL:

These links are a more secure and scalable way to create shareable demos!

Bug Fixes:

- Allows `gr.Dataframe()` to take a `pandas.DataFrame` that includes numpy array and other types as its initial value, by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2804](
- Add `altair` to requirements.txt by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2811](
- Added aria-labels to icon buttons that are built into UI components by [emilyuhde]( in [PR 2791](

Documentation Changes:

- Fixed some typos in the "Plot Component for Maps" guide by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2811](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

- Fixed test for IP address by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2808](

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Fixed typo in parameter `visible` in classes in `` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2805](
- Switched external service for getting IP address from `` to `` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2810](

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.

- Fixed typo in parameter `visible` in classes in `` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2805](
- Switched external service for getting IP address from `` to `` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2810](


Not secure
New Features:

Scatter plot component

It is now possible to create a scatter plot natively in Gradio!

The `gr.ScatterPlot` component accepts a pandas dataframe and some optional configuration parameters
and will automatically create a plot for you!

This is the first of many native plotting components in Gradio!

For an example of how to use `gr.ScatterPlot` see below:

import gradio as gr
from vega_datasets import data

cars =

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
title="Car Data",
y_title="Miles per Gallon",
color_legend_title="Origin of Car").style(container=False)


<img width="404" alt="image" src="">

By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2764](

Support for altair plots

The `Plot` component can now accept altair plots as values!
Simply return an altair plot from your event listener and gradio will display it in the front-end.
See the example below:

import gradio as gr
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data

cars =
chart = (

with gr.Blocks() as demo:

<img width="1366" alt="image" src="">

By [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2741](

Set the background color of a Label component

The `Label` component now accepts a `color` argument by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2736](
The `color` argument should either be a valid css color name or hexadecimal string.
You can update the color with `gr.Label.update`!

This lets you create Alert and Warning boxes with the `Label` component. See below:

import gradio as gr
import random

def update_color(value):
if value < 0:
This is bad so use red
return "FF0000"
elif 0 <= value <= 20:
Ok but pay attention (use orange)
return "ff9966"
Nothing to worry about
return None

def update_value():
choice = random.choice(['good', 'bad', 'so-so'])
color = update_color(choice)
return gr.Label.update(value=choice, color=color)

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
label = gr.Label(value=-10)
demo.load(lambda: update_value(), inputs=None, outputs=[label], every=1)


Add Brazilian Portuguese translation

Add Brazilian Portuguese translation (pt-BR.json) by [pstwh]( in [PR 2753](

<img width="951" alt="image" src="">

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed issue where image thumbnails were not showing when an example directory was provided
by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2745](
- Fixed bug loading audio input models from the hub by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2779](
- Fixed issue where entities were not merged when highlighted text was generated from the
dictionary inputs [payoto]( in [PR 2767](
- Fixed bug where generating events did not finish running even if the websocket connection was closed by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2783](

Documentation Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Images in the chatbot component are now resized if they exceed a max width by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2748](
- Missing parameters have been added to `gr.Blocks().load()` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2755](
- Deindex share URLs from search by [aliabd]( in [PR 2772](
- Redirect old links and fix broken ones by [aliabd]( in [PR 2774](

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.


Not secure
New Features:

The `Chatbot` component now supports a subset of Markdown (including bold, italics, code, images)

You can now pass in some Markdown to the Chatbot component and it will show up,
meaning that you can pass in images as well! by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2731](

Here's a simple example that references a local image `lion.jpg` that is in the same
folder as the Python script:

import gradio as gr

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Chatbot([("hi", "hello **abubakar**"), ("![](/file=lion.jpg)", "cool pic")])


![Alt text](

To see a more realistic example, see the new demo `/demo/chatbot_multimodal/`.

Latex support

Added mathtext (a subset of latex) support to gr.Markdown. Added by [kashif]( and [aliabid94]( in [PR 2696](

Example of how it can be used:

Hello World! $\frac{\sqrt{x + y}}{4}$ is today's lesson.

Update Accordion properties from the backend

You can now update the Accordion `label` and `open` status with `gr.Accordion.update` by [freddyaboulton]( in [PR 2690](

import gradio as gr

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Accordion(label="Open for greeting", open=False) as accordion:
open_btn = gr.Button(value="Open Accordion")
close_btn = gr.Button(value="Close Accordion")
lambda: gr.Accordion.update(open=True, label="Open Accordion"),
lambda: gr.Accordion.update(open=False, label="Closed Accordion"),


Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug where requests timeout is missing from utils.version_check() by [yujiehecs]( in [PR 2729](
- Fixed bug where so that the `File` component can properly preprocess files to "binary" byte-string format by [CoffeeVampir3]( in [PR 2727](
- Fixed bug to ensure that filenames are less than 200 characters even for non-English languages by [SkyTNT]( in [PR 2685](

Documentation Changes:

- Performance improvements to docs on mobile by [aliabd]( in [PR 2730](

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Make try examples button more prominent by [aliabd]( in [PR 2705](
- Fix id clashes in docs by [aliabd]( in [PR 2713](
- Fix typos in guide docs by [andridns]( in [PR 2722](
- Add option to `include_audio` in Video component. When `True`, for `source="webcam"` this will record audio and video, for `source="upload"` this will retain the audio in an uploaded video by [mandargogate]( in [PR 2721](

Contributors Shoutout:

- [andridns]( made their first contribution in [PR 2722](!


Not secure
New Features:

Upload Button

There is now a new component called the `UploadButton` which is a file upload component but in button form! You can also specify what file types it should accept in the form of a list (ex: `image`, `video`, `audio`, `text`, or generic `file`). Added by [dawoodkhan82]( in [PR 2591](

Example of how it can be used:

import gradio as gr

def upload_file(files):
file_paths = [ for file in files]
return file_paths

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
file_output = gr.File()
upload_button = gr.UploadButton("Click to Upload a File", file_types=["image", "video"], file_count="multiple")
upload_button.upload(upload_file, upload_button, file_output)


Revamped API documentation page

New API Docs page with in-browser playground and updated aesthetics. [gary149]( in [PR 2652](

Revamped Login page

Previously our login page had its own CSS, had no dark mode, and had an ugly json message on the wrong credentials. Made the page more aesthetically consistent, added dark mode support, and a nicer error message. [aliabid94]( in [PR 2684](

Accessing the Requests Object Directly

You can now access the Request object directly in your Python function by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2641]( This means that you can access request headers, the client IP address, and so on. In order to use it, add a parameter to your function and set its type hint to be `gr.Request`. Here's a simple example:

import gradio as gr

def echo(name, request: gr.Request):
if request:
print("Request headers dictionary:", request.headers)
print("IP address:",
return name

io = gr.Interface(echo, "textbox", "textbox").launch()

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug that limited files from being sent over websockets to 16MB. The new limit
is now 1GB by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2709](

Documentation Changes:

- Updated documentation for embedding Gradio demos on Spaces as web components by
[julien-c]( in [PR 2698](
- Updated IFrames in Guides to use the host URL instead of the Space name to be consistent with the new method for embedding Spaces, by
[julien-c]( in [PR 2692](
- Colab buttons on every demo in the website! Just click open in colab, and run the demo there.

Testing and Infrastructure Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Breaking Changes:

No changes to highlight.

Full Changelog:

- Better warnings and error messages for `gr.Interface.load()` by [abidlabs]( in [PR 2694](
- Add open in colab buttons to demos in docs and /demos by [aliabd]( in [PR 2608](
- Apply different formatting for the types in component docstrings by [aliabd]( in [PR 2707](

Contributors Shoutout:

No changes to highlight.

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