------------------- * imshow_series supports both orientations * get_stack_from_names returns np array if possible * imshow_series now takes titles for columns and rows
------------------- * plt_imshow_by_subplots takes stacks as well now. * log_code is added, pass __file__ for current script to be logged. * multiple plt_imhist is possible
------------------- * is_builtin_collection is added for multiprocessor concatenation * setting time_tag to 'counter' or 'counter&time' will count filenames instead of time * plt_violinplot was added * plt_imhist is added
-------------------- * rgb2hsv is added * plt_imshow supports complex color map and is bug free * added printprogress to loopprocessor
------------------- * a bug fixed in name generator when suffix is given * copy returns destination path * exists_ok can be given to make the log_dir of lognflow * added get_namelist and its test * bug fixed in plt_utils * plt_imshow added to plt_utils