
Latest version: v0.3.3

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- Fix for: being able modify contents at the beginning of search.
- Cursor pos is again set after editor launch
- Clarified some varnames: like tag 'found' to 'focus'
- Dumped tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog. Instead use now fdialog.FDialog
- Tested setting cursor blink off when idle but it added too much overhead, so left as is.
(Had to bind to: Button, KeyRelease, FocusIn and it seemed to be too much.)


- Reorder grid-related stuff in init to make instantiation of editor feel more instant.
- You can now toggle linenumbers with Alt-l (as lemon). This adds a new option to conf meaning this version is not compatible with earlier ones.
- Adjusted colors and borders for filedialog.Filedialog used in load().
- Made small fix to no_copy_ln(). If encounter problem with copying from editor to shell or console, try
first to copy something from shell or console to editor and retry. I have not had this issue for some time now.
- Added inspect-option to popup-menu, and updated help-file for how to use it.


- Fix for: goodfonts were left commented and removed badfonts as unused.
- Removed tkinter.scrolledtext -module as unused.
- Added info how to inspect objects in help. Was thinking implementing, but I changed my mind.
- Added a section about venvs for more advanced programmers in README.


- Trailing whitespace of non-empty lines is now stripped away in tabify() when saving files to disk.
- Control-f is now binded to Text-widget instead of Toplevel. Reason is again to avoid default binding.
It seems to center to cursor by default.
- After doing long paste, more lines than in screen, cursor was out of screen. Now view is refreshed after
- When doing search or replace, clipboard contents is now autofilled to entry in most situations. Yes, I got
idea from Gnome editor, which by the way has some issue showing the last lines sometimes, this is bad,
I have always showed the lines, keeping them untouched is another story.
- Finally got rid of module random. Fonts are now initiated with family='TkDefaulFont'.
- Some renaming etc. in linenumbers.
- Linenumber update is now handled by built-in event: <<'WidgetViewSync'>> which is great news:
got rid of quite complex self-handled event-loop. It was working alright but this approach is simpler
and more responsive. Im keeping copy of version 0.0.5 in dev/oldversions so it can be used as a reference. Install it with pip install oldversion.tar.gz.
About event <<'WidgetViewSync'>> :
It is generated when doing: insert, delete or screen geometry change. Also on almost all font-changes but
not when scrolling, so this is the reason why update_linenums is called also from sbset_override.
This really made a difference. It is now child-play to do things like toggle-linenums etc.
- Started replacing usage of % in strings with f-strings. Now all calls to print() are %-free. Still ~150 replacements left.


- Small fix in getLineNumbers()
- Added borders etc.
- You can now walk back with: alt-q
- File open -dialog width is increased
- Close open dialogs when quitting, tk_chooseColor is problematic though
(it might have own temporary root)
- Dumped 'proxy-undo', reason being lag-increase, files are in /dev if interested
- If get motivation to continue with undo, I will go with ungrid, also in /dev


- Made decision not to try to do tab-specific undo, for reasons you can read in dev/todo.py
- Undo should no longer clear contents.
- Pasting from editor to console works again.
- Changed title of file selection dialog --> select file
- Changed title of editor: 3/5 --> 0000
- Added dev-dir to repo and some may be useful -files there
- Updated mkvenv in readme

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