
Latest version: v1.10.5

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- [BREAKING] `Issue 83 <>`_: attributes name of the Parameters class
are now more consistent with the rest of the package. Use `NB_TIMESTEP_OVERFLOW_ALLOWED`
- [BREAKING] `Issue 87 <>`_: algorithm of the environment that solves
the redispatching to make sure the environment meet the phyiscal constraints is now cast into an optimization
routine that uses `scipy.minimize` to be solved. This has a few consequences: more dispatch actions are tolerated,
computation time can be increased in some cases, when the optimization problem cannot be solved, a game
over is thrown, `scipy` is now a direct dependency of `grid2op`, code base of `grid2op` is simpler.
- [BREAKING] any attempt to use an un intialized environment (*eg* after a game over but before calling `env.reset`
will now raise a `Grid2OpException`)
- [FIXED] `Issue 84 <>`_: it is now possible to load multiple
environments in the same python script and perform random action on each.
- [FIXED] `Issue 86 <>`_: the proper symmetries are used to generate
all the actions that can "change" the buses (`SerializationActionSpace.get_all_unitary_topologies_change`).
- [FIXED] `Issue 88 <>`_: two flags are now used to tell the environment
whether or not to activate the possibility to dispatch a turned on generator (`forbid_dispatch_off`) and whether
or not to ignore the gen_min_uptimes and gen_min_downtime propertiers (`ignore_min_up_down_times`) that
are initialized from the Parameters of the grid now.
- [FIXED] `Issue 89 <>`_: pandapower backend should not be compatible
with changing the bus of the generator representing the slack bus.
- [FIXED] Greedy agents now uses the proper data types `dt_float` for the simulated reward (previously it was platform
- [ADDED] A way to limit `EpisodeReplay` to a specific part of the episode. Two arguments have been added, namely:
`start_step` and `end_step` that default to the full episode duration.
- [ADDED] more flexibilities in `IdToAct` converter not to generate every action for both set and change for example.
This class can also serialize and de serialize the list of all actions with the save method (to serialize) and the
`init_converter` method (to read back the data).
- [ADDED] a feature to have multiple difficulty levels per dataset.
- [ADDED] a converter to transform prediction in connectivity of element into valid grid2op action. See
`Converter.ConnectivitiyConverter` for more information.
- [ADDED] a better control for the seeding strategy in `Environment` and `MultiEnvironment` to improve the
reproducibility of the experiments.
- [ADDED] a chronics class that is able to generate maintenance data "on the fly" instead of reading the from a file.
This class is particularly handy to train agents with different kind of maintenance schedule.


- [FIXED] `Issue 75 <>`_: PlotGrid displays double powerlines correctly.
- [FIXED] Action `+=` operator (aka. `__iadd__`) doesn't create warnings when manipulating identical arrays
containing `NaN` values.
- [FIXED] `Issue 70 <>`_: for powerline disconnected, now the voltage
is properly set to `0.0`
- [UPDATED] `Issue 40 <>`_: now it is possible to retrieve the forecast
of the injections without running an expensive "simulate" thanks to the `obs.get_forecasted_inj` method.
- [UPDATED] `Issue 78 <>`_: parameters can be put as json in the
folder of the environment.
- [UPDATED] minor fix for `env.make`
- [UPDATED] Challenge tensorflow dependency to `tensorflow==2.2.0`
- [UPDATED] `make` documentation to reflect API changes of 0.8.0


- [FIXED] `Issue 65 <>`_: now the length of the Episode Data is properly
- [FIXED] `Issue 66 <>`_: runner is now compatible with multiprocessing
- [FIXED] `Issue 67 <>`_: L2RPNSandBoxReward is now properly computed
- [FIXED] Serialization / de serialization of Parameters as json is now fixed


- [BREAKING] All previously deprecated features have been removed
- [BREAKING] `grid2op.Runner` is now located into a submodule folder
- [BREAKING] merge of `env.time_before_line_reconnectable` into `env.times_before_line_status_actionable` which
referred to
the same idea: impossibility to reconnect a powerilne. **Side effect** observation have a different size now (
merging of `obs.time_before_line_reconnectable` into `obs.time_before_cooldown_line`). Size is now reduce of
the number of powerlines of the grid.
- [BREAKING] merge of `act.vars_action` into `env.attr_list_vect` which implemented the same concepts.
- [BREAKING] the runner now save numpy compressed array to lower disk usage. Previous saved runner are not compatible.
- [FIXED] `grid2op.PlotGrid` rounding error when casting from np.float32 to python.float
- [FIXED] `grid2op.BaseEnv.fast_forward_chronics` Calls the correct methods and is now working properly
- [FIXED] `__iadd__` is now properly implemented for the action with proper care given to action types.
- [UPDATED] MultiEnv now exchange only numpy arrays and not class objects.
- [UPDATED] Notebooks are updated to reflect API improvements changes
- [UPDATED] `grid2op.make` can now handle the download & caching of datasets
- [UPDATED] Test/Sample datasets provide datetime related files .info
- [UPDATED] Test/Sample datasets grid_layout.json
- [UPDATED] `grid2op.PlotGrid` Color schemes and optional infos displaying
- [UPDATED] `grid2op.Episode.EpisodeReplay` Improved gif output performance
- [UPDATED] Action and Observation are now created without having to call `init_grid(gridobject)` which lead to
small speed up and memory saving.


- [FIXED] a bug in the chronics making it not start at the appropriate time step
- [FIXED] a bug in "OneChangeThenNothing" agent that prevent it to be restarted properly.
- [FIXED] a bug with the generated docker file that does not update to the last version of the package.
- [FIXED] numpy, by default does not use the same datatype depending on the platform. We ensure that
floating value are always `np.float32` and integers are always `np.int32`
- [ADDED] a method to extract only some part of a chronic.
- [ADDED] a method to "fast forward" the chronics
- [ADDED] class `grid2op.Reward.CombinedScaledReward`: A reward combiner with linear interpolation to stay within a
given range.
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Reward.BaseReward.set_range`: All rewards have a default setter for their `reward_min` and
`reward_max` attributes.
- [ADDED] `grid2op.PlotGrid`: Revamped plotting capabilities while keeping the interface we know from `grid2op.Plot`
- [ADDED] `grid2op.replay` binary: This binary is installed with grid2op and allows to replay a runner log with
visualization and gif export
- [ADDED] a `LicensesInformation` file that put a link for all dependencies of the project.
- [ADDED] make multiple dockers, one for testing, one for distribution with all extra, and one "light"
- [UPDATED] test data and datasets are no longer included in the package distribution
- [UPDATED] a new function `make_new` that will make obsolete the "" script in future versions
- [UPDATED] the python "requests" package is now a dependency


- [BREAKING] class `grid2op.Environment.BasicEnv` has been renamed `BaseEnv` for consistency. As this class
should not be used outside of this code base, no backward compatibility has been enforced.
- [BREAKING] class `grid2op.Environment.ObsEnv` has been renamed `_ObsEnv` to insist on its "privateness". As this class
should not be used outside of this code base, no backward compatibility has been enforced.
- [BREAKING] the "baselines" directory has been moved in another python package that will be released soon.
- [DEPRECATION] `grid2op.Action.TopoAndRedispAction` is now `grid2op.Action.TopologyAndDispatchAction`.
- [FIXED] Performances caveats regarding `grid2op.Backend.PandaPowerBackend.get_topo_vect`: Reduced the method running
time and reduced number of direct calls to it.
- [FIXED] Command line install scripts: Can now use `grid2op.main` and `` after installing the package
- [FIXED] a bug that prevented to perform redispatching action if the sum of the action was neglectible (*eg* 1e-14)
instead of an exact `0`.
- [FIXED] Manifest.ini and dockerfile to be complient with standard installation of a python package.
- [ADDED] a notebook to better explain the plotting capabilities of grid2op (work in progrress)
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Backend.reset` as a way for backends to implement a faster way to reload the grid. Implemented in
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.PowerlineChangeAndDispatchAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to
'switch line' and 'dispatch' operations only
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.PowerlineChangeAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'switch line'
operations only
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.PowerlineSetAndDispatchAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'set line'
and 'dispatch' operations only
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.PowerlineSetAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'set line' operations
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.TopologySetAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'set' operations only
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.TopologySetAndDispatchAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'set' and
'redisp' operations only
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.TopologyChangeAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'change' operations
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.TopologyChangeAndDispatchAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'change'
and 'redisp' operations only
- [ADDED] `grid2op.Action.DispatchAction` A subset of actions to limit the agents scope to 'redisp' operations only
- [ADDED] a new method to plot other values that the default one for plotplotly.
- [ADDED] a better plotting utilities that is now consistent with `PlotPlotly`, `PlotMatplotlib` and `PlotPyGame`
- [ADDED] a class to replay a logger using `PlotPyGame` class (`grid2op.Plot.EpisodeReplay`)
- [ADDED] a method to parse back the observations with lower memory footprint and faster, when the observations
are serialized into a numpy array by the runner, and only some attributes are necessary.
- [ADDED] fast implementation of "replay" using PlotPygame and EpisodeData
- [UPDATED] overall documentation: more simple theme, easier organization of each section.

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