
Latest version: v2025.1

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General changes

New features

- Update python lower bound to 3.12 for ISO8

Upgrade notes

- The image inmanta/orchestrator:2025.1 introduces a number of changes, including these breaking changes:
- Server options --wait-for-host and --wait-for-port are deprecated and will be ignored.
- Providing environment variables in /etc/inmanta/env is not supported anymore.
- Supported PostgreSQL version is now version 16. ([inmanta/inmanta-core8464](
- The orchestrator docker image now writes the Inmanta server logs to both stdout and to /var/log/inmanta/server.log by default. ([inmanta/inmanta-service-orchestrator527](
- The legacy, RPM based container is no longer available, switch to the native container instead
- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 15.0.0 (2025-01-17)

New features

- Added SkipResourceForDependencies exception. This exception can be raised by the handler when it wants to skip a resource and retry only when all of its dependencies succeed. See the {py:class}`inmanta.agent.handler.SkipResourceForDependencies` for more details.
- Added support for fine grained customization of log configuration, see [logging documentation](administrators_doc_logging).
- Added support for python types in plugin annotations


- Redesign the server on-disk layout. The server will now store its state in the ``<state-dir>/server`` directory.

- Make compiler venv have the python version in the name ([7732](
- Update database pool status reporting for the new scheduler ([8228](
- Add support for per-component log file ([8306](
- Add API endpoint for scheduler self-check ([8321](
- Improve the performance of the increment calculation.
- Added MultiLineFormatter to the stable api

Upgrade notes

- The on-disk layout of the server has been changed. After upgrade, old files can be cleaned up with the following commands:
- old environment files: `rm -rf /var/lib/inmanta/server/environments/`
- old agent config files: `rm -rf /var/lib/inmanta/server/agents/`
- old agent work folders (all folders formatted as uuids): `find /var/lib/inmanta -maxdepth 1 -regextype grep -regex '.*/[a-f0-9]\{8\}-[a-f0-9]\{4\}-[a-f0-9]\{4\}-[a-f0-9]\{4\}-[a-f0-9]\{12\}' -type d -delete`

- Add support for periodic per-resource deploys and repairs. When ``AUTOSTART_AGENT_REPAIR_INTERVAL`` or ``AUTOSTART_AGENT_DEPLOY_INTERVAL`` are specified as a number (not a cron expression), they are interpreted on a per-resource basis. The timer will trigger after the interval has expired, after the last deploy of each individual resource.

- Previously, a single database connection pool was configured
via the [database.connection-pool-max-size](database.connection-pool-max-size) and [database.connection-pool-min-size](database.connection-pool-min-size) options.
Now, the new resource scheduler uses an additional database connection pool per environment.
Please review the following connection pool options and make sure they fit your
needs. Do keep in mind that these options will apply to all active environments:
- For the server: [server.db-connection-pool-max-size](server.db-connection-pool-max-size), [server.db-connection-pool-min-size](server.db-connection-pool-min-size), [server.db-connection-timeout](server.db-connection-timeout).
By default, the server pool will be 50% the size of the previous global pool.
- For the scheduler: [scheduler.db-connection-pool-max-size](scheduler.db-connection-pool-max-size), [scheduler.db-connection-pool-min-size](scheduler.db-connection-pool-min-size), [scheduler.db-connection-timeout](scheduler.db-connection-timeout).
By default, each scheduler pool will be 10% the size of the previous global pool.
These defaults are tuned to 5 environments per server, if you have more or fewer, please adjust accordingly.
- All api endpoints reporting deployment status for specific versions of resources have been removed.

| api endpoint | change | alternative |
| ------------ | ------ | ------------|
| `/api/v1/resource/<id>` | removal of the status argument and removal of status field from the response | `/api/v2/resource/<id>/` |
| `/api/v1/version/<id>` | removal of `resources/status` field from the response | `/api/v2/resource` |
- The deployment status can only be correctly determined for the current moment.
For this reason the ``deployed`` and ``status`` field has been removed for all but the latest active version.

| api endpoint | change | alternative |
| ------------ | ------ | ------------|
| `GET /api/v1/version` | removal of the `deployed` and `result` fields from the response | `GET /api/v2/resource/` |
| `GET /api/v1/version/<id>` | removal of the `deployed` and `result` fields from the response | `GET /api/v2/resource` |
| `POST /api/v1/version/<id>` | removal of the `deployed` and `result` fields from the response | `GET /api/v2/resource` |

| command | change |
|---------| ------ |
| `inmanta-cli version release` | removal of the "Deployed" and " Done" columns from the output and "State" field now reports the same state as the corresponding page in the web-console |
| `inmanta-cli version list` | removal of the "Deployed" and " Done" columns from the output and "State" field now reports the same state as the corresponding page in the web-console |
- Removed the `inmanta deploy` command. ([inmanta/inmanta-core8612](
- The agent splay environment settings have been removed. Due to per-resource repair and deploy timers, splaying is no longer required ([8619](
- The lowest supported python version was increased to 3.12 ([8315](

Deprecation notes

- Remove deprecated `inmanta module commit` command. Please use the `inmanta module release` command instead to perform a release for a module.
- The `//` syntax for comments is no longer supported. Please use `` for comments.
- The following configuration options were removed:
- config.agent-map
- config.use_autostart_agent_map
- config.agent-names
- config.agent-get-resource-backoff
- unknown_handler.default
- config.agent-interval
- config.agent-splay
- server_rest_transport.port

The following environment settings were removed:
- push_on_auto_deploy
- agent_trigger_method_on_auto_deploy
- environment_agent_trigger_method
- autostart_agent_map
- autostart_agent_deploy_splay
- autostart_agent_repair_splay

The following internal API endpoints were removed:
- get_resources_for_agent: `GET /api/v1/resource`
- get_code: `GET api/v1/code/<id>`
- resource_event: `PUT api/v1/event/<id>`
- update_agent_map: `POST api/v2/agentmap`
- resource_deploy_done: `POST api/v2/resource/<rvid>/deploy/done`
- resource_deploy_start: `POST api/v2/resource/<rvid>/deploy/start`

The following settings are being deprecated:
- [database.connection-pool-max-size](database.connection-pool-max-size) replaced by [server.db-connection-pool-max-size](server.db-connection-pool-max-size) and [scheduler.db-connection-pool-max-size](scheduler.db-connection-pool-max-size).
- [database.connection-pool-min-size](database.connection-pool-min-size) replaced by [server.db-connection-pool-min-size](server.db-connection-pool-min-size) and [scheduler.db-connection-pool-min-size](scheduler.db-connection-pool-min-size).
- [database.connection-timeout](database.connection-timeout) replaced by [server.db-connection-timeout](server.db-connection-timeout) and [scheduler.db-connection-timeout](scheduler.db-connection-timeout).
- Dropped deprecated methods `set_log_level`, `set_log_formatter`, `set_logfile_location` and `get_handler` from `inmanta.logging.InmantaLoggerConfig`. Use the `apply_options` method or a log config file instead.

Bug fixes

- Fixed pagination metadata when on a page behind the last result, or before the first result (due to filtering) ([7898](
- Fix handling of extras in legacy dependency check ([8405](
- Don't refresh facts that no longer exist in the latest released model version. ([inmanta/inmanta-core8456](
- Fix the typing of agent cache and plugins decorators.
- Fix clearing of increment cache on environment delete

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.5 (2025-01-17)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 2.1.0 (2025-01-17)

New features

- Complete redesign of the Instance Composer, main focus was to align its general functionalities with regular form, and improve the user experience. This change includes: A right sidebar, to have better access to the form fields of different parts of the instance A left sidebar, from which we can drag and drop embedded entities and existing Inter-Service Relations from the inventory. Inter-Service Relations can only be edited when opened individualy in the Instance Composer. Zooming can now be done with a slider, and two new functionalities have been added. Zoom-to-fit and full-screen mode. ([5868](


- Implement the Events tab on the Instance details page. ([5781](
- Implement the Resource tab on the Instance details page. ([5782](
- Add navigation button to Diagnose view from instance details page, add ability to adjust look back property for the diagnose ([5842](
- Add a feedback component to the composer to provide user with information about the missing required inter-service relations ([5870](
- Simplify the documentation tab when there's only one item available. ([5916](
- Align all the input descriptions in the service instance forms ([5921](
- Add support for emoji to the Documentation Tab ([5931](
- Add button to disable expert mode from the banner ([5942](
- Adds discovery uri to the Discovered Resources Page ([5946](
- Add screen reader text for empty columns headers to improve accessibility ([5949](
- Emphasize terminated instances in the instance details view ([5951](
- Create a global modal component for use across the application, to improve performance and reduce code duplication. ([5965](
- Unify colors and fonts in the composer entity headers ([5986](
- Hide Left sidebar from the Instance Composer when in the view mode ([5988](
- Improve information messages in the form in the Instance Composer ([5990](
- Move action buttons to the page header, to improve spacing ([5991](
- Improve behavior of useEffects in the Instance Composer when related inventories are updated ([5997](
- Add highlighting for not connected inter-service relations elements on the canvas in the Instance Composer ([5998](
- Support nested status properties in the Status Page ([6018](
- Upgrade the Patternfly library to V6. ([6025](
- Add identifying attributes to pool of displayed attributes in the body of the composer entities ([6031](
- Hide read-only embedded entities from the Canvas in the Instance Composer to make the view cleaner ([6034](
- Change the buttons in the Composer Sidebar ([6035](
- Instance composer will render all required by default embedded entities in the canvas ([6037](
- Improve the display of timestamps in the instance details page. ([6047](
- Modify Service Details Page to use direct service instance data for latest version instead latest instance logs ([6058](
- Remove the collapsible functionality in the Service Inventory table. The new Instance Details page replaces the content of the collapsible sections. ([6104](
- Move progress bar form resource tab to details section ([5782](
- Fix spacing and font sizes in status page to improve UI and readability of the view ([6120](
- Fix slider display issue in firefox, fix rounding in the highlighter, fix fetching cache issue for composer initial load, fix overflow issue for text list field in composer ([6124](
- Move the option to go to the instance details into the row as primary action button. ([6125](
- Improve the Documentation tab on the Instance details page when only one documentation section is available. ([6122](
- Improve the tags for the versions on the instance details page. ([6142](
- Add Infinite query to History section ([6150](
- Align colors of labels and fix colors of progress bars

Bug fixes

- Removing embedded entities in the form wasn't consistently removing the correct item. A unique identifier has been added to the form elements to ensure the correct item is removed. ([5969](
- Resolve issue when inter-service relation attribute value is set to null AutoCompleteInput crashes. ([5993](
- Fix issue with missing inter-service relations on the canvas ([6030](
- Fix issue when toggling embedded entities of the same type in the instance composer ([6138](


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 14.0.0 (2024-10-10)

New features

- Added a 'receive_events' attribute to resources. It allows you to control which resources get events from their dependencies, i.e. wether or not they need to be redeployed after a dependency deploys. See the `std::Resource` documentation for more details. ([8012](
- Removed built-in io in favor of the more flexible mitogen module.
- Added telemetry support for tracing calls through the orchestrator.


- Include the documentation of modules composing a product into the documentation of the product when they contain a file.
- Update the endpoints returning discovered resource (`GET /api/v2/discovered/<discovered_resource_id>` and `GET /api/v2/discovered`) to include a link to the resource responsible for the discovery.
- Provide the exception that caused a resource load to fail in the deployment logs.
- Don't push fact refresh requests to the agent for undeployable resources. ([7777](
- The retention policy of items in the agent cache can be set via the `evict_after_creation` and `evict_after_last_access` parameters.

- Update module documentation landing page

Upgrade notes

- Agent cache retention policy parameter `timeout` is now an alias for the `evict_after_creation` parameter.

- Trace log level is no longer formatted as level 3 but as TRACE

Deprecation notes

- Removed the 'inmanta module do' command ([7913](
- Agent cache retention policy parameters `for_version` and `timeout` are deprecated. The `evict_after_creation` and `evict_after_last_access` parameters should be used instead.

Bug fixes

- Compiler: fixed a rare occurrence of nondeterministic execution order ([5145](
- Prevent the deletion of a project if this project contains one or multiple environments attached to it. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7556](
- Fixed race condition where newly started agent may take 22 seconds to respond ([7831](
- Don't export a new version if the compile fails, even if there are Unknown parameters

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.4 (2024-10-10)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 2.0.0 (2024-10-10)


- Deploying Instance in the Composer saves the coordinates of the instance as metadata ([5273](
- From now on changing sorting on paginated Views resets pagination ([5684](
- First part of the Service inventory rework. Add skeleton structure for the Instance Details page. ([5778](
- Add the documentation tab to the Instance Details page. ([5779](
- Add the Attributes tab to the Instance Details page. ([5780](
- Improve the labels of Inter-Service Relation input fields ([5922](

Bug fixes

- Resolve bug when JSON-editor is invalid on initial render. ([5892](

Other notes

- Resolve security alert on micromatch by updating dependency
- Resolve security alert on webpack and path-to-regexp by updating dependency


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 13.0.1 (2024-07-22)

Upgrade notes

- If you had previously constrained `setuptools<71` in your project's `requirements.txt`, you may now drop the constraint

Bug fixes

- Addressed breaking change in setuptools (core Python library)


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 13.0.0 (2024-07-05)

New features

- Compiler: Allow indexes on nullable attributes ([7204](
- Add support to configure the logging framework using a configuration file. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7271](
- Added support for forking agent executor ([7524](


- Add support to the `GET /api/v2/discovered` endpoint to filter the discovered resources on whether they are managed or not.
- Remove the venv of an auto-started agent when its environment is deleted or cleared or when its project is deleted. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7043](
- Raise a warning if JIT is enabled on the PostgreSQL database as this might result in poor query performance.
- Module release tool: do not write internal field `version_tag` to `setup.cfg`.
- Improve support for four-digit version on 'inmanta module release' command. If the 'use_four_digit' is set to 'True' in the module's metadata, the version will be bumped to a 4 digit format after a release. ([7521](
- Remove references to `std::*` resources from the documentation ([7563](
- Fix compiler handling of list constructors in plugin calls ([7792](
- Display a banner in the docs that notifies the user when the build belongs to an old major iso version. ([inmanta/infra-tickets201](
- The server now also cleans up zombie processes, which is convenient when running in a container
- Update auth to be able to authenticate against a provided JWT
- Extend dict_path library, allow to resolve the wild cards of a wild dict path for a specific container.

Upgrade notes

- The ``export`` command will now look for resource sets marked for deletion in the ``INMANTA_REMOVED_RESOURCE_SET_ID`` environment variable (As a space-separated list of sets to remove) in addition to the ones passed via the ``--delete-resource-set`` parameter.
- The default retention time of the internal metrics store ('environment_metrics_retention') is reduced from one year to two weeks ([7676](
- Handlers can now access the agent via 'inmanta.agent.executor.AgentInstance' instead of `inmanta.agent.agent.AgentInstance`. If you have developed a handler using `self._agent` to access agent internals, it may break.

Bug fixes

- Fix race condition where exporting a file might fail if a file with the same content was uploaded between the file existence check in the database and the export itself.
- Fix bug that makes the endpoints to clear or delete an environment fail with the error message `(39, 'Directory not empty')`

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.3 (2024-07-05)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.16.3 (2024-07-05)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.16.2 (2024-07-05)

New features

- Editing, Creating instances can now be done using a JSON editor. ([5763](


- Add functionality to filter instances through labels in the summary Pie Chart in Service Inventory ([5710](
- Improve the placement of the tooltip in the Resource Discovery page. ([5730](
- Update charts library to v7.3.0 to fix deprecation warnings ([5756](
- Refactor Authentication to simplify the flow and make it more maintainable and adjustable for new authentication providers ([5759](
- Allow the user to copy either the UUID or the identifier of an instance. ([5764](
- Add column for managed resources in the Resource Discovery page. ([5765](
- Add JWT authentication method to the application ([5818](
- Align the casing of the table headings in the discovered resource page.

Bug fixes

- Update the filtering in the form to get Inter-service-relations. ([5766](
- Update the form to support editing deep nested embedded entities which have RW attributes in their attributes. ([5792](
- Update copy id/service_identifier icon to not be grayed out. ([5827](
- Fix the uri to managed resources on the discovery page. ([5846](


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 12.1.0 (2024-05-24)

Bug fixes

- Fixed a race condition where autostarted agents might become unresponsive for 30s when restarted ([7612](
- Fix bug where the `GET /api/v2/resource/<rid>` and `GET /api/v2/resource` endpoints return an incorrect resourcestate if a resource moved back to the available state in a new version of the configurationmodel.
- Fix resource details endpoint status reporting


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 12.0.0 (2024-04-02)

New features

- Added support for arithmetic operators to the language (addition, substraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and modulo). ([inmanta/inmanta-core1799](
- Add facts that don't expire. ([6560](
- Introduced a new configuration option `database.wait_time` for the Inmanta server, enabling it to wait for the database to become available before starting. Users can specify the maximum time (in seconds) the server should wait for the database to be up. A value of 0 means the server will not wait, while a negative value indicates the server will wait indefinitely. ([6994](
- Implement constraints on jwt claims
- Remove state back propagation from the database


- Add `--soft-delete` option to the exporter. This option makes sure that resource sets, specified using the `--delete-resource-set` option, are only deleted if there are no resources exported for this set.
- Report which pip indexes were used to install a V2 module or third-party Python dependency if that package could not be found. ([6096](
- Add exclude_changes argument to the get_resource_actions endpoint to filter out resource actions with specific changes ([6733](
- Improved error message when http request have oversized headers
- Improve performance of cross agent dependency resolution ([6999](
- Improve exporter performance ([7040](
- Improve performance of std::validate_type ([7041](
- Add dedicated set_fact and set_parameter endpoints ([7068](
- Remove support for legacy schema migration (< ISO4 ) ([7117](
- Added the ability to have mergeable environment variables to the compiler service ([7154](
- Improve performance of resource view ([7231](
- Increased the default value of the database.connection_pool_max_size setting to 70 ([7248](
- Improve deploy performance for very large models ([7262](
- Add documentation on how to create the initial user when using the built-in authentication provider. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7357](
- Ensure agent code folder is cleaned up on restart ([7388](
- Agent started using std::Agentconfig now always deploy when first started ([7448](
- Added a named-volume to the PostgreSQL server started by the docker-compose based installation documentation.
- Make agent more resilient to resource loading issues
- Improve performance by tuning logging
- Improve performance of type validation
- Make parameter refresh a non-blocking call
- Add support for string concatenation in the Inmanta modelling language
- Changed the default value of the `server.auth_method` config option from `None` to `oidc`.

Upgrade notes

- The default value of the project configuration option `agent_install_dependency_modules` changed to True. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7026](
- Remove state back propagation from the database

Deprecation notes

- Remove functionality relying on netifaces from reporting. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7019](
- The project configuration option `agent_install_dependency_modules` is deprecated and will be removed in a next major release. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7026](

Bug fixes

- Fixed bug where certain config options could not be set through environment variables
- Fix formatting of error message for inline if expressions ([6226](
- make sure an environment can not be resumed while deleting, that deleting an environment first halts the environment and that the active model cannot be deleted.
- Resolve race condition on release version ([6955](
- Deploy command no longer ignores ``-f`` option. ([6993](
- Prevent deadlock between the `_log_session_expiry_to_db` and the `_log_session_seen_to_db` and `_log_session_creation_to_db` methods. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7024](
- Requesting a dryrun after a partial compile was sometimes causing an internal server error. ([7065](
- Fix bug where the latest released version of the configurationmodel could be removed by the cleanup job. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7324](
- Improved f-string error reporting ([7418](
- Fix bug where undefined and skipped_for_undefined resources are not correctly merged by the put_partial endpoint. ([inmanta/inmanta-core7416](
- Fix a bug where PIP_NO_INDEX could be used by pip when use_system_config was set to False in the PipConfig ([6096](
- Fix bug that causes literal values to be rendered incorrectly in the OpenAPI documentation. ([inmanta/inmanta-lsm1586](
- Improve ha db setup documentation

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.1 (2024-03-29)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.16.0 (2024-03-29)

New features

- Add User Management view when user is logged in through database authentication ([4738](
- Discovered Resources page has been added. ([5395](
- New pages have been added to display the orders and their details. ([5438](
- Smart Composer is now general available ([5470](
- Add database based login form ([5558](


- Add filtering by resource type on the Compliance and Compare pages. ([4555](
- Prevent the user from creating a project name that could be an empty value. ([5373](
- Corrected the disabled highlight for disabled delete button in the Service Inventory ([5400](
- Improve Instance Composer code readability and remove duplicated code ([5443](
- Add description to the order api request and extract the call from the Canvas component ([5469](
- Add Tooltips to the icon buttons in the Instance composer ([5478](
- Add default behavior to zoom to fit on initial load of the instance in the Smart Composer ([5506](
- Adjusted the color of the compile details to match patternfly scheme. Added default empty page for facts. ([5511](
- Add support for suggestions in the forms ([5531](
- Added support to display attribute annotations in tabs in the Service Inventory ([5532](
- Update the add instance button to be displayed as a toggle when the Composer feature is enabled. ([5554](
- Update Notification Drawer to handle notifications without uri ([5593](
- Feature Flag V2, enable specific parts of the application based on licencing ([5619](
- Add improvements to smart composer: Highlight of loose components, Hide/Show connection label, composer is available only from root services
- Upgrade Yarn to V4.

Bug fixes

- Enable adding new nested entity that are already part of a nested entity when the form is in edit-mode ([5375](
- Prevent displaying invalid dates in the Order Details View. ([5512](
- Fix display name in the form for inter-service relationship, and adjust filtering when clicking on a relation link in the attribute table. ([5561](
- Fix issue with misleading visual state of Diagnose button and misplaced 'back' button for terminated instances

Other notes

- The repo requires node 18+ to be installed

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