------------------ * variable names that are pecular will always be fixed first. * suffix can be read form the file name. * time_tag will always accompany file name unless stated otherwised.
------------------ * critical bug fixed in log_var to support v0.8.2
------------------ * the word save_as is now replaced with suffix as is in pathlib * all loggers can take the suffix as the extension in the parameter_name
------------------ * a bug fixed in log_var
------------------ * logger.save and savez are set to be identical to log_single. * logged.load is set to be identical to get_single. * utils.py is added to contain all misc functions. * replace_all added to utils
------------------ * printprogress can handle up to 99 days * log_text takes any save_as * If variable name has escape key is alright * If variable name is splitable, we replace them with _