
Latest version: v0.3.3

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- One can now yank line with ctrl- or cmd-y.
- Testing blockcursor -> normal cursor.
- Made padx and pady depend on font.measure instead of hardcoded values. Currently used only in contents and linenumbers.
- Clarified bindings after finding out that one can bind to Cmd with Mod1.
- Fixed goto_linestart -end etc. to make 'select line from' work.
- Not much else but wanted to release a little more working version.


- Added initial support for macOS. Tested to work in macOS 12. Had some major issues with it like
inability to bind. Also, focus it not restored to Python-console after closing editor, so some
trickery is made at import stage. You can find this in the beginning of class Editor.
Coloring with system theme (light/dark) is also difficult and
may require event-loop, if done with tkinter, or tracing in Tcl and is not yet done.
- Both command-w and -q closes editor with save. Cmd-left or right walks tabs. Cmd-n opens new tab
and cmd-return opens filedialog.
- When have selection in contents or entry, pressing arrow left or right
moves cursor to other end clearing selection.
- Ctrl-shift-a or -e does select from line, so does Cmd-shift-left or -right in macOS.
- Made macOS-helptext.
- Added copy of NotoMono v. 1.0 to /font for possible use in future.
- Some improvements in colorchooser.
- Noticed that macOS seems to have some momemtum in scrolling.
- Improvements in fontchoose, like made optionmenu choises bigger etc.
- Removed building part from 'More on virtual environments' -section of Readme.md
- TkDefaulFont is '.AppleSystemUIFont' in macOS and causes troubles
because it is not in font-families. We check for error at closing editor
and when choosing font.


- Added small Tcl-script in init to fix ctrl-(shift)-right-left no work in Windows11 with Tcl 8.6.12.
Changed it to the same as in Tcl 8.6.13 in Debian 12. 8.6.13-version uses word-chars in wordbreak regular
expressions where 8.6.12 uses space-chars. It explains some of the difference. Space chars RE were greedier
compared to word-char based ones, and thus they matched more. In normal text editing one would definitely
want to use space chars RE but this editor is for code editing.
- Center_view now shifts 1/3 screen height up per event.
- Because Viewsync-event does not trigger when window size changes, to get linenumbers updated,
added handle_configure() that is binded to <Configure>-event, which is generetad when window size changes.
-Being monospaced font does not guarantee same lineheight between lines not containing bold-text
and lines that do contain bold-text, like keywords. Courier for example is monospaced but does not have
this kind of constant lineheight. If choosing other than constant lineheight font, linenumbers
can have little offset. So Consolas is now before Courier in GOODFONTS. Because of this, made changes to
changefont.py: Added filters for mono- and constant height -fonts, also removed unnecessary options. Also
added missing call for tracefunc in checkbutton_command. Vertical fonts (those starting with ) are removed
from the list. Added info about filters.


- Canceled move_line binded with arrow left-right as it interfered with search_next.
- Canceled updown_override which expanded indenation on empty lines as confusing.
- Fixed editor not getting focus at launch in Windows.
- Fixed goto-linestart_end to work in error-view.
- Paste to Python-console works now also in Windows. This is why module threading is now imported and used in copy_windows(). Earlier paste freezed editor so it had to be fixed.
- Fixed copy-pasteing lines in place to work in windows as intented.


- Fix for: Editor not launching in Debian 12.
- Editor now launches in Windows, but freezes if trying paste to Python-console while editor is open and have to be closed, also move_line is not yet working.
- Indenting now works in Windows so do all shortcuts except for running file.
- Fix for: bell after gotoline, replace, replace_all.
- Arrow-up and -down now expands indentation on empty line to same as in old line.
- No more saving TKDEFAULFONT as font-family in get_config.


- Much improved colorchooser, settings have now colors and is not compatible with older conf-files.
Had to import copy-module for that which is to be removed in the future, when have colors-class.
- Again many fixes in replace.
- You can now center view with Ctrl-j.
- Improved checkpars alot. Curls are also counted.
- Disabled some default Text-widget-class-bindings like Ctrl-arrow: move 'one paragraph'
to somewhere etc.

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