- [BREAKING] previous saved BaseAction Spaces and BaseObservation Spaces (as dictionary) are no more compatible
- [BREAKING] renaming of attributes describing the powergrid across classes for better consistency:
============================= ======================= =======================
Class Name Old Attribute Name New Attribute Name
============================= ======================= =======================
Backend n_lines n_line
Backend n_generators n_gen
Backend n_loads n_load
Backend n_substations n_sub
Backend subs_elements sub_info
Backend name_loads name_load
Backend name_prods name_gen
Backend name_lines name_line
Backend name_subs name_sub
Backend lines_or_to_subid line_or_to_subid
Backend lines_ex_to_subid line_ex_to_subid
Backend lines_or_to_sub_pos line_or_to_sub_pos
Backend lines_ex_to_sub_pos line_ex_to_sub_pos
Backend lines_or_pos_topo_vect line_or_pos_topo_vect
Backend lines_ex_pos_topo_vect lines_ex_pos_topo_vect
BaseAction / BaseObservation _lines_or_to_subid line_or_to_subid
BaseAction / BaseObservation _lines_ex_to_subid line_ex_to_subid
BaseAction / BaseObservation _lines_or_to_sub_pos line_or_to_sub_pos
BaseAction / BaseObservation _lines_ex_to_sub_pos line_ex_to_sub_pos
BaseAction / BaseObservation _lines_or_pos_topo_vect line_or_pos_topo_vect
BaseAction / BaseObservation _lines_ex_pos_topo_vect lines_ex_pos_topo_vect
GridValue n_lines n_line
============================= ======================= =======================
- [FIXED] Runner cannot save properly action and observation (sizes are not computed properly)
**now fixed and unit test added**
- [FIXED] Plot utility has a bug in extracting grid information.
**now fixed**
- [FIXED] gym compatibility issue for environment
- [FIXED] checking key-word arguments in "make" function: if an invalid argument is provided,
it now raises an error.
- [UPDATED] multiple random generator streams for observations
- [UPDATED] Refactoring of the BaseAction and BaseObservation Space. They now both inherit from "Space"
- [UPDATED] the getting_started notebooks to reflect these changes