**December 24, 2018**
This is a major release containing a large number of features and API
improvements. Specifically this release was devoted to improving the
general usability and accessibility of the HoloViews API and
deprecating parts of the API in anticipation for the 2.0 release.
To enable deprecation warnings for these deprecations set:
hv.config.future_deprecations = True
The largest updates to the API relate to the options system which is now
more consistent, has better validation and better supports notebook
users without requiring IPython magics. The new `dim` transform
generalizes the mapping from data dimensions to visual dimensions,
greatly increasing the expressive power of the options system. Please
consult the updated user guides for more information.
Special thanks for the contributions by Andrew Huang (ahuang11),
Julia Signell (jsignell), Jon Mease (jonmmease), and Zachary Barry
- Generalized support for style mapping using `dim` transforms
- Added alternative to opts magic with tab-completion
- Added support for Polygons with holes and improved contours
operation ([3092](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3092))
- Added support for Links to express complex interactivity in JS
- Plotly improvements including support for plotly 3.0
([3194](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3194)), improved
support for containers
([3255](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3255)) and support
for more elements
- Support for automatically padding plots using new `padding` option
- Added `xlim`/`ylim` plot options to simplify setting axis ranges
- Added `xlabel`/`ylabel` plot options to simplify overriding axis
labels ([2833](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/issues/2833))
- Added `xformatter`/`yformatter` plot options to easily override tick
formatter ([3042](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3042))
- Added `active_tools` options to allow defining tools to activate on
bokeh plot initialization
- Added `FreehandDraw` stream to allow freehand drawing on bokeh plots
- Added support for `cftime` types for dates which are not supported
by standard datetimes and calendars
- Added top-level `save` and `render` functions to simplify exporting
plots ([3134](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3134))
- Added support for updating Bokeh bokeh legends
- Added support for indicating directed graphs with arrows
- Improved import times
- Adopted Google style docstring and documented most core methods and
classes ([3128](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3128)
Bug fixes:
- GIF rendering fixed under Windows
- Fixes for hover on Path elements in bokeh
- Fixes for handling TriMesh value dimensions on rasterization
- `finalize_hooks` renamed to `hooks`
- All `*_index` and related options are now deprecated including
`color_index`, `size_index`, `scaling_method`, `scaling_factor`,
`size_fn` ([2152](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/2152))
- Bars `group_index`, `category_index` and `stack_index` are deprecated in
favor of stacked option
- iris interface was moved to GeoViews
- Top-level namespace was cleaned up
- `ElementOpration`, `Layout.display` and `mdims` argument to `.to`
now fully removed
- `Element.mapping`, `ItemTable.values`, `Element.table`,
`HoloMap.split_overlays`, `ViewableTree.from_values`,
`ViewableTree.regroup` and `Element.collapse_data` methods now
marked for deprecation