- fixed sign of dual values in AMPL solution again (with help of Gabe)
[r2169, r2170, r2184, 183]
- fixed bugs with reoptimizing a TNLP with all variables fixed [r2172, r2173, 179]
- fixed more issues with sparse data structures and non-double numbers
in Matlab interface (by T. Kelman) [r2191]
- added missing final int for Ipopt return code Maximum_CpuTime_Exceeded
in Java interface [r2216]
- fixed bug when trying to warmstart Ipopt in Java interface [r2253]
- fixed wrong use of SmartPtr's in Java interface [r2255, r2263]
- fixed bug in returning final solution in Java interface [r2258]
- included patch in ThirdParty/Mumps to work around bugs in Mumps
matrix ordering routines AMF and QAMD (now give preference to AMD and METIS)