------------------- * multiprocessor_gen is a generator that yields the list of arrived results * get_flist and thus get_single do not put asterisks on their own.
------------------- * bugs fixed in multiprocessor and loopprocessor * tests added
------------------- * Added new files for readthedocs * copy() checks for proper use of arguments * __call__ returns fpath * loopprocessor is added
------------------- * get_flist returns whatever search pattern means for .glob * plt_tight_layout is removed and replaced by bbox * You can get name from file when file is within the log_dir root
------------------- * multiprocessor handles errors with maximum speed as all processes share error_event * multichannel_plots assume fitrst fimension is the channels not the last * printprogress as iterator does not take the first __next__ as a tick * log_imshow takes meaningful input sizes to make one frame * log_imshow_by_subplots can put images in different places * log_imshow_series is the new name of the log_canvas * if there are multiple images the shape should be n_f x n_r x n_c * tests are added for all functions * tests for lognflow.utils is added
------------------- * printprogress can be used as an iterator, test added * time_tag is False by default for copy() * to log MATLAB files, input must be a dictionary. * bug fixed in get_flist to return dirs only as well * all new features for Python 3.10 onwards are removed.