Added * Diagnostics custom metrics * Metric annotation types * Update ndjson converter to be compatible with metric types * Metric library for computing confusion matrix metrics and iou * Demo notebooks under `examples/diagnostics` * COCO Converter * Convert to and from COCO object and panoptic formats * Detectron2 example integration notebooks
Fix * Iam validation exception message
Added * New `IAMIntegration` entity * `Client.create_dataset()` compatibility with delegated access * `Organization.get_iam_integrations()` to list all iam integrations available to an org * `Organization.get_default_iam_integration()` to retrieve the default iam integration
Added * `Dataset.create_data_rows_sync()` for synchronous bulk uploads of data rows * `Model.delete()`, `ModelRun.delete()`, and `ModelRun.delete_annotation_groups()` to Clean up models, model runs, and annotation groups.
Fix * Increased timeout for label exports since projects with many segmentation masks weren't finishing quickly enough.
Fix * Resolved issue with `create_data_rows()` not working on amazon linux
Added * List `BulkImportRequest`s for a project with `Project.bulk_import_requests()` * Improvemens to `Dataset.create_data_rows()` * Add attachments when bulk importing data rows * Provide external ids when creating data rows from local files * Get more informative error messages when the api rejects an import
Fix * Bug causing `project.label_generator()` to fail when projects had benchmarks