- Added small Tcl-script in init to fix ctrl-(shift)-right-left no work in Windows11 with Tcl 8.6.12.
Changed it to the same as in Tcl 8.6.13 in Debian 12. 8.6.13-version uses word-chars in wordbreak regular
expressions where 8.6.12 uses space-chars. It explains some of the difference. Space chars RE were greedier
compared to word-char based ones, and thus they matched more. In normal text editing one would definitely
want to use space chars RE but this editor is for code editing.
- Center_view now shifts 1/3 screen height up per event.
- Because Viewsync-event does not trigger when window size changes, to get linenumbers updated,
added handle_configure() that is binded to <Configure>-event, which is generetad when window size changes.
-Being monospaced font does not guarantee same lineheight between lines not containing bold-text
and lines that do contain bold-text, like keywords. Courier for example is monospaced but does not have
this kind of constant lineheight. If choosing other than constant lineheight font, linenumbers
can have little offset. So Consolas is now before Courier in GOODFONTS. Because of this, made changes to
changefont.py: Added filters for mono- and constant height -fonts, also removed unnecessary options. Also
added missing call for tracefunc in checkbutton_command. Vertical fonts (those starting with ) are removed
from the list. Added info about filters.