- hopefully fixed non-working linear solver loader in DLLs build with
MSVS/v8-ifort project files [r2365]
- allow MC19 to be loaded via linear solver loader (by J. Currie) [r2366]
- fixed new point flag when running dependendency detector [r2368]
- experimental: adapt Pardiso interface to work with MKL Pardiso
(by J. Currie, T. Kelman) [r2369, 216]:
- in a few tests it has been found that Pardiso from Intel MKL nowadays
seems to work fine with Ipopt
- to use Intel MKL with Ipopt 3.11, one has to specify the MKL libs via
to the compiler flags
- note that this is still an experimental feature (and thus not enabled
by default)
- updated Ipopt/R interface to version 0.8.4 [r2373]
- additional variables have been included in the object returned from ipoptr:
z_L : final values for the lower bound multipliers
z_U : final values for the upper bound multipliers
constraints : final values for the constraints
lambda : final values for the Lagrange multipliers
- removed ipoptr_environment as argument in ipoptr (see also r2372)
- fixed bug in penalty term for centrality in quality function (not used by
default) [219, r2374]
- minor bugfixes in AMPL interface, debug print statements, and compound matrix
(by G. Hackebeil) [218, r2371, r2377, r2378, r2379]
- download scripts for ASL, Blas, and Lapack now first try to download tarball
copies from the COIN-OR server