**April 17, 2018**
This is a major release with a large number of new features and bug
fixes, as well as a small number of API changes. Many thanks to the
numerous users who filed bug reports, tested development versions, and
contributed a number of new features and bug fixes, including special
thanks to mansenfranzen, ea42gh, drs251 and jakirkham.
JupyterLab support:
- Full compatibility with JupyterLab when installing the
jupyterlab_holoviews extension
New components:
- Added [`Sankey` element](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/Sankey.html)
to plot directed flow graphs
- Added [`TriMesh` element](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/TriMesh.html)
and datashading operation to plot small and large irregular meshes
- Added a [`Chord` element](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/Chord.html)
to draw flow graphs between different
nodes ([2137](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/issues/2137),
- Added [`HexTiles` element](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/HexTiles.html)
to plot data binned into a hexagonal grid
- Added [`Labels` element](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/Labels.html)
to plot a large number of text labels at once (as data rather than as annotations)
- Added [`Div` element](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/Div.html)
to add arbitrary HTML elements to a Bokeh layout
- Added
[`BoxEdit`](http://holoviews.org/reference/streams/bokeh/BoxEdit.html), and
streams to allow drawing, editing, and annotating glyphs on a Bokeh
plot, and syncing the resulting data to Python
- Added [radial `HeatMap`](http://holoviews.org/reference/elements/bokeh/RadialHeatMap.html)
option to allow plotting heatmaps with a cyclic x-axis
- All elements now support declaring bin edges as well as centers
allowing `Histogram` and `QuadMesh` to become first class
`Dataset` types
- When using widgets, their initial or default value can now be
set via the `Dimension.default` parameter
- n-dimensional Dask arrays are now supported directly via the gridded
dictionary data interface
- Added new [Styling Plots](http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Styling_Plots.html)
and [Colormaps](http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Colormaps.html)
user guides, including new functionality for working with colormaps.
- Improvements to exceptions
- Toolbar position and merging (via a new `merge_toolbar`
option) can now be controlled for Layout and Grid plots
- Bokeh themes can now be applied at the renderer level
- Dataframe and Series index can now be referenced by name when
constructing an element
- Option-setting methods such as `.opts`, `.options` and
`hv.opts` now allow specifying the backend instead of defaulting
to the current backend
- Handled API changes in streamz 0.3.0 in Buffer stream
- Supported GIF output on windows using new Matplotlib pillow
animation support
- Provided simplified interface to `rasterize` most element types
using datashader
- `Bivariate` element now support `levels` as a plot option
- `NdLayout` and `GridSpace` now consistently support `*`
overlay operation
- The Bokeh backend no longer has a hard dependency on Matplotlib
- `DynamicMap` may now return (`Nd`)`Overlay` with varying
number of elements
- In the notebook, deleting or re-executing a cell will now delete
the plot and clean up any attached streams
- Added `color_levels` plot option to set discrete number of levels
during colormapping
- Expanded the [Large Data](http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Large_Data.html)
user guide to show examples of all Element and Container types
supported for datashading and give performance guidelines.
- `Layout` and `Overlay` objects no longer create lower-case nodes
on attribute access
- `Dimension.step` now correctly respects both integer and float
steps ([1707](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/issues/1707))
- Fixed timezone issues when using linked streams on datetime axes
Changes affecting backwards compatibility:
- Image elements now expect and validate regular sampling
([1869](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/issues/1869)); for
genuinely irregularly sampled data QuadMesh should be used.
- Tabular elements will no longer default to use `ArrayInterface`,
instead preferring pandas and dictionary data formats
- `Cycle`/`Palette` values are no longer zipped together; instead
they now cycle independently
- The default color `Cycle` was expanded to provide more unique colors
- Categorical colormapping was made consistent across backends,
changing the behavior of categorical Matplotlib colormaps
- Disabled auto-indexable property of the Dataset baseclass, i.e. if a
single column is supplied no integer index column is added
automatically ([2522](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/2522))