**December 1, 2020**
This release brings a number of major features including a new
IbisInterface, new Plotly Dash support and greatly improved Plotly
support, and greatly improved interaction and integration with
Datashader. Many thanks to the many contributors to this release,
whether directly by submitting PRs or by reporting issues and making
suggestions. Specifically, we would like to thank philippjfr,
jonmmease, and tonyfast for their work on the IbisInterface and
jonmmease for improving Plotly support, as well as kcpevey, Hoxbro,
marckassay, mcepl, and ceball for various other enhancements,
improvements to documentation and testing infrastructure. In
addition, thanks to the maintainers jbednar, jlstevens and
philippjfr for contributing to this release. This version includes a
large number of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.
It is important to note that version 1.14 will be the last HoloViews
release supporting Python 2.
Major features:
- New Plotly Dash support
- New Plotly support for Tiles element
- New IbisInterface
- Greatly improved Datashader `rasterize()`
Previously, many of the features of Datashader were available only
through `datashade`, which rendered data all the way to RGB pixels
and thus prevented many client-side Bokeh features like hover,
colorbars, dynamic colormaps, etc. `rasterize` now supports all
these Bokeh features along with nearly all the Datashader features
previously only available through `datashade`, including (now
client-side) histogram equalization with `cnorm='eq_hist'` and easy
control of transparency via a new `Dimension.nodata` parameter. See
the [Large Data User
Guide](https://holoviews.org/user_guide/Large_Data.html) for more
- Implemented datashader aggregation of Rectangles
- New support for robust color limits (`clim_percentile`)
- Support for dynamic overlays in link_selections
- Allow clashing Param stream contents
- Ensured pandas does not convert times to UTC
- Removed all use of cyordereddict
- Testing infrastructure moved to GH Actions
Bug fixes:
- Ensure RangeXY returns x/y ranges in correct order (4665)
- Fix datashader instability with Plotly by disabling padding for RGB elements
- Various Dask and cuDF histogram fixes
- Fix handling of custom matplotlib and bokeh colormaps
- Fix cuDF values implementation
- Fixed range calculation on HexTiles
- Use PIL for RGB.load_image
- Clarified data types accepted by Points
- Updated Introduction notebook
- Fixed releases urls
- Warning when there are multiple kdims on Chart elements
- Set histogram `normed` option to False by default
- The default colormap in holoviews is now 'kbc_r' instead of
'fire'; see issue
[3500](https://github.com/holoviz/holoviews/issues/3500) for details.
This change was made mainly because the highest value of the fire colormap
is white, which meant data was often not visible against a white
background. To restore the old behavior you can set
`hv.config.default_cmap='fire'`, which you can do via the extension e.g.
`hv.extension('bokeh', config=dict(default_cmap='fire'))`. There is
also `hv.config.default_gridded_cmap` which you can set to 'fire' if
you wish to use the old colormap for the `Raster`, `Image` and
`QuadMesh` element types. The default `HeatMap` colormap has also been
set to 'kbc_r' for consistency and can be set back to the old value of
'RdYlBu_r' via `hv.config.default_heatmap_cmap`.