
Latest version: v0.3.3

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- Fixed multiline parentheses check.
- Fixed replace, self.replace_overlap_index is still needed.
Replaced are now showed until esc, showed also if doing search again.
You can now replace by pressing Return only.

- Ctrl-d in last tab, which has no filepath, clears contents.
- Ctrl-a is now: goto linestart as is the default. Select all, if needed,
can be found from mouse-menu.

- Removed tabify from mouse-menu as not needed, and binded Control-t to it.
- Goto linestart now skips indentation.
- When Un-,Indenting or pasting many lines, first line is shown.
Also you can now fix that first line indentation with arrow left and right
while indenting many lines.

- Made waiter-func to add delay while doing things which involve view-changes like
unindent many lines or searching.

- Fix for: view-change to a file with cursor on start of multiline string.
- Added missing docstring to wordexpand.py
- Updated help.


- It is now possible to close tab without saving it with: ctrl-q
- Added missing unbind for buttonrelease-1 when replacing.
- Added initial word-expander from idle/autoexpand.py, renamed it wordexpand.py,
binded to Alt-e and updated help-text.
- Also removed overlap-index stuff from replace and use now 'replaced'-tag instead
to mark already replaced areas.


- After save (give filename), put focus on text.
- Pasting to tab with no filename does no longer trigger syntax highlighting.
- Unindenting single line works now as it should.
- Updated help-text.
- Added initial checking for parenthesis mismatch.
- Fix error raised in v.0.1.8, when walking to newtab.
- When searching, ensure_visibility shows now 4 next lines instead of just 2.
- When deleting selection, an extra character before selection was also deleted. This is now fixed.


- Fix error-view syntax-highlighting.
- Fix error when doing ctrl-s if cursor not visible.
- Colorchooser now shows current color correctly.
- Updated help-file.
- Fixes for show_next, ensure_visibility, walk_tabs.
- Fixes for paste() when dealing with multiline string markers.


- Added bunch of files from idlelib to be used as example resource in the future.
- Small fixes.


- Quick fix for check_indent_depth()

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