* Tables, views and indices:
* New cryoEM table ``ParticleClassificationGroup``. Some columns were moved to this table from ``ParticlePicker`` and ``ParticleClassification``.
* Add ``capillary`` as enum option to ``BLSampleGroup_has_BLSample.type``
* XChem DB: First version of schema for production (not part of release)
* Analytics schema: Add access to all lookup tables, ``RobotAction``, ``ProcessingJob*``, ``Protein`` tables through views
* Drop duplicate indices, add missing indices that existed only in DLS prod
* Data in lookup tables:
* Add additional container types: some historical, some new
* Update ``ExperimentType.proposalType``: Change scm to saxs, MX to mx
* Update ``ContainerType.proposalType``: Change scm to saxs
* Add two XPDF and five MX container types
* Update ``SpaceGroup`` table: Remove newlines in names. Set ``MX_used`` = 1 for all SGs.
* Stored procedures:
* ``retrieve_scm_*``: Preferentially get experiement type and container type+capacity from new lookup tables ``ExperimentType`` and ``ContainerType``, otherwise fall-back to ``experimentType`` and ``containerType``+``capacity`` columns in the ``Container`` table.
* ``upsert_sample_image``: set ``BLSampleImage.modifiedTimeStamp`` if the upsert is an update
* Tools and documentation:
* New script ``bin/missed_updates.sh`` to identify update .sql files that haven't been run
* ``bin/backup.sh``: Use ``--add-drop-trigger`` flag to drop trigger if exists before creation
* ``CONTRIBUTING.md``: Simplify pull request procedure for table changes
* Updated simplified MX database diagram files
* Move list + string with lookup tables to separate file so it can be reused
* All bash scripts have been given new shebang lines to run on systems where bash is not at ``/bin/bash``.
* Users, roles and grants:
* More ``INSERT`` grants for ``ispyb_web`` role: DC, DCG, ``ProcessingJob``, ``ProcessingJobParameter``
* New ``ispyb_ro_nopii`` role (read-only-except-PII)