
Latest version: v1.20.0

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**October 8, 2019**

This is a minor release containing a large number of bug fixes thanks
to the contributions from joelostblom, ahuang11, chbrandt,
randomstuff, jbednar and philippjfr. It also contains a number of
enhancements. This is the last planned release in the 1.12.x series.


- Ensured that shared_axes option on layout plots is respected across backends
- Allow plotting partially irregular (curvilinear) mesh
- Add support for dependent functions in dynamic operations
- Add support for fast QuadMesh rasterization with datashader >= 0.8
- Allow passing Panel widgets as operation parameter

Bug fixes:

- Fixed issue rounding datetimes in Curve step interpolation
- Fix resampling of categorical colorcet colormaps
- Ensure that changing the Stream source deletes the old source
- Ensure missing hover tool does not break plot
- Ensure .apply work correctly on HoloMaps
- Ensure Grid axes are always aligned in bokeh
- Fix hover tool on Image and Raster plots with inverted axis
- Ensure that DynamicMaps are still linked to streams after groupby
- Using hv.renderer no longer switches backends
- Ensure that Points/Scatter categorizes data correctly when axes are inverted
- Fixed error creating legend for matplotlib Image artists
- Ensure that unqualified Options objects are supported
- Fix bounds check when constructing Image with ImageInterface
- Ensure elements cannot be constructed with wrong number of columns
- Ensure streaming data works on bokeh server


- Ensure HoloViews is fully compatible with xarray 0.13.0
- Ensure that deprecated matplotlib 3.1 rcparams do not warn
- Ensure compatibility with new legend options in bokeh 1.4.0


**August 14, 2019**

This is a very minor bug fix release ensuring compatibility with recent
releases of dask.


- Ensure that HoloViews can be imported when dask is installed but
dask.dataframe is not.
- Fix for rendering Scatter3D with matplotlib 3.1


**August 4, 2019**

This is a minor release with a number of bug and compatibility fixes
as well as a number of enhancements.

Many thanks to recent henriqueribeiro, poplarShift, hojo590,
stuarteberg, justinbois, schumann-tim, ZuluPro and jonmmease for
their contributions and the many users filing issues.


- Add numpy log to dim transforms
- Make Buffer stream following behavior togglable
- Added internal methods to access dask arrays and made histogram
operation operate on dask arrays
- Optimized range finding if Dimension.range is set
- Add ability to use functions annotated with param.depends as
DynamicMap callbacks

Bug fixes:

- Fixed handling datetimes on Spikes elements
- Fix graph plotting for unsigned integer node indices
- Fix sort=False on GridSpace and GridMatrix
- Fix extent scaling on VLine/HLine annotations
- Fix BoxWhisker to match convention
- Improved handling of custom array types
- Allow setting cmap on HexTiles in matplotlib
- Fixed handling of data_aspect in bokeh backend
- Fixed legends on bokeh Path plots
- Ensure Bars respect xlim and ylim
- Allow setting Chord edge colors using explicit colormapping
- Fixed bug in decimate operation


- Improve compatibility with deprecated matplotlib rcparams

Backwards incompatible changes:

- Unfortunately due to a major mixup the data_aspect option added in
1.12.0 was not correctly implemented and fixing it changed its
behavior significantly (inverting it entirely in some cases).
- A mixup in the convention used to compute the whisker of a
box-whisker plots was fixed resulting in different results going


**May 20, 2019**

This is a minor release primarily focused on a number of important bug
fixes. Thanks to our users for reporting issues, and special thanks to
the internal developers philippjfr and jlstevens and external
developers including poplarShift, fedario and odoublewen for their

Bug fixes:

- Fixed regression causing unhashable data to cause errors in streams
- Ensure that hv.help handles non-HoloViews objects
- Ensure that DataLink handles data containing NaNs
- Ensure that bokeh backend handles Cycle of markers
- Fix for using opts method on DynamicMap
- Ensure that bokeh backend handles DynamicMaps with variable length
NdOverlay ([3696](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/issues/3696))
- Fix default width/height setting for HeatMap
- Ensure that dask imports handle modularity
- Fixed regression in xarray data interface
- Ensure that RGB hover displays the integer RGB value
- Ensure that param streams handle subobjects


**May 1, 2019**

This is a minor release with a number of important bug fixes and a
small number of enhancements. Many thanks to our users for reporting
these issues, and special thanks to our internal developers
philippjfr, jlstevens and jonmease and external contributors
including ahuang11 and arabidopsis for their contributions to the
code and the documentation.


- Add styles argument to draw tool streams to allow cycling colors
and other styling when drawing glyphs
- Add ability to define alpha on (data)shade operation
- Ensure that categorical plots respect Dimension.values order


- Compatibility with Plotly 3.8

Bug fixes:

- Ensure that bokeh server plot updates have the exclusive Document
lock ([3621](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3621))
- Ensure that Dimensioned streams are inherited on `__mul__`
- Ensure that bokeh hover tooltips are updated when dimensions change
- Fix DynamicMap.event method for empty streams
- Fixed handling of datetimes on Path plots
- Ensure that resampling operations do not cause event loops

Backward compatibility:

- Added color cycles on Violin and BoxWhisker elements due to earlier
regression ([3592](https://github.com/pyviz/holoviews/pull/3592))


**April 10, 2019**

This is a minor release that pins to the newly released Bokeh 1.1 and
adds support for parameter instances as streams:


- Add support for passing in parameter instances as streams

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