
Latest version: v3.7.0

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The primary purpose of this release is to address an incompatibility between Keras 2.0.7 and the next version of TensorFlow (1.4). TensorFlow 1.4 isn't due until a while, but the sooner the PyPI release has the fix, the fewer people will be affected when upgrading to the next TensorFlow version when it gets released.

No API changes for this release. A few bug fixes.


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Areas of improvement

- Bug fixes.
- Performance improvements.
- Documentation improvements.
- Better support for training models from data tensors in TensorFlow (e.g. Datasets, TFRecords). Add a related example script.
- Improve TensorBoard UX with better grouping of ops into name scopes.
- Improve test coverage.

API changes

- Add `clone_model` method, enabling to construct a new model, given an existing model to use as a template. Works even in a TensorFlow graph different from that of the original model.
- Add `target_tensors` argument in `compile`, enabling to use custom tensors or placeholders as model targets.
- Add `steps_per_epoch` argument in `fit`, enabling to train a model from data tensors in a way that is consistent with training from Numpy arrays.
- Similarly, add `steps` argument in `predict` and `evaluate`.
- Add `Subtract` merge layer, and associated layer function `subtract`.
- Add `weighted_metrics` argument in `compile` to specify metric functions meant to take into account `sample_weight` or `class_weight`.
- Make the `stop_gradients` backend function consistent across backends.
- Allow dynamic shapes in `repeat_elements` backend function.
- Enable stateful RNNs with CNTK.

Breaking changes

- The backend methods `categorical_crossentropy`, `sparse_categorical_crossentropy`, `binary_crossentropy` had the order of their positional arguments (`y_true`, `y_pred`) inverted. This change does not affect the `losses` API. This change was done to achieve API consistency between the `losses` API and the backend API.
- Move constraint management to be based on variable attributes. Remove the now-unused `constraints` attribute on layers and models (not expected to affect any user).


Thanks to our 47 contributors whose commits are featured in this release!

5ke, Alok, Danielhiversen, Dref360, NeilRon, abnera, acburigo, airalcorn2, angeloskath, athundt, brettkoonce, cclauss, denfromufa, enkait, erg, ericwu09, farizrahman4u, fchollet, georgwiese, ghisvail, gokceneraslan, hgaiser, inexxt, joeyearsley, jorgecarleitao, kennyjacob, keunwoochoi, krizp, lukedeo, milani, n17r4m, nicolewhite, nigeljyng, nyghtowl, nzw0301, rapatel0, souptc, srinivasreddy, staticfloat, taehoonlee, td2014, titu1994, tleeuwenburg, udibr, waleedka, wassname, yashk2810


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Areas of improvement

- Improve generator methods (`predict_generator`, `fit_generator`, `evaluate_generator`) and add data enqueuing utilities.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- New features: new `Conv3DTranspose` layer, new `MobileNet` application, self-normalizing networks.

API changes

- Self-normalizing networks: add `selu` activation function, `AlphaDropout` layer, `lecun_normal` initializer.
- Data enqueuing: add `Sequence`, `SequenceEnqueuer`, `GeneratorEnqueuer` to `utils`.
- Generator methods: rename arguments `pickle_safe` (replaced with `use_multiprocessing`) and `max_q_size ` (replaced with `max_queue_size`).
- Add `MobileNet` to the applications module.
- Add `Conv3DTranspose` layer.
- Allow custom print functions for model's `summary` method (argument `print_fn`).


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- Add beta CNTK backend.
- TensorBoard improvements.
- Documentation improvements.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Improve style transfer example script.

API changes:

- Add `return_state` constructor argument to RNNs.
- Add `skip_compile` option to `load_model`.
- Add `categorical_hinge` loss function.
- Add `sparse_top_k_categorical_accuracy` metric.
- Add new options to `TensorBoard` callback.
- Add `TerminateOnNaN` callback.
- Generalize the `Embedding` layer to N (>=2) input dimensions.


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- Documentation improvements.
- Docstring improvements.
- Update some examples scripts (in particular, new deep dream example).
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.

API changes:

- Add `logsumexp` and `identity` to backend.
- Add `logcosh` loss.
- New signature for `add_weight` in `Layer`.
- `get_initial_states` in `Recurrent` is now `get_initial_state`.


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Keras 2 release notes

This document details changes, in particular API changes, occurring from Keras 1 to Keras 2.


- The `nb_epoch` argument has been renamed `epochs` everywhere.
- The methods `fit_generator`, `evaluate_generator` and `predict_generator` now work by drawing a number of *batches* from a generator (number of training steps), rather than a number of samples.
- `samples_per_epoch` was renamed `steps_per_epoch` in `fit_generator`.
- `nb_val_samples` was renamed `validation_steps` in `fit_generator`.
- `val_samples` was renamed `steps` in `evaluate_generator` and `predict_generator`.
- It is now possible to manually add a loss to a model by calling `model.add_loss(loss_tensor)`. The loss is added to the other losses of the model and minimized during training.
- It is also possible to *not* apply any loss to a specific model output. If you pass `None` as the `loss` argument for an output (e.g. in compile, `loss={'output_1': None, 'output_2': 'mse'}`, the model will expect no Numpy arrays to be fed for this output when using `fit`, `train_on_batch`, or `fit_generator`. The output values are still returned as usual when using `predict`.
- In TensorFlow, models can now be trained using `fit` if some of their inputs (or even all) are TensorFlow queues or variables, rather than placeholders. See [this test]( for specific examples.

Losses & metrics

- The `objectives` module has been renamed `losses`.
- Several legacy metric functions have been removed, namely `matthews_correlation`, `precision`, `recall`, `fbeta_score`, `fmeasure`.
- Custom metric functions can no longer return a dict, they must return a single tensor.


- Constructor arguments for `Model` have been renamed:
- `input` -> `inputs`
- `output` -> `outputs`
- The `Sequential` model not longer supports the `set_input` method.
- For any model saved with Keras 2.0 or higher, weights trained with backend X will be converted to work with backend Y without any manual conversion step.



Deprecated layers `MaxoutDense`, `Highway` and `TimedistributedDense` have been removed.

Call method

- All layers that use the learning phase now support a `training` argument in `call` (Python boolean or symbolic tensor), allowing to specify the learning phase on a layer-by-layer basis. E.g. by calling a `Dropout` instance as `dropout(inputs, training=True)` you obtain a layer that will always apply dropout, regardless of the current global learning phase. The `training` argument defaults to the global Keras learning phase everywhere.
- The `call` method of layers can now take arbitrary keyword arguments, e.g. you can define a custom layer with a call signature like `call(inputs, alpha=0.5)`, and then pass a `alpha` keyword argument when calling the layer (only with the functional API, naturally).
- `__call__` now makes use of TensorFlow `name_scope`, so that your TensorFlow graphs will look pretty and well-structured in TensorBoard.

All layers taking a legacy `dim_ordering` argument

`dim_ordering` has been renamed `data_format`. It now takes two values: `"channels_first"` (formerly `"th"`) and `"channels_last"` (formerly `"tf"`).

Dense layer

Changed interface:

- `output_dim` -> `units`
- `init` -> `kernel_initializer`
- added `bias_initializer` argument
- `W_regularizer` -> `kernel_regularizer`
- `b_regularizer` -> `bias_regularizer`
- `b_constraint` -> `bias_constraint`
- `bias` -> `use_bias`

Dropout, SpatialDropout*D, GaussianDropout

Changed interface:

- `p` -> `rate`


Convolutional layers

- The `AtrousConvolution1D` and `AtrousConvolution2D` layer have been deprecated. Their functionality is instead supported via the `dilation_rate` argument in `Convolution1D` and `Convolution2D` layers.
- `Convolution*` layers are renamed `Conv*`.
- The `Deconvolution2D` layer is renamed `Conv2DTranspose`.
- The `Conv2DTranspose` layer no longer requires an `output_shape` argument, making its use much easier.

Interface changes common to all convolutional layers:

- `nb_filter` -> `filters`
- float kernel dimension arguments become a single tuple argument, `kernel` size. E.g. a legacy call `Conv2D(10, 3, 3)` becomes `Conv2D(10, (3, 3))`
- `kernel_size` can be set to an integer instead of a tuple, e.g. `Conv2D(10, 3)` is equivalent to `Conv2D(10, (3, 3))`.
- `subsample` -> `strides`. Can also be set to an integer.
- `border_mode` -> `padding`
- `init` -> `kernel_initializer`
- added `bias_initializer` argument
- `W_regularizer` -> `kernel_regularizer`
- `b_regularizer` -> `bias_regularizer`
- `b_constraint` -> `bias_constraint`
- `bias` -> `use_bias`
- `dim_ordering` -> `data_format`
- In the `SeparableConv2D` layers, `init` is split into `depthwise_initializer` and `pointwise_initializer`.
- Added `dilation_rate` argument in `Conv2D` and `Conv1D`.
- 1D convolution kernels are now saved as a 3D tensor (instead of 4D as before).
- 2D and 3D convolution kernels are now saved in format `spatial_dims + (input_depth, depth))`, even with `data_format="channels_first"`.


- `pool_length` -> `pool_size`
- `stride` -> `strides`
- `border_mode` -> `padding`

Pooling2D, 3D

- `border_mode` -> `padding`
- `dim_ordering` -> `data_format`

ZeroPadding layers

The `padding` argument of the `ZeroPadding2D` and `ZeroPadding3D` layers must be a tuple of length 2 and 3 respectively. Each entry `i` contains by how much to pad the spatial dimension `i`. If it's an integer, symmetric padding is applied. If it's a tuple of integers, asymmetric padding is applied.


- `length` -> `size`


The `mode` argument of `BatchNormalization` has been removed; BatchNorm now only supports mode 0 (use batch metrics for feature-wise normalization during training, and use moving metrics for feature-wise normalization during testing).

- `beta_init` -> `beta_initializer`
- `gamma_init` -> `gamma_initializer`
- added arguments `center`, `scale` (booleans, whether to use a `beta` and `gamma` respectively)
- added arguments `moving_mean_initializer`, `moving_variance_initializer`
- added arguments `beta_regularizer`, `gamma_regularizer`
- added arguments `beta_constraint`, `gamma_constraint`
- attribute `running_mean` is renamed `moving_mean`
- attribute `running_std` is renamed `moving_variance` (it *is* in fact a variance with the current implementation).


Same changes as for convolutional layers and recurrent layers apply.


- `init` -> `alpha_initializer`


- `sigma` -> `stddev`

Recurrent layers

- `output_dim` -> `units`
- `init` -> `kernel_initializer`
- `inner_init` -> `recurrent_initializer`
- added argument `bias_initializer`
- `W_regularizer` -> `kernel_regularizer`
- `b_regularizer` -> `bias_regularizer`
- added arguments `kernel_constraint`, `recurrent_constraint`, `bias_constraint`
- `dropout_W` -> `dropout`
- `dropout_U` -> `recurrent_dropout`
- `consume_less` -> `implementation`. String values have been replaced with integers: implementation 0 (default), 1 or 2.
- LSTM only: the argument `forget_bias_init` has been removed. Instead there is a boolean argument `unit_forget_bias`, defaulting to `True`.


The `Lambda` layer now supports a `mask` argument.


Utilities should now be imported from `keras.utils` rather than from specific submodules (e.g. no more `keras.utils.np_utils...`).


random_normal and truncated_normal
- `std` -> `stddev`


- In the backend, `set_image_ordering` and `image_ordering` are now `set_data_format` and `data_format`.
- Any arguments (other than `nb_epoch`) prefixed with `nb_` has been renamed to be prefixed with `num_` instead. This affects two datasets and one preprocessing utility.

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