- fixed a bug, introduced with Ipopt 3.11.0, where the tag in the
Ipopt's caching mechanism was not unique over time, which lead
ot failures of Ipopt that were difficult to debug or recognize
(e.g., Ipopt may have stopped with an restoration failure for
instances that solved fine with Ipopt 3.10) [r2472, r2473]
I'm very thankful to Gabriel Hackebeil and Kurt Majewski for
their debugging effort on this issue.
- building Mumps with pthreads is now disabled by default [229]
- fixed setting of LD on Windows (now set to link only iff using
MS/Intel compilers) [230]
- fixed download link for Gnumex [r2471]
- for some messages about too-few-degrees-of-freedom and restoration
failure, the message level changed from error to strong-warning
[r2460, r2469]
- revised calls to MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize in Mumps interface [r2467]
(MPI_Init is now called only if function MPI_Initialized is available
and MPI has not been initialized already; MPI_Finalize is only called
if Ipopt also called MPI_Init; ...)