Areas of improvement
- Performance improvements (esp. convnets with TensorFlow backend).
- Usability improvements.
- Docs & docstrings improvements.
- New models in the `applications` module.
- Bug fixes.
API changes
- `trainable` attribute in `BatchNormalization` now disables the updates of the batch statistics (i.e. if `trainable == False` the layer will now run 100% in inference mode).
- Add `amsgrad` argument in `Adam` optimizer.
- Add new applications: `NASNetMobile`, `NASNetLarge`, `DenseNet121`, `DenseNet169`, `DenseNet201`.
- Add `Softmax` layer (removing need to use a `Lambda` layer in order to specify the `axis` argument).
- Add `SeparableConv1D` layer.
- In `preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator`, allow `width_shift_range` and `height_shift_range` to take integer values (absolute number of pixels)
- Support `return_state` in `Bidirectional` applied to RNNs (`return_state` should be set on the child layer).
- The string values `"crossentropy"` and `"ce"` are now allowed in the `metrics` argument (in `model.compile()`), and are routed to either `categorical_crossentropy` or `binary_crossentropy` as needed.
- Allow `steps` argument in `predict_*` methods on the `Sequential` model.
- Add `oov_token` argument in `preprocessing.text.Tokenizer`.
Breaking changes
- In `preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator`, `shear_range` has been switched to use degrees rather than radians (for consistency). This should not actually break anything (neither training nor inference), but keep this change in mind in case you see any issues with regard to your image data augmentation process.
Thanks to our 45 contributors whose commits are featured in this release:
Dref360, OliPhilip, TimZaman, bbabenko, bdwyer2, berkatmaca, caisq, decrispell, dmaniry, fchollet, fgaim, gabrieldemarmiesse, gklambauer, hgaiser, hlnull, icyblade, jgrnt, kashif, kouml, lutzroeder, m-mohsen, mab4058, manashty, masstomato, mihirparadkar, myutwo150, nickbabcock, novotnj3, obsproth, ozabluda, philferriere, piperchester, pstjohn, roatienza, souptc, spiros, srs70187, sumitgouthaman, taehoonlee, tigerneil, titu1994, tobycheese, vitaly-krumins, yang-zhang, ziky90