* `AnnotationImport.wait_until_done()` accepts a `show_progress` param. This is set to `False` by default.
* If enabled, a progress bar will indicate the import progress.
* This works for all classes that inherit from AnnotationImport: `LabelImport`, `MALPredictionImport`, `MEAPredictionImport`
* This is not support for `BulkImportRequest` (which will eventually be replaced by `MALPredictionImport`)
* `Option.label` and `Option.value` can now be set independently
* `ClassificationAnswer`s now support a new `keyframe` field for videos
* New `LBV1Label.media_type field. This is a placeholder for future backend changes.
* Nested checklists can have extra brackets. This would cause the annotation type converter to break.