
Latest version: v3.3.3

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Not secure
This is a bugfix release, addressing two issues:

- Ability to save a model when a file with the same name already exists.
- Issue with loading legacy config files for the `Sequential` model.

[See here]( for the changelog since 2.2.2.


Not secure
Areas of improvement

- API completeness & usability improvements
- Bug fixes
- Documentation improvements

API changes

- Keras models can now be safely pickled.
- Consolidate the functionality of the activation layers `ThresholdedReLU` and `LeakyReLU` into the `ReLU` layer.
- As a result, the `ReLU` layer now takes new arguments `negative_slope` and `threshold`, and the `relu` function in the backend takes a new `threshold` argument.
- Add `update_freq` argument in `TensorBoard` callback, controlling how often to write TensorBoard logs.
- Add the `exponential` function to `keras.activations`.
- Add `data_format` argument in all 4 `Pooling1D` layers.
- Add `interpolation` argument in `UpSampling2D` layer and in `resize_images` backend function, supporting modes `"nearest"` (previous behavior, and new default) and `"bilinear"` (new).
- Add `dilation_rate` argument in `Conv2DTranspose` layer and in `conv2d_transpose` backend function.
- The `LearningRateScheduler` now receives the `lr` key as part of the `logs` argument in `on_epoch_end` (current value of the learning rate).
- Make `GlobalAveragePooling1D` layer support masking.
- The the `filepath` argument `save_model` and `` can now be a `h5py.Group` instance.
- Add argument `restore_best_weights` to `EarlyStopping` callback (optionally reverts to the weights that obtained the highest monitored score value).
- Add `dtype` argument to `keras.utils.to_categorical`.
- Support `run_options` and `run_metadata` as optional session arguments in `model.compile()` for the TensorFlow backend.

Breaking changes

- Modify the return value of `Sequential.get_config()`. Previously, the return value was a list of the config dictionaries of the layers of the model. Now, the return value is a dictionary with keys `layers`, `name`, and an optional key `build_input_shape`. The old config is equivalent to `new_config['layers']`. This makes the output of `get_config` consistent across all model classes.


Thanks to our 38 contributors whose commits are featured in this release:

BertrandDechoux, ChrisGll, Dref360, JamesHinshelwood, MarcoAndreaBuchmann, ageron, alfasst, blue-atom, chasebrignac, cshubhamrao, danFromTelAviv, datumbox, farizrahman4u, fchollet, fuzzythecat, gabrieldemarmiesse, hadifar, heytitle, hsgkim, jankrepl, joelthchao, knightXun, kouml, linjinjin123, lvapeab, nikoladze, ozabluda, qlzh727, roywei, rvinas, sriyogesh94, tacaswell, taehoonlee, tedyu, xuhdev, yanboliang, yongzx, yuanxiaosc


Not secure
This is a bugfix release, fixing a significant bug in `multi_gpu_model`.

For changes since version 2.2.0, see release notes for [Keras 2.2.1](


Not secure
Areas of improvement

- Bugs fixes
- Performance improvements
- Documentation improvements

API changes

- Add `output_padding` argument in `Conv2DTranspose` (to override default padding behavior).
- Enable automatic shape inference when using Lambda layers with the CNTK backend.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes recorded.


Thanks to our 33 contributors whose commits are featured in this release:

Ajk4, Anner-deJong, Atcold, Dref360, EyeBool, ageron, briannemsick, cclauss, davidtvs, dstine, eTomate, ebatuhankaynak, eliberis, farizrahman4u, fchollet, fuzzythecat, gabrieldemarmiesse, jlopezpena, kamil-kaczmarek, kbattocchi, kmader, kvechera, maxpumperla, mkaze, pavithrasv, rvinas, sachinruk, seriousmac, soumyac1999, taehoonlee, yanboliang, yongzx, yuyang-huang


Not secure
Areas of improvements

- New model definition API: `Model` subclassing.
- New input mode: ability to call models on TensorFlow tensors directly (TensorFlow backend only).
- Improve feature coverage of Keras with the Theano and CNTK backends.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Large refactors improving code structure, code health, and reducing test time. In particular:
* The Keras engine now follows a much more modular structure.
* The `Sequential` model is now a plain subclass of `Model`.
* The modules `applications` and `preprocessing` are now externalized to their own repositories ([keras-applications]( and [keras-preprocessing](

API changes

- Add `Model` subclassing API (details below).
- Allow symbolic tensors to be fed to models, with TensorFlow backend (details below).
- Enable CNTK and Theano support for layers `SeparableConv1D`, `SeparableConv2D`, as well as backend methods `separable_conv1d` and `separable_conv2d` (previously only available for TensorFlow).
- Enable CNTK and Theano support for applications `Xception` and `MobileNet` (previously only available for TensorFlow).
- Add `MobileNetV2` application (available for all backends).
- Enable loading external (non built-in) backends by changing your `~/.keras.json` configuration file (e.g. PlaidML backend).
- Add `sample_weight` in `ImageDataGenerator`.
- Add `preprocessing.image.save_img` utility to write images to disk.
- Default `Flatten` layer's `data_format` argument to `None` (which defaults to global Keras config).
- `Sequential` is now a plain subclass of `Model`. The attribute `sequential.model` is deprecated.
- Add `baseline` argument in `EarlyStopping` (stop training if a given baseline isn't reached).
- Add `data_format` argument to `Conv1D`.
- Make the model returned by `multi_gpu_model` serializable.
- Support input masking in `TimeDistributed` layer.
- Add an `advanced_activation` layer `ReLU`, making the ReLU activation easier to configure while retaining easy serialization capabilities.
- Add `axis=-1` argument in backend crossentropy functions specifying the class prediction axis in the input tensor.

New model definition API : `Model` subclassing

In addition to the `Sequential` API and the functional `Model` API, you may now define models by subclassing the `Model` class and writing your own `call` forward pass:

import keras

class SimpleMLP(keras.Model):

def __init__(self, use_bn=False, use_dp=False, num_classes=10):
super(SimpleMLP, self).__init__(name='mlp')
self.use_bn = use_bn
self.use_dp = use_dp
self.num_classes = num_classes

self.dense1 = keras.layers.Dense(32, activation='relu')
self.dense2 = keras.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')
if self.use_dp:
self.dp = keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)
if self.use_bn: = keras.layers.BatchNormalization(axis=-1)

def call(self, inputs):
x = self.dense1(inputs)
if self.use_dp:
x = self.dp(x)
if self.use_bn:
x =
return self.dense2(x)

model = SimpleMLP()

Layers are defined in `__init__(self, ...)`, and the forward pass is specified in `call(self, inputs)`. In `call`, you may specify custom losses by calling `self.add_loss(loss_tensor)` (like you would in a custom layer).

New input mode: symbolic TensorFlow tensors

With Keras 2.2.0 and TensorFlow 1.8 or higher, you may `fit`, `evaluate` and `predict` using symbolic TensorFlow tensors (that are expected to yield data indefinitely). The API is similar to the one in use in `fit_generator` and other generator methods:

iterator = training_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
x, y = iterator.get_next(), y, steps_per_epoch=100, epochs=10)

iterator = validation_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
x, y = iterator.get_next()
model.evaluate(x, y, steps=50)

This is achieved by dynamically rewiring the TensorFlow graph to feed the input tensors to the existing model placeholders. There is no performance loss compared to building your model on top of the input tensors in the first place.

Breaking changes

- Remove legacy `Merge` layers and associated functionality (remnant of Keras 0), which were deprecated in May 2016, with full removal initially scheduled for August 2017. Models from the Keras 0 API using these layers cannot be loaded with Keras 2.2.0 and above.
- The `truncated_normal` base initializer now returns values that are scaled by ~0.9 (resulting in correct variance value after truncation). This has a small chance of affecting initial convergence behavior on some models.


Thanks to our 46 contributors whose commits are featured in this release:

ASvyatkovskiy, AmirAlavi, Anirudh-Swaminathan, DavidAriel, Dref360, JonathanCMitchell, KuzMenachem, PeterChe1990, Saharkakavand, StefanoCappellini, ageron, askskro, bileschi, bonlime, bottydim, brge17, briannemsick, bzamecnik, christian-lanius, clemens-tolboom, dschwertfeger, dynamicwebpaige, farizrahman4u, fchollet, fuzzythecat, ghostplant, giuscri, huyu398, jnphilipp, masstomato, morenoh149, mrTsjolder, nittanycolonial, r-kellerm, reidjohnson, roatienza, sbebo, stevemurr, taehoonlee, tiferet, tkoivisto, tzerrell, vkk800, wangkechn, wouterdobbels, zwang36wang


Not secure
Areas of improvement

- Bug fixes
- Documentation improvements
- Minor usability improvements

API changes

- In callback `ReduceLROnPlateau`, rename `epsilon` argument to `min_delta` (backwards-compatible).
- In callback `RemoteMonitor`, add argument `send_as_json`.
- In backend `softmax` function, add argument `axis`.
- In `Flatten` layer, add argument `data_format`.
- In `save_model` (``) and `load_model` functions, allow the `filepath` argument to be a `h5py.File` object.
- In `Model.evaluate_generator`, add `verbose` argument.
- In `Bidirectional` wrapper layer, add `constants` argument.
- In `multi_gpu_model` function, add arguments `cpu_merge` and `cpu_relocation` (controlling whether to force the template model's weights to be on CPU, and whether to operate merge operations on CPU or GPU).
- In `ImageDataGenerator`, allow argument `width_shift_range` to be `int` or 1D array-like.

Breaking changes

This release does not include any known breaking changes.


Thanks to our 37 contributors whose commits are featured in this release:

Dref360, FirefoxMetzger, Naereen, NiharG15, StefanoCappellini, WindQAQ, dmadeka, edrogers, eltronix, farizrahman4u, fchollet, gabrieldemarmiesse, ghostplant, jedrekfulara, jlherren, joeyearsley, johanahlqvist, johnyf, jsaporta, kalkun, lucasdavid, masstomato, mrlzla, myutwo150, nisargjhaveri, obi1kenobi, olegantonyan, ozabluda, pasky, planck35, sotlampr, souptc, srjoglekar246, stamate, taehoonlee, vkk800, xuhdev

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