- [BREAKING] `grid2op.GameRules` module renamed to `grid2op.RulesChecker`
- [BREAKING] `grid2op.Converters` module renamed `grid2op.Converter`
- [BREAKING] `grid2op.ChronicsHandler` renamed to `grid2op.Chronics`
- [BREAKING] `grid2op.PandaPowerBackend` is moved to `grid2op.Backend.PandaPowerBackend`
- [BREAKING] `RulesChecker.Allwayslegal` is now `Rules.Alwayslegal`
- [BREAKING] Plotting utils are now located in their own module `grid2op.Plot`
- [DEPRECATION] `HelperAction` is now called `ActionSpace` to better suit open ai gym name. Use of `HelperAction`
will be deprecated in future versions.
- [DEPRECATION] `ObservationHelper` is now called `ObservationSpace` to better suit open ai gym name.
Use of `ObservationHelper` will be deprecated in future versions.
- [DEPRECATION] `Action` class has been split into `BaseAction` that serve as an abstract base class for all
action class, and `CompleteAction` (that inherit from BaseAction) for the class allowing to perform every
modification implemented in grid2op.
- [DEPRECATION] `Observation` class has renamed `BaseObservation` that serve as an abstract base class for all
observation classes. Name Observation will be deprecated in future versions.
- [DEPRECATION] `Agent` class has renamed `BaseAgent` that serve as an abstract base class for all
agent classes. Name Agent will be deprecated in future versions.
- [DEPRECATION] `Reward` class has renamed `BaseReward` that serve as an abstract base class for all
reward classes. Name Reward will be deprecated in future versions.
- [DEPRECATION] `LegalAction` class has renamed `BaseRules` that serve as an abstract base class for all
type of rules classes. Name `LegalAction` will be deprecated in future versions.
- [DEPRECATION] typo fixed in `PreventReconection` class (now properly named `PreventReconnection`)
- [ADDED] different kind of "Opponent" can now be implemented if needed (missing deep testing, different type of
class, and good documentation)
- [ADDED] implement other "rewards" to look at. It is now possible to have an environment that will compute more rewards
that are given to the agent through the "information" return argument of `env.step`. See the documentation of
- [ADDED] Alternative method to load datasets based on new dataset format: `MakeEnv.make2`
- [ADDED] Layout of the powergrid is part of the `GridObject` and is serialized along with the
action_space and observation_space. Plotting utilities no longer require specific layout (custom layout
can still be provided)
- [ADDED] A new kind of actions that can change the value (and buses) to which shunt are connected. This support will
be helpfull for the `VoltageControler` class.
- [FIXED] Loading L2RPN_2019 dataset
- [FIXED] a bug that prevents the voltage controler to be changed when using `grid2op.make`.
- [FIXED] `time_before_cooldown_line` vector were output twice in observation space
(see `issue 47 <https://github.com/Grid2Op/grid2op/issues/47>`_ part 1)
- [FIXED] the number of active bus on a substation was not computed properly, which lead to some unexpected
behavior regarding the powerlines switches (depending on current stats of powerline, changing the buses of some
powerline has different effect)
(see `issue 47 <https://github.com/Grid2Op/grid2op/issues/47>`_ part 2)
- [FIXED] wrong voltages were reported for PandapowerBackend that causes some isolated load to be not detected
(see `issue 51 <https://github.com/Grid2Op/grid2op/issues/51>`_ )
- [FIXED] improve the install script to not crash when numba can be installed, but cannot be loaded.
(see `issue 50 <https://github.com/Grid2Op/grid2op/issues/50>`_ )
- [UPDATED] import documentation of `Space` especially in case someone wants to build other type of Backend