Changed * Reduce threshold for async batch creation to 1000 data rows
Notebooks * Added subclassifications to ontology notebook * Added conversational and pdf predictions notebooks
Added * `predictions` param for optionally exporting predictions in model run export v2 * Limits on `model_run_ids` and `project_ids` on catalog export v2 params * `WORKFLOW_ACTION` webhook topic * Added `data_row_ids` filter for dataset and project export v2
Fixed * ISO timestamp parsing for datetime metadata * Docstring typo for `client.delete_feature_schema_from_ontology()`
Notebooks * Removed mention of embeddings metadata fields * Fixed broken colab link on `examples/extras/classification-confusion-matrix.ipynb` * Added free text classification example to video annotation import notebook * Updated prediction_upload notebooks with Annotation Type examples
Added * Nested object classifications to `VideoObjectAnnotation` * Relationship Annotation Types * Added `project_ids` and `model_run_ids` to params in all export_v2 functions
Fixed * VideoMaskAnnotation annotation import
Notebooks * Added DICOM annotation import notebook * Added audio annotation import notebook * Added HTML annotation import notebook * Added relationship examples to annotation import notebooks * Added global video classification example * Added nested classification examples * Added video mask example * Added global key and LPOs to queue management notebook
v.3.42.0 Added * Message based classifications with annotation types for conversations * Video and raster segmentation annotation types * Global key support to `ConversationEntity`, `DocumentEntity` and `DicomSegments` * DICOM polyline annotation type * Confidence attribute to classification annotations
Changed * Increased metadata string size limit to 4096 chars * Removed `deletedDataRowGlobalKey` from `get_data_row_ids_for_global_keys()`
Fixed * Annotation data type coercion by Pydantic * Error message when end point coordinates are smaller than start point coordinates * Some typos in error messages
Notebooks * Refactored video notebook to include annotation types * Replaced data row ids with global keys in notebooks * Replaced `create_data_row` with `create_data_rows` in notebooks
Added * New data classes for creating labels: `AudioData`, `ConversationData`, `DicomData`, `DocumentData`, `HTMLData` * New `DocumentEntity` annotation type class * New parameter `last_activity_end` to `Project.export_labels()`
Notebooks * Updated `annotation_import/pdf.ipynb` with example use of `DocumentEntity` class
Fixed * Fixed issue where calling create_batch() on exported data rows wasn't working
Added * Support Global keys to reference data rows in `Project.create_batch()`, `ModelRun.assign_data_rows_to_split()` * Support upserting labels via project_id in `model_run.upsert_labels()` * `media_type_override` param to export_v2 * `last_activity_at` and `label_created_at` params to export_v2 * New client method `is_feature_schema_archived()` * New client method `unarchive_feature_schema_node()` * New client method `delete_feature_schema_from_ontology()`
Changed * Removed default task names for export_v2
Fixed * process_label() for COCO panoptic dataset
Notebooks * Updated `annotation_import/pdf.ipynb` with more examples * Added `integrations/huggingface/huggingface.ipynb` * Fixed broken links for detectron notebooks in README * Added Dataset QueueMode during project creation in `integrations/detectron2/coco_object.ipynb` * Removed metadata and updated ontology in `annotation_import/text.ipynb` * Removed confidence scores in `annotation_import/image.ipynb` * Updated custom embedding tutorial links in `basics/data_row_metadata.ipynb`