
Latest version: v1.10.5

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- [BREAKING] GymConverter has been moved to `grid2op.gym_compat` module instead of `grid2op.Converter`
- [FIXED] wrong computation of voltage magnitude at extremity of powerlines when the powerlines were disconnected.
- [FIXED] `Issue 151 <>`_: modification of observation attributes 3
could lead to crash
- [FIXED] `Issue 153 <>`_: negative generator could happen in some
- [FIXED] an error that lead to wrong normalization of some generator (due to slack bus) when using the
- [FIXED] a bug that prevented runner to read back previously stored data (and now a test to check
backward compatibility down to version 1.0.0)
- [FIXED] small issue that could lead to non reproducibility when shuffling chronics
- [FIXED] a bug in `obs.bus_connectivity_matrix()` when powerlines were disconnected
- [ADDED] a class to deactivate the maintenance and hazards in the chronics from file
- [ADDED] a keyword argument in the matplotlib plot information on the grid
(`plot_helper.plot_info(..., coloring=...)`)
- [ADDED] a function to change the color palette of powerlines (`plot_helper.assign_line_palette`)
- [ADDED] a function to change the color palette of generators (`plot_helper.assign_gen_palette`)
- [ADDED] Support the attack of the opponent in the `EpisodeData` class
- [ADDED] Now the observations are set to a "game over" state when a game over occurred
see `BaseObservation.set_game_over`
- [ADDED] a method to plot the redispatching state of the grid `PlotMatplot.plot_current_dispatch`
- [ADDED] the documentation of `Episode` module that was not displayed.
- [IMPROVED] silence the warning issue when calling `MultiEnv.get_seeds`
- [IMPROVED] the tolerance of the redispatching algorithm is now more consistent between the precision of the solver
used and the time when it's
- [IMPROVED] make faster and more robust the optimization routine used during redispatching
- [IMPROVED] error message when the state fails because of infeasible redispatching


- [ADDED] `l2rpn-baselines` package dependency in the "binder" environment.
- [FIXED] binder integration that was broken momentarily
- [FIXED] an issue in the sampling of redispatching action (ramp up and ramp down were inverted)
- [FIXED] an issue causing errors when using `action_space.change_bus` and `action_space.set_bus`
- [FIXED] an issue in the sampling: redispatching and "change_bus" where always performed at the
same time
- [FIXED] `Issue 144 <>`_: typo that could lead to not
display some error messages in some cases.
- [FIXED] `Issue 146 <>`_: awkward behaviour that lead to not calling
the reward function when the episode was over.
- [FIXED] `Issue 147 <>`_: un consistency between step and simulate
when cooldowns where applied (rule checking was not using the right method).
- [FIXED] An error preventing the loading of an Ambiguous Action (in case an agent took such action, the `EpisodeData`
would not load it properly).
- [IMPROVED] overall documentation of `BaseEnv` and `Environment`
- [IMPROVED] rationalize the public and private part of the API for `Environment` and `BaseEnv`.
Some members have been moved to private attribute (their modification would largely alterate the
behaviour of grid2op).
- [IMPROVED] internal functions are tagged as "Internal, do not use" in the documentation.
- [IMPROVED] Improved documentation for the `Environment` and `MultiMixEnvironment`.


- [FIXED] `LightSim Issue 10<>`_: tests were
not covering every usecase


- [ADDED] a function that allows to modify some parameters of the environment (see `grid2op.update_env`)
- [ADDED] a class to convert between two backends
- [FIXED] out dated documentation in some classes
- [FIXED] `Issue 140<>`_: illegal action were
not properly computed in some cases, especially in case of divergence of the powerflow. Also now
the "why" the action is illegal is displayed (instead of a generic "this action is illegal").
- [FIXED] `LightSim Issue 10<>`_:
copy of whole environments without needing pickle module.
- [UPDATED] a missing class documentation `Chronics.Multifolder` in that case.


- [ADDED] `ActionSpace.sample` method is now implemented
- [ADDED] DeltaRedispatchRandomAgent: that takes redispatching actions of a configurable [-delta;+delta] in MW on random generators.
- [FIXED] `Issue 129<>`_: game over count for env_actions
- [FIXED] `Issue 127 <>`_: Removed no longer existing attribute docstring `indisponibility`
- [FIXED] `Issue 133 <>`_: Missing positional argument `space_prng` in `Action.SerializableActionSpace`
- [FIXED] `Issue 131 <>`_: Forecast values are accessible without needing to call `obs.simulate` beforehand.
- [FIXED] `Issue 134 <>`_: Backend iadd actions with lines extremities disconnections (set -1)
- [FIXED] issue `Issue 125 <>`_
- [FIXED] issue `Issue 126 <>`_ Loading runner logs no longer checks environment actions ambiguity
- [IMPROVED] issue `Issue 16 <>`_ improving openai gym integration.
- [IMPROVED] `Issue 134 <>`_ lead us to review and rationalize the
behavior of grid2op concerning the powerline status. Now it behave more rationally and has now the following
behavior: if a powerline origin / extremity bus is "set" to -1 at one end and not modified at the other, it will disconnect this
powerline, if a powerline origin / extremity bus is "set" to 1 or 2 at one end and not modified at the other, it will
reconnect the powerline. If a powerline bus is "set" to -1 at one end and set to 1 or 2 at its other
end the action is ambiguous.
- [IMPROVED] way to count what is affect by an action (affect the cooldown of substation and powerline
and the legality of some action). And action disconnect a powerline (using the "set_bus") will be
considered to affect only
this powerline (and not on its substations) if and only if the powerline was connected (otherwise it
affects also on the substation). An action that connects a powerline (using the "set_bus") will affect
only this powerline (and not its substations) if and only if this powerline was disconnected (
otherwise it affects the substations but not the powerline). Changing the bus of an extremity of
a powerline if this powerline is connected has no impact on its status and therefor it considers
it only affects the corresponding substation.
- [IMPROVED] added documentation and usage example for `CombineReward` and `CombineScaledReward`


- [FIXED] the EpisodeData now properly propagates the end of the episode
- [FIXED] `MultiFolder.split_and_save` function did not use properly the "seed"
- [FIXED] issue `Issue 122 <>`_
- [FIXED] Loading of multimix environment when they are already present in the data cache.
- [UPDATED] notebook 3 to reflect the change made a long time ago for the ambiguous action
(when a powerline is reconnected)

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