- updated download script for Lapack to fit to netlib's
recent changes
2006-10-11 stable/3.2 r795
- Bugfix in L-BFGS update
- fix in configure with detection of sizeof(int *) on Cygwin
2006-07-14 - version 3.2.1 - dev release number 764
- Bugfix in least square multiplier estimate.
It mainly showed up in LBFGS with restoration phase as seg fault
2006-07-07 - version 3.2.0 - dev 757
- changed installation procedure and directory structure to
conform with new COIN-OR convention
2006-04-08 - version 3.1.0 - dev release number 714
Several bug-fixes, improvements and additions. In particular:
- new quasi-Newton approximation using L-BFGS
- interfaces to linear solver MA57, WSMP, Pardiso
(MUMPS and TAUCS not yet completed)
- derivative checker
- unit test
- configure supports compilation under Cygwin with native
Windows compilers
- ScalableExample
- user call-back method in TNLP
2005-12-04 - version 3.0.1 - fixes independent of dev
(already taken care of there)
Several corrections to Windows files
Fix termination if number of iterations is exceeded in restoration phase
2005-08-26 - version 3.0.0 - dev release number 510
First official release of the new C++ implementation of Ipopt.