
Latest version: v2025.1

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Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 6.0.2 (2022-04-19)

Bug fixes

- Fix bug that crashes the agent when a cross-agent dependency doesn't have any changes (Issue 4116)
- Constrained click dependency to known compatible range because of backwards incompatible minor

Inmanta-core: release 6.0.1 (2022-02-11)

Bug fixes

- Fix bug in incremental deploy where event processing can be delayed (Issue 3789)


General changes

New features

- Added the web console as the default front-end, replacing the dashboard (Issue 65)
- Introduced the [v2 module format]( V2 modules offer better integration with the Python ecosystem with regards to [distribution](, dependency resolution and plugin loading. For more information on v2 modules, see how to [add a v2 module source](, [use a v2 module in your project](, and [install v2 modules](
- Added support for Python 3.9
- Added deploy method to handlers for increased flexibility in responding to events (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core2940)
- Added raw strings (r-strings) to the inmanta language (
- Added support for Jinja 3 to std module.
- Added terraform module. Allows to use native terraform providers without having to use terraform directly by using the included model generator. (
- VSCode extension interacts with the Python extension to allow venv selection.
- Extended web console functionality and made it the default front-end.

Upgrade notes

- Compiling a project no longer installs modules on the fly. Run `inmanta project install` to install modules. For more details see [setting up a project](
- The compiler venv (`.env`) is no longer used. The compiler uses the active venv.
- The supported PostgreSQL version is now 13
- The supported Python version is now 3.9
- This release requires RHEL 8
- Jinja templates are required to be compatible with [Jinja 3](
- An update of the VSCode extension is required for compatibility with this release.
- Clear your browser cache after upgrading to remove the old redirection rule. If the cache is not cleared the ‘/’ route will keep redirecting to ‘/dashboard’.
- The compiler and agent venv's with a Python version older than the Python version of the Inmanta server will be moved to an `.rpmsave` directory at installation time. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-service-orchestrator234)
- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Deprecation notes

- `inmanta module install` no longer installs all modules for a project. This has moved to `inmanta project install`.
- The inmanta dashboard is now deprecated in favor of the web console. It will be removed in a future major release.

Inmanta-core: release 6.0.0 (2022-02-02)

New features

- Added `resource_deploy_start` endpoint (Issue 2928)
- Added `resource_deploy_done` endpoint (Issue 2931)
- Added helper method for reliable event processing (Issue 2941)
- Improved south bound integration documentation (Issue 2954)
- Compiler improvement: made `is defined` gradually executable
- Added `resource_list` endpoint (Issue 3045)
- Added `resource_details` endpoint (Issue 3046)
- Added support to build V2 modules into a Python package. (Issue 3047)
- Added `resource_history` endpoint (Issue 3048)
- Added the ability to package V1 modules as V2 modules (Issue 3049)
- Added `inmanta module v1tov2` command. (Issue 3050)
- Added V2 package loader (Issue 3051)
- Updated `inmanta module install` to install v2 modules from source.
- Added the `inmanta module add` command. (Issue 3089)
- Added `resource_logs` endpoint (Issue 3109)
- Added endpoint to list compile reports (Issue 3131)
- Added endpoint to get compile details (Issue 3132)
- `inmanta project update` now updates modules' Python dependencies to the latest compatible version. The same goes for triggering an update and recompile from the dashboard. (Issue 3623)
- Enable the UI extension by default (Issue 3653)
- Added version diff api endpoint (Issue 3659)
- Added raw strings to the inmanta language.
- Restructured module developer guide
- added operational procedures documentation
- added instructions about passwordless sudo to remote agent setup
- Added documentation regarding modules V2. (Issue 3023)
- Port the agent to the new `deploy` handler method. (Issue 2940)
- Added support for PostgreSQL 13 (Issue 2893)

Upgrade notes

- On newly created environments, the environment setting `purge_on_delete` will be set to false by default instead of true. This overrides any purge_on_delete settings on individual resources. You need to explicitly set it to true to enable the old behavior again. (Issue 2958)
- `inmanta compile` no longer installs any modules. Run `inmanta project install` before compiling the first time.
- "The compiler venv has been phased out. The compiler will now use the venv used to execute the `inmanta compile` command."
(Issue 3096)
- Compiler no longer installs modules on the fly, `inmanta project install` needs to be run to install required modules
- Clear your browser cache after upgrading to remove the old redirection rule. If the cache is not cleared the '/' route will keep redirecting to '/dashboard'. (Issue 3497)
- `Project.load()` no longer installs Project dependencies. Pass `install=True` for the old behavior.
- NOTSET is no longer accepted as a log level by the agent's context logger.
It was not a valid log level before, but it was accepted by the agent.

- After upgrading the Inmanta server, all virtual environments used by the compiler and the agents have to be removed. Use the following procedure to achive this:
* Stop the Inmanta server
* Remove all `/var/lib/inmanta/server/environments/<environment-id>/.env` directories
* Remove all `/var/lib/inmanta/<environment-id>` directories
* Start the Inmanta server again

Deprecation notes

- `inmanta module install` no longer installs all modules for a project. This has moved to `inmanta project install`.
- The `inmanta module list -r` command has been deprecated in favor of `inmanta project freeze`
- `inmanta modules update` has been replaced by `inmanta project update`. The old command has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (Issue 3623)

Bug fixes

- Fixed docstring-parser compatibility after non-backwards compatible changes and constrained dependency to semi-safe range.
- Ensure that special characters in the resource action log are not escaped. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm699)
- Fixed agent cache behavior when `cache_none` is provided
- Fix dollar sign escaping issue in installation documentation
- Fix bug where the listeners of the environment clear action are not notified when files of that environment cannot be deleted from the filesystem. (Issue 3637)
- The tests folder is no longer included into the sdist package
- Removed NOTSET loglevel from all API's


Inmanta-core: release 5.1.1 (2021-06-01)

Bug fixes

- Add upperbound to docstring-parser dependency so that pip install does not fail

Inmanta-dashboard: release 3.7.0 (2021-06-01)

No changelog entries.


Inmanta-core: release 5.1.0 (2021-05-05)

New features

- Mark the stable API using a decorator (Issue 2414)
- More strictly validate the schema of the project.yml and module.yml file (Issue 2723)
- Updated db schema update mechanism to track all installed versions (Issue 2724)
- Add partial support for collection type parameters for GET methods (Issue 2775)
- Add changelog section to the documentation (Issue inmanta/irt417)
- Added developer getting started guide
- Added experimental caching support to the compiler
- Improved Inmanta install guide for Debian
- Extended stable API documentation (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm408)
- Added built-in performance micro-benchmark, to help diagnose performance issues
- Added ability to do `pip install inmanta-core[pytest-inmanta-extension]`

Deprecation notes

- Deprecated yaml dictionary syntax for module requires

Bug fixes

- Correctly describe in the documentation how version constraints can be set on module dependencies in the module.yml file (Issue 2723)
- Ensure that an error at agent startup time is properly logged. (Issue 2777)
- Fixed compiler issue on rescheduling of plugins breaking the cycle breaking (Issue 2787)
- Fixed compiler issue on cycle breaking (Issue 2811)
- Fixed typos in language.rst file
- Changed python versions in install doc

Other notes

- To enable caching on the compiler, either set the config value `compiler.cache` in the `.inmanta` file
or pass the option `--experimental-cache` to `inmanta compile`

Inmanta-dashboard: release 3.7.0 (2021-05-05)

No changelog entries.


inmanta-core: 5.0.0 (2021-02-25)

Bug fixes
- Fix broken order by (2638)
- Report the Inmanta OSS product version correctly (2622)
- Set PYTHONPATH so that all subprocesses also see packages in parent venv (2650, 2747)
- Create virtual environments without pip and use the pip of the parent venv
- Correctly set `[:n]` as syntactic sugar for `[0:n]` instead of leaving lower unbound (2689)

New features
- Add installation procedure for el8 to installation documentation


inmanta-core: 4.0.0 (2020-12-23)

New features
- Add support to use a custom venv path in the Project class (2466)
- Added more specific location information for attributes (2481)
- Added plugin call anchors to support ctrl-clicking a plugin call (1954)
- Added rpdb signal handler (2170)
- Added pagination support on api calls for agent and agentproc (2500)
- Added support to build RPMs for a python version different from Python3.6 (1857)
- Added support for assigning `null` to relations with lower arity 0 (2459)
- Added documentation on the core dashboard (inmanta/dashboard63)
- Decouple the compiler version from the OSS product version (2573)
- Show versions of all installed components when running `inmanta --version` (2574)

Bug fixes
- Fix broken links in the documentation (2495)
- Fixed bug in serialization of Resource with Unknowns in collections (2603)
- Fixed documentation of `install_mode`
- Ensure all running compilations are stopped when the server is stopped (2508)
- Cleanup old entries in the agentprocess and agentinstance database tables (2499)
- Ensure the compiler service takes into account the environment variables set on the system (2413)
- Fix `--server_address` option on `inmanta export` (2514)
- Handle failure in an event handler consistently for local and non-local agents (2509)
- Fix for cross agent dependencies responding to unavailable resources (2501)
- Handle JSON serialization errors in handler log messages (1875)
- Fixed too restrictive typing (and coercing) of AttributeStateChange (2540)
- Export command should raise exception on failure (2487)

Upgrade notes
- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Other notes
- The inmanta core package is renamed from `inmanta` to `inmanta-core` to allow for true semantic versioning
starting at `4.0.0`. A new `inmanta` package is provided that includes `inmanta-core` and continues the
`<year>.<minor>[.<patch>]` version schema.

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