
Latest version: v2025.1

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Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 11.0.2 (2024-02-09)

New features

- Prevent double processing of events in case of stale events ([7066](

Known Issues

- Handlers that process events should always indicate when they processed events(via ctx.set_updated) ([7066](


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 11.0.1 (2024-01-04)

Bug fixes

- Fix anchormap entrypoint (language server) for imports with rename


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 11.0.0 (2023-12-11)

New features

- Add 'exclude_change' argument to 'get_resource_events' to be able to exclude some types of changes from the results. ([6375](
- Add server config option server.tz_aware_timestamps to make the server return time-zone aware timestamps. ([6428](
- Add server config option server.tz_aware_timestamps to make the server return time-zone aware timestamps. ([6428](
- A project-wide pip configuration can be set through the project.yml pip section. ([6518](
- Introduce the 'float' type for floating point numbers ([inmanta/inmanta-core6526](
- Introduced the dict_path module in the inmanta.util package. This module was previously located in the inmanta-lsm package. Users transitioning from inmanta-lsm should now use inmanta.util.dict_path for relevant functionality. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6631](
- Support `*args` and `**kwargs` arguments in plugin signatures. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6691](
- Migrated to pydantic v2, which offers more accurate type validation and increased performance


- Fixed reference to OpenAPI docs to work from any page
- Show exporter timings in compiler output ([6387](
- Improve the output of the `inmanta compile` and `inmanta export` commands, by using the logger name `compiler`, `exporter` or `<name-inmanta-module>` for log records produced by respectively the compiler, the exporter or an Inmanta module. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6489](
- Input validation of the put_version api endpoint is now more strict ([6517](
- Rate limit resolution of cross agent dependencies and make notification asynchronous
- Stricter type checking of values returned by plugins.
- Set the ``PIP_PRE``, ``PIP_INDEX_URL`` and ``PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL`` pip env vars according to the project.yml pip config when activating an inmanta environment with the ``inmanta-workon`` command.
- Raise an explicit error when attempting to create a virtual env with invalid characters in its path.
- Added documentation on how to perform an upgrade in-place. ([inmanta/inmanta-service-orchestrator393](

Upgrade notes

- All projects now require a pip config in the `project.yml`: please refer to the [migration guide](migrate_to_project_wide_pip_config) to move to a project-wide pip configuration. ([6518](
- Stricter type checking of values returned by plugins. Specifying None as returned type requires None to be returned.
- For successful upgrading to this version, it is required to have ISO version 5.4.2 or higher already installed. ([6726](
- stricturl is no longer supported. This has been dropped by pydantic

Deprecation notes

- The ``net`` module has been deprecated. ([inmanta/net209](
- The ``ip`` module has been deprecated. All its functionality is now available in the ``std`` module. ([inmanta/ip253](
- Remove the autostart_agent_interval and autostart_splay environment settings ([6084](
- Deprecate the 'number' type. Use the 'int' or 'float' type instead ([inmanta/inmanta-core6526](
- Removed the 'inmanta module install' command.. As an alternative to the now-removed 'inmanta module install' command, users should follow the updated procedure for module installation: The new method involves using the 'inmanta module build' command followed by 'pip install ./dist/<dist-package>' to build a module from source and install the distribution package, respectively. Alternatively, use 'pip install -e .' to install the module in editable mode ([6717](

Bug fixes

- Make sure openapi UI works when ssl is enabled ([5680](
- Fix bug in f-strings not working when whitespaces surround the variable. ([6629](
- Fix the handling of numeric keys in dict paths: floating-point numbers and their integer equivalents are treated as the same key. ([6731](
- Fix a bug where numbers where cast to int instead of float
- Fix jwt config error message to use the correct attribute and provide more context
- Compiler: fixed bugs in some operators when "Unknown" values are passed: `==`, `!=`, `not`, `in` and `is defined` now properly propagate unknowns. ([6033](
- Compiler: add support for "Unknown" values in operators ([6033](
- No longer update the increment when the agent pulls (this is now done when a new version is released), to prevent race with 6486.
- Fixed compiler bug where list comprehensions result in a ListModifiedAfterFreeze exception when the value expression is a constructor

Other notes

- Compiler: for consistency reasons, the for loop body will no longer be executed for "Unknown" values

Inmanta-ui: release 5.1.0 (2023-12-11)

Deprecation notes

- Removed the `web-ui.console_json_parser` option because it has become redundant. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6641](

Web-console: release 1.15.0 (2023-12-11)

New features

- The Service inventory now supports the functionality to duplicate an instance. ([5166](


- Add links to API documentation, both for LSM API and the General API. The update Service Catalog message is now also clearer ([4419](
- Improve behaviour of the agents table when the environment is halted ([4555](
- Enhancement bringing back functionality to close Sidebar when clicked outside of it on mobile, Introduce said functionality to Notification Drawer - Desktop & mobile ([4751](
- Redirect the user to the Desired State page on Environment Creation on OSS, instead of Compile Reports page. ([4835](
- Highlight table rows when hovering ([5038](
- Add the attribute modifiers to the Service Details table. ([5053](
- Timestamps in the dashboard are now rounded to full hours ([5081](
- Introduce functionality that blocks UI for the process of halting environment ([5136](
- Increase default page size to 100 for Resource logs in the Resource details page. ([5159](
- The user actions present in the expanded rows in the Service Inventory, displaying the Service Details have been moved to a toggle-menu at the end of each row. ([5166](
- Update support archive link for v2 ([5218](
- Improve overal UI of the inventory table, and remove the Attribute Summary Column ([5280](

Bug fixes

- Repair the drilldown height issue for the Actions dropdown. ([5280](


General changes

Upgrade notes

- The RPMs now install a Python 3.11 environment. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6024](
- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 10.0.0 (2023-10-13)

New features

- Add handler (DiscoveryHandler) to discover unmanaged resources. ([6025](
- the `release_version`, `/version/<id>` api endpoint will now return a 409 when called twice on the same version ([6349](
- Allow cron expressions in the agent_repair_interval so that we can specify a time-interval where the repair runs happen.


- Improve agents responsiveness for agents with a large number of connections and introduce a parameter to set the max-clients limit on an agent. ([241](
- add a warning to the docs about the risk of using multiple python package indexes
- Add top-level handler abstract base class `HandlerAPI` and made resource handlers generic in their resource type. ([6025](
- Add the "not in" operator. ([6211](
- Split deletes of projects, environments and configurationmodels into small transactions to prevent deadlocks. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6427](
- Files handled by the file API are now stored in the database instead of on the file system of the Inmanta server. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6441](
- Ensure that resources that will receive events are in the increment.. Any deployment with a status other than nochange is considered to be an event. ([6477](
- Add support for cron expressions for autostart_agent_deploy_interval and autostart_agent_repair_interval environment settings. ([6549](
- Ensure child processes are awaited by the deploy command
- Prefix the error messages produced by the `inmanta module release` command with `Error:` to make clear it's an error message.
- Improve the output of the `inmanta compile` and `inmanta export` commands to make it more clear to the end-user when the command failed. ([inmanta/inmanta-core5258](
- Increase the default value of INMANTA_MAX_ITERATIONS to 100000
- Moved the `validate_type` logic from the std module to inmanta-core. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6540](
- Reduce log level of compiler scheduler from debug to trace, to reduce compiler log output
- Added support to the `GET /metrics` endpoint to round the returned timestamps to a full hour. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6051](
- Add clarifying docstring to the IgnoreResourceException.

Upgrade notes

- When implementing a generic handler (extending from Generic), the Generic class must be mentioned last in the list of base classes of that handler. ([6025](
- the `release_version`, `/version/<id>` api endpoint will now return a 409 when called twice on the same version ([6349](
- A full recompile is required after upgrading the Inmanta server to re-publish all required files to the file API. After the upgrade, the Inmanta server will no longer have access to files uploaded using the old version of the Inmanta server. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6441](

Deprecation notes

- The compiler no longer explicitly injects the implied `== true` for plugin calls in typedef constraints ([inmanta/inmanta-core5787](
- The CRUDHandlerGeneric is now deprecated in favor of the CRUDHandler class ([6025](
- The `server.delete-currupt-files` config option was removed. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6441](
- Removed support for the legacy relationship syntax from the compiler. ([inmanta/inmanta-core5265](

Bug fixes

- Ensure get_resource_events and resource_did_dependency_change work across incremental compiles ([5493](
- Prevent repairs from restarting indefinitely when a short deploy interval is set ([6202](
- Ensure releasing a new version can not hide failures in ongoing deployments for older versions ([6475](
- Increase the timeout on the status method of a server slice 1s to prevent undesired timeouts on the status page of the web-console. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6599](
- Removed duplicate fact-expire from default config file
- Don't set a resource to the deploying state if that resource is undeployable.
- Fix bug where the `id.attribute_value` field of resources emitted by the exporter have a non-string type, when the type in the model is not a string.
- Improve the performance of the API endpoints that clear or delete an environment. ([inmanta/inmanta-core6373](

Inmanta-ui: release 5.0.0 (2023-10-13)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.14.0 (2023-10-13)


- A banner will now be shown if your license is about to expire, or if it already has expired. ([4708](
- Add e2e test for keycloak authentication ([4868](
- Updated the default filtering on Compliance check page and Compare page to exclude the unmodified files. ([4681](
- Improve the error messaging when the server is down and not reachable. ([4686](
- Improve the user-feedback when pressing either the repair or deploy button on the ressource page. ([4349](
- Update url construction based on new changes in API to redirect to ressource page. ([4907](
- Refresh automatically the environment overview page. ([4840](
- The select for compare functionality on the Desired State page has been updated. ([4391](
- Implement the useFeatures hook to fetch the config.js file from the server and extract the features.

Bug fixes

- Improve the behavior on Firefox when hovering over code-block icons. ([4916](
- Repair timepicker.

Other notes

- Upgrade the UI library to Patternfly V5. ([5076](


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 9.3.0 (2023-07-04)

New features

- Added support for list comprehensions to the language, see the documentation for more details (Issue 5433)
- Added support for keyword-only arguments in plugins (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5706)
- Expose the logging setup through the stable api (Issue 5815)


- Add support to the compilerservice to request a compile that is part of a database transaction. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm1249)
- Add documentation on how to upgrade an orchestrator by migrating from one running orchestrator to another. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-service-orchestrator391)
- The CRUDHandlerGeneric class was added. This class contains the same implementation as the CRUDHandler class, but is generic with respect to the specific PurgeableResource it acts on. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5555)
- Added generic logging interface for the handler and a compatible implementation that uses the Python loggers for testing purposes. (Issue 5708)
- Add the "-v" / "--verbose" option to Inmanta commands and sub-commands to set the verbosity of the console output. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5755)
- Add python-like f-strings. (Issue 5757)
- The 'inmanta module release' command now outputs the release tag (Issue 5816)
- Improve error reporting when attempting to move a resource to another resource set in a partial compile. (Issue 5884)
- Fix bug that makes the handler fail with the exception `PostgresSyntaxError: trailing junk after parameter at or near "$3A"` when running against PostgreSQL 15. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5898)
- The server now keeps track of database pool exhaustion events and will report daily how many occured, if some exhaustion was noticed. (Issue 5944)
- improved support for pip config files by adding the use_config_file option to project.yml. If set the pip config file will be used. (Issue 5976)
- Add dedicated project-wide pip index url configuration option to the project.yml. (Issue 5993)
- Add support to expose the same method via the API using different URLs. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm1274)
- The hardcoded agent backoff time is now configurable using the `config.agent_get_resource_backoff` config option.
- Improve the documentation of the `api/v1/resource/<id>` endpoint and return a clear error message if the given id is not a valid resource version id.
- Improve the performance of the `GET /api/v2/resource/<resource_id>/logs` endpoint. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core6147)
- The server now logs the enabled extensions when it starts.
- Only print exception trace on cache failure when log level is at least DEBUG (-vvv)
- Ensure status endpoint returns after 100ms
- Update the documentation about setting up authentication, to use Keycloak version 20.0
- Mention in the server installation documentation which extensions need to be enabled.

Upgrade notes

- The purge_on_delete feature and the `POST /decommission/<id>` endpoints have been removed. (Issue 5677)

Deprecation notes

- In a future release it will not be possible anymore to use a resource with an id_attribute called id (Issue inmanta/pytest-inmanta367)
- The CRUDHandler class is deprecated in favor of the CRUDHandlerGeneric class. In a future major release CRUDHandlerGeneric will be renamed to CRUDHandler. As such, it's recommended to import CRUDHandlerGeneric using the alias CRUDHandler. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5555)
- Setting a package source in the project.yml file through the `repo -> url <index_url> option with type `package` is now deprecated in favour of the `pip -> index_urls <index_url> option.`
(Issue 5993)
- For consistency, V1 modules' dependencies will now be installed using the configured pip index url (or v2 package repo) if it is set (Issue 5993)
- The default agent backoff time has been changed from five to three. This backoff is configurable using the `config.agent-get-resource-backoff` config option.
- Drop deprecated log_msg method in the handler.

Bug fixes

- Show a clear error message when the `inmanta module freeze` command is executed on a v2 module. This is not supported. (Issue 5631)
- Don't run cleanup jobs on halted environments (Issue 5842)
- Make sure resource.version == (Issue 5931)
- The environment_delete endpoint now correctly removes the environment directory on the server. (Issue 5974)
- Fix bug in `inmanta module update` when requirements.txt contains additional constraints
- Fixed compiler bug that could lead to performance issues for deeply nested boolean operators
- Fix bug where the cleanup job, that removes old resource actions, ignores the environment scope of the `resource_action_logs_retention` setting. This way the shortest interval used for the `resource_action_logs_retention` environment setting across all environments was applied on all environments.
- Fixed broken link to Pydantic docs in documentation
- Fix issue where the documentation of the `inmanta module release` command is incorrectly formatted on the documentation pages.
- Make sure that the log line, that reports the time required for an agent to fetch its resources from the server, is reported as a floating point number instead of an integer.
- Fix race condition that can cause an environment setting to be reset to its default value.
- Fix bug that causes the `/serverstatus` endpoint to report an incorrect length of the compiler queue.
- The server no longer incorrectly logs a warning about server_rest_transport.token missing from the config

Inmanta-ui: release 4.0.3 (2023-07-04)


- Improve the logging regarding the web-console configuration options.

Web-console: release 1.13.0 (2023-07-04)


- From now on Recompile buttons aren't disabled after use, which makes queueing recompilations possible.
- Add support for Attribute-Type migration in the attribute table. (Issue 4534)
- Add support to run the e2e tests against the OSS Orchestrator releases. (Issue 4660)
- UI-fix for the header when authentication is enabled. (Issue 4865)
- Add support for textarea in forms (Issue 4910)

Bug fixes

- Fixed issues with missing default values in string list input in Create Instance Form and with embedded entity inputs not being disabled in the Edit Instance Form (Issue 4737)
- Page redirection has been fixed when the authentication token expires. (Issue 4885)
- Bugfix for nested embedded entities being wrongly displayed in the attribute tree-table. (Issue 4915)


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 8.3.0 (2023-04-11)

New features

- Added namespace inference to nested constructors (Issue 4028)
- Add the user management service (Issue 5310)
- change agent_install_dependency_modules from experimental feature to expert feature (Issue 5693)
- adds docstrings to the anchormap so that the vscode extension can display them on hover (Issue inmanta/vscode-inmanta933)


- Improve the performance of the `put_partial` endpoint (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4743)
- Expanded project's package repo documentation with a note about the risk of using multiple package repos and dependency confusion attacks.
- Old agents in the agent table are now cleaned up from the database. (Issue 5349)
- Improved compiler reasoning on resolving `is defined` for empty lists
- Improve line numbering when reporting non-existing attributes on constructors (Issue 5497)
- Produce no warning about download path if it is not used (Issue 5507)
- Added diagrams to the documentation that explain the limitations regarding inter-resource set dependencies when partial compiles are enabled. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5679)
- Add support for four digit versioning for `inmanta module release`.
- Raise namespace lookup exception earlier (normalization phase) for improved diagnostics
- Added `-a` option to `inmanta release` command to commit all pending changes.

Upgrade notes

- It's required to run a full compile on any environment that uses partial compiles after upgrading the server. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4743)
- Changed the default value of `environment_agent_trigger_method` environment setting to `push_incremental_deploy`
- The `inmanta release` command will no longer do `git commit -a` by default, add the `-a` option to get the old behavior

Bug fixes

- The following API endpoints now return their results in a consistent, meaningful order: methods.list_settings, methods_v2.environment_settings_list, methods.list_params, methods_v2.get_facts, methods.list_projects, methods_v2.project_list, methods.dryrun_list.
- Fix race condition that causes the deployment of a resource to fail with the error message: 'Fetching resource events only makes sense when the resource is currently deploying'. This issue happens in rare situations and the orchestrator will automatically recover from it during the next deployment.
- Fix issue that may cause the first export for an environment to fail when files with identical content are present.
- Autostarted agents will now log in debug mode (Issue 5562)
- Fix bug that incorrectly calculates the timestamp indicating which facts have to be renewed.
- Fix race condition in incremental deploy calculation where a newly released version uses an increment that is calculated from an old model version.
- Fix bug where the 'done' field of a model version returned by the `GET /version` or the `GET /version/<id>` API endpoint decrements when a repair run of an agent changes the state of the resource to deploying again.

Inmanta-core: release 8.2.0 (2023-02-09)


- Support `inmanta module release` options `-c`, `--patch`, `--minor`, `--major` without `--dev`

Inmanta-ui: release 4.0.2 (2023-04-11)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.12.3 (2023-04-11)

New features

- Add support to force instance state, destroy instance or change intance attributes through lsm expert mode (Issue 4682)


- Move sidebars status icon into Header (Issue 4342)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Resources (Issue 4367)
- Improve appeareance of Environment selector and move it to the right corner of the page (Issue 4531)
- Add new icons for new event types in Service Inventory (Issue 4609)
- Improve support for attribute lists (Issue 4556)

Bug fixes

- Resolve the rounding issue on dashboard Service Counter. (Issue 4602)
- refresh catalog list after deleting Service (Issue 4608)
- Show no value instead of null when there is no description in embedded/relation entity (Issue 4610)
- Fix tooltip aligment and resolve flickering on environment control button (Issue 4612)
- Allow to add/delete optional nested entities (Issue 4615)
- Fix service details relation links to send user to specified service page (Issue 4617)
- Fix incorrect Y-axis values on stacked charts on dashboard (Issue 4626)
- Improve metrics tooltip placement across chart (Issue 4627)
- Fix issue wit clearing unread notification (Issue 4677)
- fix the issue that crash the app when using missing environment setting and it's definition (Issue 4772)

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