------------------- * Replace use of ``procrunner`` with ``subprocess`` * Remove method ``insert_motion_correction_drift`` and related dictionary in the ``EMAcquisition`` class * Update SQLAlchemy ORM models for ``ispyb-database`` v3.0.0 * Rename ``pixelsPerMicron`` to ``micronsPerPixel`` in dicts and ``retrieve_dc_grid`` result-set
------------------- * Update SQLAlchemy ORM models for ispyb-database v2.0.0 * Remove ``mxacquisition.upsert_xray_centring_result`` (stored procedure removed in ispyb-database v2.0.0)
------------------- * Update SQLAlchemy ORM models for ispyb-database v1.35.0
------------------- * ``ispyb.job``: bug fix for ``--new`` option, broken by removal of ``ispyb.model``
------------------- * New method ``update_dc_append_comments`` available in the ``Acquisition`` and ``MXAcquisition`` classes * Update SQLAlchemy ORM models for ispyb-database v1.34.0