* Importing annotations with model assisted labeling or label imports using ontology object names instead of schemaId now possible
* In Python dictionaries, you can now use `schemaId` key or `name` key for all tools, classifications, options
* Labelbox's Annotation Types now support model assisted labeling or label imports using ontology object names
* Export metadata when using the following methods:
* `Batch.export_data_rows(include_metadata=True)`
* `Dataset.export_data_rows(include_metadata=True)`
* `Project.export_queued_data_rows(include_metadata=True)`
* `VideoObjectAnnotation` has `segment_index` to group video annotations into video segments
* `Project.video_label_generator`. Use `Project.label_generator` instead.
* Model Runs now support unassigned splits
* `Dataset.create_data_rows` now has the following limits:
* 150,000 rows per upload without metadata
* 30,000 rows per upload with metadata