New or modified tables and columns:
- New table ``Atlas``
- New table ``GridSquare``
- New Table ``FoilHole``
- In table ``Movie``: New columns ``foilHoleId`` and ``templateLabel``
- In table ``Shipping``: New column ``source`` and ``externalShippingIdToSynchrotron``
- In table ``Dewar``: New column ``source`` and ``externalShippingIdFromSynchrotron``
- In table ``Container``: New column ``source``
- In table ``BLSample``: New column ``source``
- In table ``AutoProcProgramMessage``: Make column ``severity`` not nullable
- In table ``ContainerQueue``: Make column ``containerId`` not nullable
- In table ``BLSubSample``: Replace ``blSampleId`` FK index with compound index ``(blSampleId, source)``
- In table ``ProcessingJobParameter``: Add compund index (parameterKey, processingJobId)
- In table ``AutoProc``: Remove ``spaceGroup`` from compound index ``(refinedCell_a, refinedCell_b, refinedCell_c, refinedCell_alpha, refinedCell_beta, refinedCell_gamma)``
Roles and permissions:
- Granted SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE on ``BFactorFit``, ``Atlas``, ``GridSquare``, ``FoilHole`` for ``ispyb_processing``
- Added new role ``ispyb_propagation`` and granted SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE on relevant tables