
Latest version: v2025.1

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Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 8.1.0 (2023-02-06)

New features

- Added `inmanta module release` command. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5082)
- Added the `/metrics` API endpoint to retrieve aggregated metrics about an Inmanta environment from the server. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5129)
- experimental: Added a project option to install dependencies on other modules when loading code on the agent
- Improve stability of incremental deploy for resources containing dicts (Issue 5306)


- Remove resource.resource_version_id fields from the database and use resource id instead
- Improve error reporting when an index collision is detected. (Issue 5075)
- A proper inmanta warning is now displayed when an invalid escape sequence is detected in a regular string or a multi-line string. (Issue 5091)
- Fix wrong docker login instructions
- improved partial compile documentation for LSM
- Improved error reporting when an optional list attribute (not relation) remains unset
- Improved exception handling during shutdown
- Remove auto-recompile-wait from the config file in the rpm (Issue 4332)

Upgrade notes

- The first recompile after this upgrade will always perform a full deploy (Issue 5306)

Deprecation notes

- The `inmanta module commit` command has been deprecated in favor of the `inmanta module release` command.
- The `do_clean_hard` and `postgres_get_custom_types` functions and the `PGRestore` and `AsyncSingleton` classes in respectively `inmanta_tests.conftest` and `inmanta_tests.db.common` were moved to the `inmanta.db.util` module. The `do_clean_hard` function is available in the `inmanta.db.util` module under the name `clear_database`. These functions and classes will be removed from their original location in a future major release (>=ISO7). (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core5383)

Bug fixes

- Fix issue where server-side compiles fail when the SSL configuration on the server doesn't match the SSL configuration defined in the .inmanta file of the project. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4640)
- Fixed cycle detection in experimental relation precedence policy (Issue 5380)
- Fix handling of deploying state in incremental deploys (Issue 5434)

Inmanta-ui: release 4.0.1 (2023-02-06)

No changelog entries.

Web-console: release 1.12.0 (2023-02-06)

New features

- Create component and navigation for the Dashboard Page (Issue 4525)
- Create base components for Dashboard, endpoint QueryManager to acquire metrics and serve them to Dashboard and finally components with given Manager (Issue 4527)
- Adjust routing to include Dashboard correctly, fix e2e accordingly to new flow of routes (Issue 4531)
- Add interpolation to charts when no data was aggregated, format dates from UTC to local, add rounding (Issue 4579)


- Adding automated e2e testing for the Service Catalog, for a basic-service instance. (Issue 4317)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Service Catalog, for child-parent service instances. (Issue 4320)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Service Catalog, for a Embedded Entity instance. (Issue 4321)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Service Catalog - Catalog Update (Issue 4323)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Service Details (Issue 4327)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Service Catalog, for a desired state (Issue 4337)
- Adding Tooltips for halted and resume buttons in the sidebar. (Issue 4341)
- Adding automated e2e testing for the Compile Reports (Issue 4348)

Bug fixes

- Fix Service filtering when clicking on service relation (Issue 4099)
- Fix toolbar alignment issue. (Issue 4422)
- Fix form booleans issue (Issue 4438)
- Name of the agent is not properly escaped in pause agent request (Issue 4454)
- Fix resource logs issue (Issue 4480)
- Fix configuration update issue (Issue 4481)
- fixes to metrics (Issue 4590)


General changes

New features

- Add support for RHEL 9 and derivatives. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4973)

Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 8.0.0 (2022-11-30)

New features

- Added the inmanta-workon command (Issue 4376)
- Add the finalizer decorator. Functions decorated with it will be executed at the end of the compilation
- Constructors that appear as a right hand side in an assignment (or another constructor) now no longer require explicit assignments for the inverse relation to the left hand side.
- Add support for extensions to register their environment settings via the `register_environment_settings` method in the `` file of the extension. (Issue inmanta/irt1366)


- Improve the logging of the pip commands by using a separated logger for those. Also add the content of the requirements and constraints files to the logging. (Issue 4651)
- Add module and plugin deprecation mechanism (Issue 4908)
- Improve the error message when trying to build a moduleV2 with an invalid version name (Issue 5054)
- Refactor page view functionality

Deprecation notes

- Remove support for leaving nullable attribute unassigned, an exception will now be raised. You should make sure optional variables are always assigned a value. This changes the behaviour of 'is defined' in Jinja templates. You should now use 'is not none' instead (Issue 1888)
- The 'dashboard' section is no longer supported for configuration options. The 'web-ui' section should now be used instead for configuration options related to web interfaces. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-ui317)
- The Inmanta dashboard was removed. The URL of the Inmanta dashboard now redirects to the Inmanta web-console which is the successor of the Inmanta dashboard. (Issue 4905)
- V1 modules are deprecated. Support for V1 modules will be removed in one of the next major releases (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4941)
- Removed support to use a dictionary in the requires metadata field of a V1 module or an Inmanta project. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4974)
- The `inmanta module update` command and the `-r` option of the `inmanta module list` command were removed. They are replaced by the `inmanta project update` and the `inmanta project freeze` command respectively. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4975)
- Remove support for hyphens in identifiers. An exception will now be raised. (Issue 4976)
- The available-versions-to-keep option of the server configuration file is no longer supported. Please use the AVAILABLE_VERSIONS_TO_KEEP environment setting instead. (Issue 4980)
- Remove support for default constructors (Issue 4984)
- The `` method, used by the extensions to register environment settings, has been deprecated. The `register_environment_settings` method in the `` of the extension has to be used instead. (Issue inmanta/irt1366)

Bug fixes

- Fix issue where the progress information of the git clone command shows mixed log lines (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4919)
- Fix issue with "inmanta module build" command on a v1 module if inmanta_plugins dir already exists (Issue 4954)
- Fix bug where the stdout filehandler is not closed after streaming the output from pip into the logger.
- Fix bug where warnings messages were not shown to the user.
- Fix bug where the status endpoint can become non-responsive
- Fix issue where the documentation of the `inmanta module freeze` command incorrectly indicates that it updates the project.yml file, while it updates the module.yml file.
- Fix an issue about the __str__ function of the DatabaseOrder class which made it incompatible with python3.11
- Fix an issue about enum representation which made a test fail for python3.11
- Fixes an issue about optional fields without default value not being populated correctly in DAO
- Fix bug where a ResourceAction fails with an InvalidStateError when the agent is shutdown
- Fix bug where the endpoints `compile_details`, `get_compile_reports` and `get_compile_queue` returned incorrect data for the fields `exporter_plugin`, `notify_failed_compile` and `failed_compile_message`.

Inmanta-ui: release 4.0.0 (2022-11-30)

Deprecation notes

- The 'web-console' section is no longer supported for configuration options. The 'web-ui' section should now be used instead for configuration options related to web interfaces. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-ui317)

Web-console: release 1.11.3 (2022-11-30)


- Allow to send filter values from more than one input at once with enter or button click - Resouces & Desired State Details view
- An update banner will be displayed if your application happens to be outdated. (Issue 3879)
- Add an indication in the navigation sidebar when there are ongoing compilations. The indication will be added to the "Compile Report" menu-item.
- add buttons for expanding/collapsing all nested attributes to speed up the process of going through services
- The create/edit Instance form now has a better way to allow the user to select multiple Inter Service Relations. (Issue 4100)
- Updating React version to React 18. (Issue 4107)
- The link to the old dashboard has been removed from the sidebar. (Issue 4108)
- Improve the sidebar closing behaviour when on smaller screens. You can now click in the page content to close the container. (Issue 4119)
- Add Hooks that check if user leaves unfinished Add/Edit Instance form and prompt for confirmation (Issue 4125)
- When only one option available in select input, then this one is preselected instead of default placeholder prompt (Issue 4127)
- A button has been added to the Service Catalog overview to execute an update. (Issue 4159)
- move service details from dropdown to separate page (Issue 4160)
- add pagination on the bottom of the table to improve UX (Issue 4246)
- Move delete service button to the Service Catalog overview, in the kebab menu options. (Issue 4326)
- Fix service callbacks issues in display, in readabilty and form behaviour after adding callback (Issue 4332)
- Fix filter options being displayed under the DIFF comparator on some pages. (Issue 4338)
- Improve alignment of filter options on smaller screens. (Issue 4339)

Bug fixes

- Fix missing paramter in query when updating a service configuration. (Issue 4064)
- Fix the error thrown on create new instance. (Issue 4100)
- Make sure the Update button is also shown on an empty Catalog.
- Hotfix for the xml-formatter when the scenario occurs where the string to be formatted is preceded or ends with whitspaces. (Issue 4144)


General changes

Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Bug fixes

- Add a signal handler to the entrypoint of the Inmanta container to correctly handle the termination of the container

Inmanta-core: release 7.1.0 (2022-09-29)

New features

- Add option to bytecompile all python source in a v2 module wheel (Issue inmanta/irt1190)
- Replace Drupal model of quickstart with SR Linux. (Issue 4333)
- Added partial compile feature


- When the AutostartedAgentManager starts a new agent process, it now uses a dynamic timeout on the time to wait until all agents are active. The AutostartedAgentManager raises a timeout as soon as no new agent has become active in the past five seconds. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4398)
- Improved logging on the agent manager when restarting agents
- Performance improvements for the resource_did_dependency_change endpoint (Issue 4402)
- The `put_partial` endpoint and `inmanta export --partial` now dynamically allocate a new version.
- Add support for extras on Python dependencies (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4497)
- Improve logging on module installation. (Issue 4500)
- Reject v1tov2 module conversion when a is present
- Fix issue where the v1tov2 command removes the requirements.txt file (Issue 4684)
- Fix a bug in the typing of the new influxdb metrics (Issue 4688)
- Don't set PYTHONPATH environment variable on venv activation: fixes editable install compatibility with setuptools<64 (Issue 4713)
- Add argument to compilerservice to allow exporting with the specified exporter plugin
- Added options to compiler service to configure notification behavior (Issue 4803)
- Reduce compiler log level for iterations and cache log lines to debug
- For v1tov2 conversion, split tag from version and put it in tag_build field
- Improved editable v2 module compatibility with latest setuptools and PEP660 in edge case scenarios.
- Set the startup/shutdown order between the Inmanta server and the database in the docker-compose file

Upgrade notes

- It's required to update-and-recompile on each Inmanta project on the server after an upgrade (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4718)

Deprecation notes

- The internal upload_code endpoint has been removed, deprecated since core release 2018.2 (Issue inmanta/irt1190)
- The `put_partial` endpoint (previously marked experimental) no longer accepts a version argument.

Bug fixes

- Fix rare deadlock in the database locking mechanism when tasks are cancelled, mostly affects test environments. (Issue 4384)
- Fix issue that causes an agent restart storm for all agents on an agent process when an agent on that process is paused. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4398)
- make sure that the index present in PIP_INDEX_URL or PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL is not leaked to pip when using install_from_index (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4723)
- Fix issue where the pip consistency check is too strict (Issue 4761)
- The compiler service now logs the requested time of a recompile using a consistent timezone
- Fixed minor backwards incompatibility of the resource action database schema and `resource_action_update` endpoint
- Fix bugs in the merge logic of a partial compile. 1) Ensure that the version numbers present in the new version of the configuration model are set correctly. 2) Ensure that the resource states and unknowns, that belongs to the partial model, are sent to the server and merged correctly with the old configuration model.

Inmanta-ui: release 3.0.2 (2022-09-29)

No changelog entries.


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.


Upgrade notes

- Ensure the database is backed up before executing an upgrade.

Inmanta-core: release 7.0.0 (2022-08-05)

New features

- Change the relation deprecation warning to be more accurate. (Issue 2443)
- Add support for the elif keyword to the compiler
- Improved tracking of potential future relation assignments within conditional statements.
- Improved error reporting for invalid namespace access (Issue 2818)
- Expressions are now treated as statements (Issue 3367)
- Add environment setting to set the number of stored versions. (Issue 3505)
- Ensure processes forked by Inmanta commands load the same config folder as their parent process (Issue 3765)
- Add notification service (Issue 3981)
- Create a notification when a git pull fails during compile (Issue 4021)
- Add 'inmanta-cli environment recompile' command (Issue 4052)
- Added auto_full_compile environment option to schedule regular full compiles (Issue 4274)
- Add support to pass type precedence hints to the compiler (Issue 3098)
- Added support to create development builds of V2 modules (Issue inmanta/irt1184)
- Added documentation for primitive type casts to the language reference


- Improve batching of code loading in the agent (Issue 4217)
- inmanta module v1tov2 and inmanta module build will now merge setup.cfg and pyproject.toml (Issue 4372)
- Add py.typed file to packages build using inmanta module build (Issue 4374)
- The compiler cache (.cfc) files are now stored in the .cfcache directory in the root of the inmanta project instead of in the __cfcache__ directory in the inmanta modules. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4407)
- More precise cache invalidation for the compiler cache (Issue 4408)
- Add support to enable/disable strict dependency checking in the compiler and in the module tools using the --strict-deps-check and --no-strict-deps-check options. (Issue 4516)
- Improve exception messages on version conflicts (Issue 4524)
- Improve documentation of agent configuration
- Make `python -m inmanta` work
- Add database connection metrics to the influxdb reporter

Upgrade notes

- The default log level of the `inmanta` commandline tool was changed from ERROR to WARNING (Issue 3911)
- The compiler and the module tools now by default check all dependencies transitively for version conflicts. When a version conflict is found, an error is raised. A fallback to the old behavior is possible by providing the `--no-strict-deps-check` option. (Issue 4516)
- `inmanta project install` and `inmanta project update` now always take into account the `requirements.txt` of the project to provide additional version constraints to pip (Issue 4410)

Deprecation notes

- Unicode characters are no longer escaped in multi-line strings. (Issue 2582)
- The available-versions-to-keep option in the server configuration file is now deprecated in favor of the environment setting (Issue 3505)
- Writing a string over multiple lines is now only supported for strings within triple quotes. This was previously allowed for strings within single quotes due to a bug.
- An exception is now raised when trying to interpolate a string in a dictionary key
- The auto-recompile-wait option in the server configuration is now deprecated in favor of the recompile_backoff environment setting (Issue 4332)

Bug fixes

- The logger now correctly reports the endpoints that will be removed from a session
- Fixed an instance of nondeterministic behavior in the compiler
- Fix memory leak caused by lru-cache keeping strong references to cached items
- Optimize resource list query
- Fix installing extras of module dependencies (Issue 3443)
- Fix bug that fails the CRUDHandler when a changed attribute is of type set. (Issue 3470)
- Wrap any exception that occurs during resource export so that it is more useful to the end user (Issue 3787)
- Writing a string over multiple lines is now only supported for strings within triple quotes.
- An error message is now shown if a wrong repo path is used
- An exception is now raised when there is a mismatch between the python version of the compiler venv and the python version of the active process (Issue 3829)
- Improve the compiler error message that is given when an index attribute is missing in the constructor call. (Issue 3902)
- Fix bug where the user is suggested to run the `inmanta module update` command when the execution of the same command failed. (Issue 3911)
- Fixed bug that makes the `inmanta deploy` command fail when the database and server sections of the inmanta configuration files contain non-default values. (Issue 3927)
- Fix bug that makes every inmanta warning end with an empty line. (Issue 3951)
- Improve syntax error reporting when defining an attribute starting with a capital letter.
- Fix handling of '_' in resource_logs and get_resource_events api endpoints (Issue 4043)
- Fix bug where `inmanta project install` and `inmanta project update` always invokes pip, even when all dependencies are already met. (Issue 4055)
- Limit included namespace packages to inmanta_plugins for v1tov2 module conversion. (Issue 4130)
- Enforce inmanta package requirements so that modules can't overwrite those. (Issue 4200)
- Make sure that the `inmanta project install` command doesn't protect the inmanta-dev-dependencies package (Issue 4249)
- Fix syntax error when calling "is defined" on dictionary lookup
- The set_setting endpoint now correctly returns a 400 status code when an invalid value is provided. (Issue 4361)
- Fix bug where the setup.cfg file, generated by the v1tov2 command, contains a dependency to the module itself when the module contains an import for a namespace in its own module. (Issue inmanta/inmanta-core4373)
- Fix bug on value lookup in an unknown dict and on lookup with an unknown key. (Issue 4475)
- Fix failing test case.
- Fix order of stages in compile report details (Issue inmanta/web-console3082)
- Fixed incorrect top level module loading for nested imports when v2 module is present in venv but not in explicit requires
- Fix performance impacting race condition in deploy handler method (Issue inmanta/lsm433)
- Fix issue with get_resources_in_latest_version call not taking into account versions without resources (Issue inmanta/inmanta-lsm739)
- Fix issue where the deployment of resources takes a long time, due a high rate limiter backoff. (Issue 4084)
- Fixed type cast behavior for `null` and unknown values

Inmanta-ui: release 3.0.1 (2022-08-05)

No changelog entries.

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