------------------ * made it possible to flush_all() * We support Python 3.7+ because of dataclasses * printprogress now can disable printing anything and return ETA at the __call__
------------------ * rename had a bug that is fixed
------------------ * This is a stable release * All text files are handled by the with statement * Renaming bug is fixed * all tests run properly. * lognflow has all that logviewer has. We will check if dir exists at every use
* use logger.log_single('aName', aDict) to save a dictionary using numpy.savez * time_in_file_name has been changed to time_tag, sorry there! but early stages. * time_tag is True in the constructor, but could always be set to False * All tests passed!
* logger call takes txt only for the main_log * main_log name can have no time_stamp * All logs can be force_flush = True. * __del__ is well implemented.