
Latest version: v3.6.0

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Forces complete RGB initialization on every color change to ensure rgb is initialized.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hhd-dev/hhd/compare/v3.3.1...v3.3.2


This release adds the ability to turn off the power light on the Legion Go when the device sleeps, which got added to the latest BIOS. It also fixes disabling the power light when the device is awake on that BIOS (Lenovo changed how it is called).

Older BIOSes will remain compatible, with the new feature not shown.

In addition, the TDP limit for the V3 MinisForum tablet was set to 28W.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hhd-dev/adjustor/compare/v3.3.0...v3.3.1


This release adds support for attaching custom schedulers to the kernel using sched_ext, and specifically the schedulers LAVD, Rusty, and bpfland.

Scheduler executables are whitelisted by hand, as there are many that should not be shown to the user. Currently, those are LAVD, Rusty, and bpfland. Adjustor manages the executable lifetime and attaching and detaching them from the kernel, without using a systemd service. And since the schedulers like to be _verbose_, it eats the logs to avoid spamming journalctl (for now).

This feature does both kernel support detection and scheduler availability detection. So the slider only shows up with the installed schedulers if and only if there is at least one scheduler and sched_ext is supported by the kernel.

In addition, the steam slider is updated to receive per device values, and the TDP limit for the Orange Pi Neo is tweaked according to Manjaro's spec.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hhd-dev/adjustor/compare/v3.2.1...v3.3.0


Fixes the loading bar flash that happens during startup in gaming mode.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hhd-dev/hhd-ui/compare/v3.2.2...v3.2.3


Fixes the hue slider when used in OXP devices that have center RGB (e.g., X1) and makes the RGB options of such devices scrollable (they have a lot of options).

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hhd-dev/hhd-ui/compare/v3.2.1...v3.2.2


Fixes sliders reverting to their previous setting when applied with A.

What's Changed
* removing unnecessary updateSettingValue call by 522122 in https://github.com/hhd-dev/hhd-ui/pull/12

New Contributors
* 522122 made their first contribution in https://github.com/hhd-dev/hhd-ui/pull/12

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/hhd-dev/hhd-ui/compare/v3.2.0...v3.2.1

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